Source code for blenderproc.python.loader.AMASSLoader

from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility

import glob
import json
import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple

import bpy
import mathutils
import numpy as np

from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj

[docs]def load_AMASS(data_path: str, sub_dataset_id: str, temp_dir: str = None, body_model_gender: str = None, subject_id: str = "", sequence_id: int = -1, frame_id: int = -1, num_betas: int = 10, num_dmpls: int = 8) -> List[MeshObject]: """ use the pose parameters to generate the mesh and loads it to the scene. :param data_path: The path to the AMASS Dataset folder in resources folder. :param sub_dataset_id: Identifier for the sub dataset, the dataset which the human pose object should be extracted from. Available: ['CMU', 'Transitions_mocap', 'MPI_Limits', 'SSM_synced', 'TotalCapture', 'Eyes_Japan_Dataset', 'MPI_mosh', 'MPI_HDM05', 'HumanEva', 'ACCAD', 'EKUT', 'SFU', 'KIT', 'H36M', 'TCD_handMocap', 'BML'] :param temp_dir: A temp directory which is used for writing the temporary .obj file. :param body_model_gender: The model gender, pose will represented using male, female or neutral body shape. Available:[male, female, neutral]. If None is selected a random one is choosen. :param subject_id: Type of motion from which the pose should be extracted, this is dataset dependent parameter. If left empty a random subject id is picked. :param sequence_id: Sequence id in the dataset, sequences are the motion recorded to represent certain action. If set to -1 a random sequence id is selected. :param frame_id: Frame id in a selected motion sequence. If none is selected a random one is picked :param num_betas: Number of body parameters :param num_dmpls: Number of DMPL parameters :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ if body_model_gender is None: body_model_gender = random.choice(["male", "female", "neutral"]) if temp_dir is None: temp_dir = Utility.get_temporary_directory() # Install required additonal packages SetupUtility.setup_pip(["git+", "git+"]) # Get the currently supported mocap datasets by this loader taxonomy_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, "taxonomy.json") supported_mocap_datasets = AMASSLoader._get_supported_mocap_datasets(taxonomy_file_path, data_path) # selected_obj = self._files_with_fitting_ids pose_body, betas = AMASSLoader._get_pose_parameters(supported_mocap_datasets, num_betas, sub_dataset_id, subject_id, sequence_id, frame_id) # load parametric Model body_model, faces = AMASSLoader._load_parametric_body_model(data_path, body_model_gender, num_betas, num_dmpls) # Generate Body representations using SMPL model body_repr = body_model(pose_body=pose_body, betas=betas) # Generate .obj file represents the selected pose generated_obj = AMASSLoader._write_body_mesh_to_obj_file(body_repr, faces, temp_dir) loaded_obj = load_obj(generated_obj) AMASSLoader._correct_materials(loaded_obj) # set the shading mode explicitly to smooth for obj in loaded_obj: obj.set_shading_mode("SMOOTH") # removes the x axis rotation found in all ShapeNet objects, this is caused by importing .obj files # the object has the same pose as before, just that the rotation_euler is now [0, 0, 0] for obj in loaded_obj: obj.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=False, rotation=True, scale=False) # move the origin of the object to the world origin and on top of the X-Y plane # makes it easier to place them later on, this does not change the `.location` for obj in loaded_obj: obj.move_origin_to_bottom_mean_point() bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') return loaded_obj
[docs]class AMASSLoader: """ AMASS is a large database of human motion unifying 15 different optical marker-based motion capture datasets by representing them within a common framework and parameterization. All of the mocap data is convereted into realistic 3D human meshes represented by a rigged body model called SMPL, which provides a standard skeletal representation as well as a fully rigged surface mesh. Warning: Only one part of the AMASS database is currently supported by the loader! Please refer to the AMASSLoader example for more information about the currently supported datasets. Any human pose recorded in these motions could be reconstructed using the following parameters: `"sub_dataset_identifier"`, `"sequence id"`, `"frame id"` and `"model gender"` which will represent the pose, these parameters specify the exact pose to be generated based on the selected mocap dataset and motion category recorded in this dataset. Note: if this module is used with another loader that loads objects with semantic mapping, make sure the other module is loaded first in the config file. """ # hex values for human skin tone to sample from human_skin_colors = ['2D221E', '3C2E28', '4B3932', '5A453C', '695046', '785C50', '87675A', '967264', 'A57E6E', 'B48A78', 'C39582', 'D2A18C', 'E1AC96', 'F0B8A0', 'FFC3AA', 'FFCEB4', 'FFDABE', 'FFE5C8']
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_pose_parameters(supported_mocap_datasets: dict, num_betas: int, used_sub_dataset_id: str, used_subject_id: str, used_sequence_id: int, used_frame_id: int) -> Tuple["torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor"]: """ Extract pose and shape parameters corresponding to the requested pose from the database to be processed by the parametric model :param supported_mocap_datasets: A dict which maps sub dataset names to their paths. :param num_betas: Number of body parameters :param used_sub_dataset_id: Identifier for the sub dataset, the dataset which the human pose object should be extracted from. :param used_subject_id: Type of motion from which the pose should be extracted, this is dataset dependent parameter. :param used_sequence_id: Sequence id in the dataset, sequences are the motion recorded to represent certain action. :param used_frame_id: Frame id in a selected motion sequence. If none is selected a random one is picked :return: tuple of arrays contains the parameters. Type: tuple """ import torch # check if the sub_dataset is supported if used_sub_dataset_id in supported_mocap_datasets: # get path from dictionary sub_dataset_path = supported_mocap_datasets[used_sub_dataset_id] # concatenate path to specific if not used_subject_id: # if none was selected possible_subject_ids = glob.glob(os.path.join(sub_dataset_path, "*")) possible_subject_ids.sort() if len(possible_subject_ids) > 0: used_subject_id_str = os.path.basename(random.choice(possible_subject_ids)) else: raise Exception("No subjects found in folder: {}".format(sub_dataset_path)) else: used_subject_id_str = "{:02d}".format(int(used_subject_id)) if used_sequence_id < 0: # if no sequence id was selected possible_sequence_ids = glob.glob(os.path.join(sub_dataset_path, used_subject_id_str, "*")) possible_sequence_ids.sort() if len(possible_sequence_ids) > 0: used_sequence_id = os.path.basename(random.choice(possible_sequence_ids)) used_sequence_id = used_sequence_id[used_sequence_id.find("_")+1:used_sequence_id.rfind("_")] else: raise Exception("No sequences found in folder: {}".format(os.path.join(sub_dataset_path, used_subject_id_str))) else: used_sequence_id = used_sequence_id subject_path = os.path.join(sub_dataset_path, used_subject_id_str) used_subject_id_str_reduced = used_subject_id_str[:used_subject_id_str.find("_")] \ if "_" in used_subject_id_str else used_subject_id_str sequence_path = os.path.join(subject_path, used_subject_id_str_reduced + "_{:02d}_poses.npz".format(int(used_sequence_id))) if os.path.exists(sequence_path): # load AMASS dataset sequence file which contains the coefficients for the whole motion sequence sequence_body_data = np.load(sequence_path) # get the number of supported frames no_of_frames_per_sequence = sequence_body_data['poses'].shape[0] if used_frame_id < 0: frame_id = random.randint(0, no_of_frames_per_sequence) # pick a random id else: frame_id = used_frame_id # Extract Body Model coefficients if frame_id in range(0, no_of_frames_per_sequence): # use GPU to accelerate mesh calculations comp_device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # parameters that control the body pose # refer to, Section 3.1 for more information about the parameter representation and the below chosen values pose_body = torch.Tensor(sequence_body_data['poses'][frame_id:frame_id + 1, 3:66]).to(comp_device) # parameters that control the body shape betas = torch.Tensor(sequence_body_data['betas'][:num_betas][np.newaxis]).to(comp_device) return pose_body, betas else: raise Exception( "Requested frame id is beyond sequence range, for the selected sequence, chooose frame id " "within the following range: [{}, {}]".format(0, no_of_frames_per_sequence)) else: raise Exception( "Invalid sequence/subject: {} category identifiers, please choose a " "valid one. Used path: {}".format(used_subject_id, sequence_path)) else: raise Exception( "The requested mocap dataset is not yest supported, please choose anothe one from the following " "supported datasets: {}".format([key for key, value in supported_mocap_datasets.items()]))
[docs] @staticmethod def _load_parametric_body_model(data_path: str, used_body_model_gender: str, num_betas: int, num_dmpls: int) -> Tuple["BodyModel", np.array]: """ loads the parametric model that is used to generate the mesh object :return: parametric model. Type: tuple. """ import torch from human_body_prior.body_model.body_model import BodyModel bm_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'body_models', 'smplh', used_body_model_gender, 'model.npz') # body model dmpl_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'body_models', 'dmpls', used_body_model_gender, 'model.npz') # deformation model if not os.path.exists(bm_path) or not os.path.exists(dmpl_path): raise Exception("Parametric Body model doesn't exist, please follow download instructions section in AMASS Example") comp_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") body_model = BodyModel(bm_path=bm_path, num_betas=num_betas, num_dmpls=num_dmpls, path_dmpl=dmpl_path).to(comp_device) faces = body_model.f.detach().cpu().numpy() return body_model, faces
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_supported_mocap_datasets(taxonomy_file_path: str, data_path: str) -> dict: """ get latest updated list from taxonomoy json file about the supported mocap datasets supported in the loader module and update.supported_mocap_datasets list :param taxonomy_file_path: path to taxomomy.json file which contains the supported datasets and their respective paths. Type: string. :param data_path: path to the AMASS dataset root folder. Type: string. """ # dictionary contains mocap dataset name and path to its sub folder within the main dataset, dictionary will # be filled from taxonomy.json file which indicates the supported datastests supported_mocap_datasets = {} if os.path.exists(taxonomy_file_path): with open(taxonomy_file_path, "r") as f: loaded_data = json.load(f) for block in loaded_data: if "sub_data_id" in block: sub_dataset_id = block["sub_data_id"] supported_mocap_datasets[sub_dataset_id] = os.path.join(data_path, block["path"]) else: raise Exception("The taxonomy file could not be found: {}".format(taxonomy_file_path)) return supported_mocap_datasets
[docs] @staticmethod def _write_body_mesh_to_obj_file(body_represenstation: "torch.Tensor", faces: np.array, temp_dir: str) -> str: """ write the generated pose as obj file on the desk. :param body_represenstation: parameters generated from the BodyModel model which represent the obj pose and shape. Type: torch.Tensor :param faces: face parametric model which is used to generate the face mesh. Type: numpy.array :return: path to generated obj file. Type: string. """ # Generate temp object with name = timestamp starttime = obj_file_name = datetime.strftime(starttime, '%Y%m%d_%H%M') + ".obj" # Write to an .obj file outmesh_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, obj_file_name) with open(outmesh_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write("".join(['v {:f} {:f} {:f}\n'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2]) for v in body_represenstation.v[0].detach().cpu().numpy()])) fp.write("".join(['f {} {} {}\n'.format(f[0], f[1], f[2]) for f in faces + 1])) return outmesh_path
[docs] @staticmethod def _correct_materials(objects: List[MeshObject]): """ If the used material contains an alpha texture, the alpha texture has to be flipped to be correct :param objects: Mesh objects where the material might be wrong. """ for obj in objects: for material in obj.get_materials(): if material is None: continue # Create a principled node and set the default color principled_bsdf = material.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled") # Pick random skin color value skin_tone_hex = np.random.choice(AMASSLoader.human_skin_colors) skin_tone_rgb = Utility.hex_to_rgba(skin_tone_hex)[:3] # this is done to make the chance higher that the representation of skin tones is more diverse skin_tone_fac = random.uniform(0.0, 1) skin_tone_rgb = [value * skin_tone_fac for value in skin_tone_rgb] principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = mathutils.Vector([*skin_tone_rgb, 1.0]) principled_bsdf.inputs["Subsurface"].default_value = 0.2 principled_bsdf.inputs["Subsurface Color"].default_value = mathutils.Vector([*skin_tone_rgb, 1.0]) # darker skin looks better when made less specular principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular"].default_value = np.mean(skin_tone_rgb) / 255.0 texture_nodes = material.get_nodes_with_type("ShaderNodeTexImage") if texture_nodes and len(texture_nodes) > 1: # find the image texture node which is connect to alpha node_connected_to_the_alpha = None for node_links in principled_bsdf.inputs["Alpha"].links: if "ShaderNodeTexImage" in node_links.from_node.bl_idname: node_connected_to_the_alpha = node_links.from_node # if a node was found which is connected to the alpha node, add an invert between the two if node_connected_to_the_alpha is not None: invert_node = material.new_node("ShaderNodeInvert") invert_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 1.0 material.insert_node_instead_existing_link(node_connected_to_the_alpha.outputs["Color"], invert_node.inputs["Color"], invert_node.outputs["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Alpha"])