import argparse
import os
import shutil
import signal
import sys
repo_root_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
import subprocess
from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.InstallUtility import InstallUtility
[docs]def cli():
options = {
"vis": {
'hdf5': "Visualizes the content of one or multiple .hdf5 files.",
'coco': "Visualizes the annotations written in coco format."
"extract": {
'hdf5': "Extracts images out of an hdf5 file into separate image files."
"download": {
'blenderkit': "Downloads materials and models from blenderkit.",
'cc_textures': "Downloads textures from",
'haven': "Downloads HDRIs, Textures and Models from",
'ikea': "Downloads the IKEA dataset.",
'pix3d': "Downloads the Pix3D dataset.",
'scenenet': "Downloads the scenenet dataset."
"pip": {
'install': "Installs package in the Blender python environment",
'uninstall': "Uninstalls package in the Blender python environment"
"quickstart": {
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BlenderProc: A procedural Blender pipeline for photorealistic image generation.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Version of BlenderProc')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode', help="Select a BlenderProc command to run:")
# Setup different modes
parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run', help="Runs the BlenderProc pipeline in normal mode.")
parser_quickstart = subparsers.add_parser('quickstart', help="Runs a quickstart script blenderproc/scripts/")
parser_debug = subparsers.add_parser('debug', help="Runs the BlenderProc pipeline in debug mode. This will open the Blender UI, so the 3D scene created by the pipeline can be visually inspected.")
parser_vis = subparsers.add_parser('vis', help="Visualize the content of BlenderProc output files. \nOptions: {}".format(", ".join(options['vis'])), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser_download = subparsers.add_parser('download', help="Download datasets, materials or 3D models to run examples or your own pipeline. \nOptions: {}".format(", ".join(options['download'])), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser_extract = subparsers.add_parser('extract', help="Extract the raw images from generated containers such as hdf5. \nOptions: {}".format(", ".join(options['extract'])), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser_pip = subparsers.add_parser('pip', help="Can be used to install/uninstall pip packages in the Blender python environment. \nOptions: {}".format(", ".join(options['pip'])), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
sub_parser_vis = parser_vis.add_subparsers(dest='vis_mode')
for cmd, help in options['vis'].items():
sub_parser_vis.add_parser(cmd, help=help, add_help=False)
sub_parser_download = parser_download.add_subparsers(dest='download_mode')
for cmd, help in options['download'].items():
sub_parser_download.add_parser(cmd, help=help, add_help=False)
sub_parser_extract = parser_extract.add_subparsers(dest='extract_mode')
for cmd, help in options['extract'].items():
sub_parser_extract.add_parser(cmd, help=help, add_help=False)
format_dict = lambda d : '\n'.join("{}: {}".format(key, value) for key, value in d.items())
parser_pip.add_argument('pip_mode', choices=options['pip'], help=format_dict(options['pip']))
parser_pip.add_argument('pip_packages', metavar='pip_packages', nargs='*', help='A list of pip packages that should be installed/uninstalled. Packages versions can be determined via the `==` notation.')
parser_pip.add_argument('--not-use-custom-package-path', dest='not_use_custom_package_path', action='store_true', help='If set, the pip packages will not be installed into the separate custom package folder, but into blenders python site-packages folder. This should only be used, if a specific pip package cannot be installed into a custom package path.')
# Setup all common arguments of run and debug mode
for subparser in [parser_run, parser_debug, parser_quickstart]:
subparser.add_argument('file', default=None, nargs='?', help='The path to a configuration file which describes what the pipeline should do or a python file which uses BlenderProc via the API.')
subparser.add_argument('--reinstall-blender', dest='reinstall_blender', action='store_true', help='If given, the blender installation is deleted and reinstalled. Is ignored, if a "custom_blender_path" is configured in the configuration file.')
subparser.add_argument('--temp-dir', dest='temp_dir', default=None, help="The path to a directory where all temporary output files should be stored. If it doesn't exist, it is created automatically. Type: string. Default: \"/dev/shm\" or \"/tmp/\" depending on which is available.")
subparser.add_argument('--keep-temp-dir', dest='keep_temp_dir', action='store_true', help="If set, the temporary directory is not removed in the end.")
subparser.add_argument('--force-pip-update', dest='force_pip_update', action='store_true', help="If set, the cache of installed pip packages will be ignored and rebuild based on pip freeze.")
# Setup common arguments of run, debug and pip mode
for subparser in [parser_run, parser_debug, parser_pip, parser_quickstart]:
subparser.add_argument('--blender-install-path', dest='blender_install_path', default=None, help="Set path where blender should be installed. If None is given, /home_local/<env:USER>/blender/ is used per default. This argument is ignored if it is specified in the given YAML config.")
subparser.add_argument('--custom-blender-path', dest='custom_blender_path', default=None, help="Set, if you want to use a custom blender installation to run BlenderProc. If None is given, blender is installed into the configured blender_install_path. This argument is ignored if it is specified in the given YAML config.")
args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
if args.version:
from blenderproc import __version__
elif args.mode in ["run", "debug", "quickstart"]:
if args.mode == 'quickstart':
is_config = False
# Make sure a file is given
if args.file is None :
# Check whether its a python a script or a yaml config
is_config = not args.file.endswith(".py")
# Install blender, if not already done
custom_blender_path, blender_install_path = InstallUtility.determine_blender_install_path(is_config, args, unknown_args)
blender_run_path, major_version = InstallUtility.make_sure_blender_is_installed(custom_blender_path, blender_install_path, args.reinstall_blender)
# Setup script path that should be executed
if args.mode == "quickstart":
path_src_run = os.path.join(repo_root_directory, "blenderproc", "scripts", "")
args.file = path_src_run
print("'blenderproc quickstart' is an alias for 'blenderproc run {}'".format(path_src_run))
elif is_config:
print("\033[33m" + "Warning: Running BlenderProc with config.yaml files is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.\n",
"Please switch to the more intuitive Python API introduced in BlenderProc 2.0. It's easy, you won't regret it." + "\033[0m")
path_src_run = os.path.join(repo_root_directory, "blenderproc", "")
path_src_run = args.file
# Setup temp dir
temp_dir = SetupUtility.determine_temp_dir(args.temp_dir)
# Setup env vars
used_environment = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=repo_root_directory, PYTHONNOUSERSITE="1")
# this is done to enable the import of blenderproc inside of the blender internal python environment
# If pip update is forced, remove pip package cache
if args.force_pip_update:
SetupUtility.clean_installed_packages_cache(os.path.dirname(blender_run_path), major_version)
# Run either in debug or in normal mode
if args.mode == "debug":
p = subprocess.Popen([blender_run_path, "--python-use-system-env", "--python-exit-code", "0", "--python", os.path.join(repo_root_directory, "blenderproc/"), "--", path_src_run if not is_config else args.file, temp_dir] + unknown_args, env=used_environment)
p = subprocess.Popen([blender_run_path, "--background", "--python-use-system-env", "--python-exit-code", "2", "--python", path_src_run, "--", args.file, temp_dir] + unknown_args, env=used_environment)
def clean_temp_dir():
# If temp dir should not be kept and temp dir still exists => remove it
if not args.keep_temp_dir and os.path.exists(temp_dir):
print("Cleaning temporary directory")
# Listen for SIGTERM signal, so we can properly cleanup and and terminate the child process
def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except OSError:
# Clean up
# Import the required entry point
elif args.mode in ["vis", "extract", "download"]:
if args.mode == "vis" and args.vis_mode == "hdf5":
from blenderproc.scripts.visHdf5Files import cli
elif args.mode == "vis" and args.vis_mode == "coco":
from blenderproc.scripts.vis_coco_annotation import cli
elif args.mode == "extract" and args.extract_mode == "hdf5":
from blenderproc.scripts.saveAsImg import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "blenderkit":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_blenderkit import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "cc_textures":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_cc_textures import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "haven":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_haven import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "ikea":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_ikea import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "pix3d":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_pix3d import cli
elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "scenenet":
from blenderproc.scripts.download_scenenet import cli
raise Exception("There is no linked script for the command: {}. Options are: {}".format(args.mode, options[args.mode]))
# Remove the first argument (its the script name)
sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown_args
# Call the script
elif args.mode == "pip":
# Install blender, if not already done
custom_blender_path, blender_install_path = InstallUtility.determine_blender_install_path(False, args, unknown_args)
blender_bin, major_version = InstallUtility.make_sure_blender_is_installed(custom_blender_path, blender_install_path)
blender_path = os.path.dirname(blender_bin)
if args.pip_mode == "install":
SetupUtility.setup_pip(user_required_packages=args.pip_packages, blender_path=blender_path, major_version=major_version, use_custom_package_path=not args.not_use_custom_package_path, install_default_packages=False)
elif args.pip_mode == "uninstall":
SetupUtility.uninstall_pip_packages(args.pip_packages, blender_path=blender_path, major_version=major_version)
# If no command is given, print help
if __name__ == "__main__":