from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, get_all_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
[docs]def light_suncg_scene(lightbulb_emission_strength: float = 15, lampshade_emission_strength: float = 7,
ceiling_emission_strength: float = 1.5):
""" Makes the lamps, windows and ceilings object emit light.
:param lightbulb_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for light bulbs. Default: 15
:param lampshade_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for lamp shades. Default: 7
:param ceiling_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for the ceiling. Default: 1.5
# Read in the materials for lights and windows
lights, windows = Utility.read_suncg_lights_windows_materials()
collection_of_mats: Dict[str, Dict[str, Material]] = {"lamp": {}, "window": {}, "ceiling": {}}
# Make some objects emit lights
for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
if obj.has_cp("modelId"):
obj_id = obj.get_cp("modelId")
# In the case of the lamp
if obj_id in lights:
SuncgLighting._make_lamp_emissive(obj, lights[obj_id], collection_of_mats, lightbulb_emission_strength,
# Make the windows emit light
if obj_id in windows:
SuncgLighting._make_window_emissive(obj, collection_of_mats)
# Also make ceilings slightly emit light
if obj.get_name().startswith("Ceiling#"):
SuncgLighting._make_ceiling_emissive(obj, collection_of_mats, ceiling_emission_strength)
[docs]class SuncgLighting:
[docs] @staticmethod
def _make_lamp_emissive(obj: MeshObject, light: Tuple[List[str], List[str]],
collection_of_mats: Dict[str, Dict[str, Material]],
lightbulb_emission_strength: float = 15,
lampshade_emission_strength: float = 7):
""" Adds an emission shader to the object materials which are specified in the light dictionary
:param obj: The blender object.
:param light: A tuple of two lists. The first list specifies all materials which should act as a lightbulb, the second one lists all materials corresponding to lampshades.
:param collection_of_mats: A dictionary that contains materials for lamps, windows and ceilings.
:param lightbulb_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for light bulbs. Default: 15
:param lampshade_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for lamp shades. Default: 7
for i, m in enumerate(obj.get_materials()):
if m is None:
mat_name = m.get_name()
if "." in mat_name:
mat_name = mat_name[:mat_name.find(".")]
if mat_name in light[0] or mat_name in light[1]:
old_mat_name = m.get_name()
if old_mat_name in collection_of_mats["lamp"]:
# this material was used as a ceiling before use that one
obj.set_material(i, collection_of_mats["lamp"][old_mat_name])
# copy the material if more than one users is using it
if m.get_users() > 1:
m = m.duplicate()
obj.set_material(i, m)
# rename the material
m.set_name(m.get_name() + "_emission")
emission = m.get_nodes_with_type("Emission")
if not emission:
if mat_name in light[0]:
# If the material corresponds to light bulb
emission_strength = lightbulb_emission_strength
# If the material corresponds to a lampshade
emission_strength = lampshade_emission_strength
m.make_emissive(emission_strength, emission_color=m.blender_obj.diffuse_color)
collection_of_mats["lamp"][old_mat_name] = m
[docs] @staticmethod
def _make_window_emissive(obj: MeshObject, collection_of_mats: Dict[str, Dict[str, Material]]):
""" Makes the given window object emissive.
For each material with alpha < 1.
Uses a light path node to make it emit light, but at the same time look like a principle material.
Otherwise windows would be completely white.
:param obj: A window object.
:param collection_of_mats: A dictionary that contains materials for lamps, windows and ceilings.
for i, m in enumerate(obj.get_materials()):
if m is None:
# All parameters imported from the .mtl file are stored inside the principled bsdf node
principled_node = m.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled")
alpha = principled_node.inputs['Alpha'].default_value
if alpha < 1:
mat_name = m.get_name()
if mat_name in collection_of_mats["window"]:
# this material was used as a ceiling before use that one
obj.set_material(i, collection_of_mats["window"][mat_name])
# copy the material if more than one users is using it
if m.get_users() > 1:
m = m.duplicate()
obj.set_material(i, m)
# rename the material
m.set_name(m.get_name() + "_emission")
if not m.get_nodes_with_type('Emission'):
transparent_node = m.new_node('ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse')
transparent_node.inputs['Color'].default_value[:3] = (0.285, 0.5, 0.48)
m.make_emissive(emission_strength=10, emission_color=[1, 1, 1, 1],
collection_of_mats["window"][mat_name] = m
[docs] @staticmethod
def _make_ceiling_emissive(obj: MeshObject, collection_of_mats: Dict[str, Dict[str, Material]],
ceiling_emission_strength: float = 1.5):
""" Makes the given ceiling object emissive, s.t. there is always a little bit ambient light.
:param obj: The ceiling object.
:param collection_of_mats: A dictionary that contains materials for lamps, windows and ceilings.
:param ceiling_emission_strength: The emission strength that should be used for the ceiling. Default: 1.5
for i, m in enumerate(obj.get_materials()):
if m is None:
mat_name = m.get_name()
if mat_name in collection_of_mats["ceiling"]:
# this material was used as a ceiling before use that one
obj.set_material(i, collection_of_mats["ceiling"][mat_name])
# copy the material if more than one users is using it
if m.get_users() > 1:
m = m.duplicate()
obj.set_material(i, m)
# rename the material
m.set_name(m.get_name() + "_emission")
if not m.get_nodes_with_type("Emission") and m.get_nodes_with_type("BsdfPrincipled"):
m.make_emissive(emission_strength=ceiling_emission_strength, emission_color=[1, 1, 1, 1])
collection_of_mats["ceiling"][mat_name] = m