Source code for blenderproc.python.loader.Front3DLoader

import json
import os
import warnings
from math import radians
from typing import List, Mapping
import bpy
import mathutils
import numpy as np
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

from blenderproc.python.material import MaterialLoaderUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.LabelIdMapping import LabelIdMapping
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_with_empty_mesh
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import resolve_path
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj
from blenderproc.python.loader.TextureLoader import load_texture

[docs]def load_front3d(json_path: str, future_model_path: str, front_3D_texture_path: str, label_mapping: LabelIdMapping, ceiling_light_strength: float = 0.8, lamp_light_strength: float = 7.0) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Loads the 3D-Front scene specified by the given json file. :param json_path: Path to the json file, where the house information is stored. :param future_model_path: Path to the models used in the 3D-Front dataset. :param front_3D_texture_path: Path to the 3D-FRONT-texture folder. :param label_mapping: A dict which maps the names of the objects to ids. :param ceiling_light_strength: Strength of the emission shader used in the ceiling. :param lamp_light_strength: Strength of the emission shader used in each lamp. :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ json_path = resolve_path(json_path) future_model_path = resolve_path(future_model_path) front_3D_texture_path = resolve_path(front_3D_texture_path) if not os.path.exists(json_path): raise Exception("The given path does not exists: {}".format(json_path)) if not json_path.endswith(".json"): raise Exception("The given path does not point to a .json file: {}".format(json_path)) if not os.path.exists(future_model_path): raise Exception("The 3D future model path does not exist: {}".format(future_model_path)) # load data from json file with open(json_path, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) if "scene" not in data: raise Exception("There is no scene data in this json file: {}".format(json_path)) created_objects = Front3DLoader._create_mesh_objects_from_file(data, front_3D_texture_path, ceiling_light_strength, label_mapping, json_path) all_loaded_furniture = Front3DLoader._load_furniture_objs(data, future_model_path, lamp_light_strength, label_mapping) created_objects += Front3DLoader._move_and_duplicate_furniture(data, all_loaded_furniture) # add an identifier to the obj for obj in created_objects: obj.set_cp("is_3d_front", True) return created_objects
[docs]class Front3DLoader: """ Loads the 3D-Front dataset. Each object gets the name based on the category/type, on top of that you can use a mapping specified in the resources/front_3D folder. The dataset already supports semantic segmentation with either the 3D-Front classes or the nyu classes. As we have created this mapping ourselves it might be faulty. The Front3DLoader creates automatically lights in the scene, by adding emission shaders to the ceiling and lamps. """
[docs] @staticmethod def _extract_hash_nr_for_texture(given_url: str, front_3D_texture_path: str) -> str: """ Constructs the path of the hash folder and checks if the texture is available if not it is downloaded :param given_url: The url of the texture :param front_3D_texture_path: The path to where the texture are saved :return: The hash id, which is used in the url """ # extract the hash nr from the given url hash_nr = given_url.split("/")[-2] hash_folder = os.path.join(front_3D_texture_path, hash_nr) if not os.path.exists(hash_folder): # download the file os.makedirs(hash_folder) warnings.warn(f"This texture: {hash_nr} could not be found it will be downloaded.") # replace https with http as ssl connection out of blender are difficult urlretrieve(given_url.replace("https://", "http://"), os.path.join(hash_folder, "texture.png")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(hash_folder, "texture.png")): raise Exception(f"The texture could not be found, the following url was used: " f"{front_3D_texture_path}, this is the extracted hash: {hash_nr}, " f"given url: {given_url}") return hash_folder
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_used_image(hash_folder_path: str, saved_image_dict: Mapping[str, bpy.types.Texture]) -> bpy.types.Texture: """ Returns a texture object for the given hash_folder_path, the textures are stored in the saved_image_dict, to avoid that texture are loaded multiple times :param hash_folder_path: Path to the hash folder :param saved_image_dict: Dict which maps the hash_folder_paths to bpy.types.Texture :return: The loaded texture bpy.types.Texture """ if hash_folder_path in saved_image_dict: ret_used_image = saved_image_dict[hash_folder_path] else: textures = load_texture(hash_folder_path) if len(textures) != 1: raise Exception(f"There is not just one texture: {len(textures)}") ret_used_image = textures[0].image saved_image_dict[hash_folder_path] = ret_used_image return ret_used_image
[docs] @staticmethod def _create_mesh_objects_from_file(data: dict, front_3D_texture_path: str, ceiling_light_strength: float, label_mapping: LabelIdMapping, json_path: str) -> List[MeshObject]: """ This creates for a given data json block all defined meshes and assigns the correct materials. This means that the json file contains some mesh, like walls and floors, which have to built up manually. It also already adds the lighting for the ceiling :param data: json data dir. Must contain "material" and "mesh" :param front_3D_texture_path: Path to the 3D-FRONT-texture folder. :param ceiling_light_strength: Strength of the emission shader used in the ceiling. :param label_mapping: A dict which maps the names of the objects to ids. :param json_path: Path to the json file, where the house information is stored. :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ # extract all used materials -> there are more materials defined than used used_materials = [] for mat in data["material"]: used_materials.append({"uid": mat["uid"], "texture": mat["texture"], "normaltexture": mat["normaltexture"], "color": mat["color"]}) created_objects = [] # maps loaded images from image file path to bpy.type.image saved_images = {} saved_normal_images = {} # materials based on colors to avoid recreating the same material over and over used_materials_based_on_color = {} # materials based on texture to avoid recreating the same material over and over used_materials_based_on_texture = {} for mesh_data in data["mesh"]: # extract the obj name, which also is used as the category_id name used_obj_name = mesh_data["type"].strip() if used_obj_name == "": used_obj_name = "void" if "material" not in mesh_data: warnings.warn(f"Material is not defined for {used_obj_name} in this file: {json_path}") continue # create a new mesh obj = create_with_empty_mesh(used_obj_name, used_obj_name + "_mesh") created_objects.append(obj) # set two custom properties, first that it is a 3D_future object and second the category_id obj.set_cp("is_3D_future", True) obj.set_cp("category_id", label_mapping.id_from_label(used_obj_name.lower())) # get the material uid of the current mesh data current_mat = mesh_data["material"] used_mat = None # search in the used materials after this uid for u_mat in used_materials: if u_mat["uid"] == current_mat: used_mat = u_mat break # If there should be a material used if used_mat: if used_mat["texture"]: # extract the has folder is from the url and download it if necessary hash_folder = Front3DLoader._extract_hash_nr_for_texture(used_mat["texture"], front_3D_texture_path) if hash_folder in used_materials_based_on_texture and "ceiling" not in used_obj_name.lower(): mat = used_materials_based_on_texture[hash_folder] obj.add_material(mat) else: # Create a new material mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(name=used_obj_name + "_material") principled_node = mat.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled") if used_mat["color"]: principled_node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = mathutils.Vector(used_mat["color"]) / 255.0 used_image = Front3DLoader._get_used_image(hash_folder, saved_images) mat.set_principled_shader_value("Base Color", used_image) if "ceiling" in used_obj_name.lower(): mat.make_emissive(ceiling_light_strength, emission_color=mathutils.Vector(used_mat["color"]) / 255.0) if used_mat["normaltexture"]: # get the used image based on the normal texture path # extract the has folder is from the url and download it if necessary hash_folder = Front3DLoader._extract_hash_nr_for_texture(used_mat["normaltexture"], front_3D_texture_path) used_image = Front3DLoader._get_used_image(hash_folder, saved_normal_images) # create normal texture normal_texture = MaterialLoaderUtility.create_image_node(mat.nodes, used_image, True) normal_map ="ShaderNodeNormalMap") normal_map.inputs["Strength"].default_value = 1.0["Color"], normal_map.inputs["Color"]) # connect normal texture to principled shader mat.set_principled_shader_value("Normal", normal_map.outputs["Normal"]) obj.add_material(mat) used_materials_based_on_texture[hash_folder] = mat # if there is a normal color used elif used_mat["color"]: used_hash = tuple(used_mat["color"]) if used_hash in used_materials_based_on_color and "ceiling" not in used_obj_name.lower(): mat = used_materials_based_on_color[used_hash] else: # Create a new material mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(name=used_obj_name + "_material") # create a principled node and set the default color principled_node = mat.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled") principled_node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = mathutils.Vector(used_mat["color"]) / 255.0 # if the object is a ceiling add some light output if "ceiling" in used_obj_name.lower(): mat.make_emissive(ceiling_light_strength, emission_color=mathutils.Vector(used_mat["color"]) / 255.0) else: used_materials_based_on_color[used_hash] = mat # as this material was just created the material is just append it to the empty list obj.add_material(mat) # extract the vertices from the mesh_data vert = [float(ele) for ele in mesh_data["xyz"]] # extract the faces from the mesh_data faces = mesh_data["faces"] # extract the normals from the mesh_data normal = [float(ele) for ele in mesh_data["normal"]] # map those to the blender coordinate system num_vertices = int(len(vert) / 3) vertices = np.reshape(np.array(vert), [num_vertices, 3]) normal = np.reshape(np.array(normal), [num_vertices, 3]) # flip the first and second value vertices[:, 1], vertices[:, 2] = vertices[:, 2], vertices[:, 1].copy() normal[:, 1], normal[:, 2] = normal[:, 2], normal[:, 1].copy() # reshape back to a long list vertices = np.reshape(vertices, [num_vertices * 3]) normal = np.reshape(normal, [num_vertices * 3]) # add this new data to the mesh object mesh = obj.get_mesh() mesh.vertices.add(num_vertices) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", vertices) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("normal", normal) # link the faces as vertex indices num_vertex_indicies = len(faces) mesh.loops.add(num_vertex_indicies) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", faces) # the loops are set based on how the faces are a ranged num_loops = int(num_vertex_indicies / 3) mesh.polygons.add(num_loops) # always 3 vertices form one triangle loop_start = np.arange(0, num_vertex_indicies, 3) # the total size of each triangle is therefore 3 loop_total = [3] * num_loops mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", loop_start) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", loop_total) # the uv coordinates are reshaped then the face coords are extracted uv_mesh_data = [float(ele) for ele in mesh_data["uv"] if ele is not None] # bb1737bf-dae6-4215-bccf-fab6f584046b.json includes one mesh which only has no UV mapping if uv_mesh_data: uv = np.reshape(np.array(uv_mesh_data), [num_vertices, 2]) used_uvs = uv[faces, :] # and again reshaped back to the long list used_uvs = np.reshape(used_uvs, [2 * num_vertex_indicies])"new_uv_layer") mesh.uv_layers[-1].data.foreach_set("uv", used_uvs) else: warnings.warn(f"This mesh {} does not have a specified uv map!") # this update converts the upper data into a mesh mesh.update() # the generation might fail if the data does not line up # this is not used as even if the data does not line up it is still able to render the objects # We assume that not all meshes in the dataset do conform with the mesh standards set in blender #result = mesh.validate(verbose=False) #if result: # raise Exception("The generation of the mesh: {} failed!".format(used_obj_name)) return created_objects
[docs] @staticmethod def _load_furniture_objs(data: dict, future_model_path: str, lamp_light_strength: float, label_mapping: LabelIdMapping) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Load all furniture objects specified in the json file, these objects are stored as "raw_model.obj" in the 3D_future_model_path. For lamp the lamp_light_strength value can be changed via the config. :param data: json data dir. Should contain "furniture" :param future_model_path: Path to the models used in the 3D-Front dataset. :param lamp_light_strength: Strength of the emission shader used in each lamp. :param label_mapping: A dict which maps the names of the objects to ids. :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ # collect all loaded furniture objects all_objs = [] # for each furniture element for ele in data["furniture"]: # create the paths based on the "jid" folder_path = os.path.join(future_model_path, ele["jid"]) obj_file = os.path.join(folder_path, "raw_model.obj") # if the object exists load it -> a lot of object do not exist # we are unsure why this is -> we assume that not all objects have been made public if os.path.exists(obj_file) and not "7e101ef3-7722-4af8-90d5-7c562834fabd" in obj_file: # load all objects from this .obj file objs = load_obj(filepath=obj_file) # extract the name, which serves as category id used_obj_name = "" if "category" in ele: used_obj_name = ele["category"] elif "title" in ele: used_obj_name = ele["title"] if "/" in used_obj_name: used_obj_name = used_obj_name.split("/")[0] if used_obj_name == "": used_obj_name = "others" for obj in objs: obj.set_name(used_obj_name) # add some custom properties obj.set_cp("uid", ele["uid"]) # this custom property determines if the object was used before # is needed to only clone the second appearance of this object obj.set_cp("is_used", False) obj.set_cp("is_3D_future", True) obj.set_cp("type", "Non-Object") # is an non object used for the interesting score # set the category id based on the used obj name obj.set_cp("category_id", label_mapping.id_from_label(used_obj_name.lower())) # walk over all materials for mat in obj.get_materials(): if mat is None: continue principled_node = mat.get_nodes_with_type("BsdfPrincipled") if "bed" in used_obj_name.lower() or "sofa" in used_obj_name.lower(): if len(principled_node) == 1: principled_node[0].inputs["Roughness"].default_value = 0.5 is_lamp = "lamp" in used_obj_name.lower() if len(principled_node) == 0 and is_lamp: # this material has already been transformed continue elif len(principled_node) == 1: principled_node = principled_node[0] else: raise Exception("The amount of principle nodes can not be more than 1, " "for obj: {}!".format(obj.get_name())) # Front3d .mtl files contain emission color which make the object mistakenly emissive # => Reset the emission color principled_node.inputs["Emission"].default_value[:3] = [0, 0, 0] # For each a texture node image_node = mat.new_node('ShaderNodeTexImage') # and load the texture.png base_image_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "texture.png") image_node.image =, check_existing=True)['Color'], principled_node.inputs['Base Color']) # if the object is a lamp, do the same as for the ceiling and add an emission shader if is_lamp: mat.make_emissive(lamp_light_strength) all_objs.extend(objs) elif "7e101ef3-7722-4af8-90d5-7c562834fabd" in obj_file: warnings.warn(f"This file {obj_file} was skipped as it can not be read by blender.") return all_objs
[docs] @staticmethod def _move_and_duplicate_furniture(data: dict, all_loaded_furniture: list) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Move and duplicate the furniture depending on the data in the data json dir. After loading each object gets a location based on the data in the json file. Some objects are used more than once these are duplicated and then placed. :param data: json data dir. Should contain "scene", which should contain "room" :param all_loaded_furniture: all objects which have been loaded in _load_furniture_objs :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ # this rotation matrix rotates the given quaternion into the blender coordinate system blender_rot_mat = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(radians(-90), 4, 'X') created_objects = [] # for each room for room_id, room in enumerate(data["scene"]["room"]): # for each object in that room for child in room["children"]: if "furniture" in child["instanceid"]: # find the object where the uid matches the child ref id for obj in all_loaded_furniture: if obj.get_cp("uid") == child["ref"]: # if the object was used before, duplicate the object and move that duplicated obj if obj.get_cp("is_used"): new_obj = obj.duplicate() else: # if it is the first time use the object directly new_obj = obj created_objects.append(new_obj) new_obj.set_cp("is_used", True) new_obj.set_cp("room_id", room_id) new_obj.set_cp("type", "Object") # is an object used for the interesting score new_obj.set_cp("coarse_grained_class", new_obj.get_cp("category_id")) # this flips the y and z coordinate to bring it to the blender coordinate system new_obj.set_location(mathutils.Vector(child["pos"]).xzy) new_obj.set_scale(child["scale"]) # extract the quaternion and convert it to a rotation matrix rotation_mat = mathutils.Quaternion(child["rot"]).to_euler().to_matrix().to_4x4() # transform it into the blender coordinate system and then to an euler new_obj.set_rotation_euler((blender_rot_mat @ rotation_mat).to_euler()) return created_objects