Source code for blenderproc.python.loader.ReplicaLoader

import os
from typing import List, Union
from pathlib import Path
import json

import numpy as np

from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_with_empty_mesh
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj

[docs]def load_replica_segmented_mesh(data_path: Union[str, Path], data_set_name: str, use_smooth_shading: bool = False) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Loads a segmented replica file :param data_path: The path to the data folder, where all rooms are saved. :param data_set_name: Name of the room (for example: apartment_0). :param use_smooth_shading: if set to True all objects loaded, will have smooth shading activated :return: The list of loaded and separated mesh objects. """ try: import plyfile except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("This function needs the plyfile lib, install it via:\n\tblenderproc pip install plyfile") if isinstance(data_path, str): data_path = Path(data_path) current_folder = data_path / data_set_name if not current_folder.exists(): raise Exception(f"The dataset folder: \"{current_folder}\" does not exist!") json_file_path = current_folder / "habitat" / "info_semantic.json" class_mapping = {} with open(json_file_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) for ele in data["classes"]: if "id" in ele: class_mapping[ele["id"]] = ele["name"] for ele in data["objects"]: if "id" in ele: class_mapping[ele["id"]] = ele["class_name"] ply_segmented_path = current_folder / "habitat" / "mesh_semantic.ply" if not ply_segmented_path.exists(): raise Exception(f"Could not find \"{ply_segmented_path}\", the path was created automatically.") plydata = vertex_data = np.array([e.tolist() for e in plydata["vertex"]]) vertices = vertex_data[:, :3] normals = vertex_data[:, 3:6] # add alpha channel colors = np.concatenate([vertex_data[:, 6:].astype(float) / 255.0, np.ones((vertex_data.shape[0], 1))], axis=-1) # extract the face indices and the class ids face_indices = np.array([e.tolist()[0] for e in plydata["face"]]) class_face_ids = np.array([e.tolist()[1] for e in plydata["face"]]) used_class_ids = np.unique(class_face_ids) objs = [] for current_class_id in used_class_ids: if current_class_id in class_mapping: used_obj_name = class_mapping[current_class_id] else: used_obj_name = "undefined" obj = create_with_empty_mesh(used_obj_name, used_obj_name + "_mesh") # add this new data to the mesh object mesh = obj.get_mesh() # first select all currently used faces, based on the object id current_face_indices = face_indices[class_face_ids == current_class_id] amount_of_vertices = current_face_indices.shape[1] current_face_indices = current_face_indices.reshape(-1) # as we add all vertices used for the current object, the face indices order is just from 0 # to amount of vertices vertex_indices = np.arange(0, current_face_indices.shape[0]) # add vertices mesh.vertices.add(current_face_indices.shape[0]) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", vertices[current_face_indices].reshape(-1)) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("normal", normals[current_face_indices].reshape(-1)) # add faces num_vertex_indicies = len(vertex_indices) mesh.loops.add(num_vertex_indicies) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", vertex_indices) # the loops are set based on how the faces are a ranged num_loops = int(num_vertex_indicies // amount_of_vertices) mesh.polygons.add(num_loops) # always amount_of_vertices vertices form one polygon loop_start = np.arange(0, num_vertex_indicies, amount_of_vertices) # the total size of each triangle is therefore amount_of_vertices loop_total = [amount_of_vertices] * num_loops mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", loop_start) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", loop_total) # this update is needed else the vertex colors can't be set mesh.update() # check if the mesh already has some vertex colors if not mesh.vertex_colors: # get the newly created vertex colors color_layer = mesh.vertex_colors["Col"]"color", colors[current_face_indices].reshape(-1)) # one final update to integrate the vertex colors mesh.update() objs.append(obj) # add smoothing if requested if use_smooth_shading: for obj in objs: obj.set_shading_mode("SMOOTH") return objs
[docs]def load_replica(data_path: str, data_set_name: str, use_smooth_shading: bool = False) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Just imports the configured .ply file straight into blender for the replica case. :param data_path: The path to the data folder, where all rooms are saved. :param data_set_name: Name of the room (for example: apartment_0). :param use_smooth_shading: Enable smooth shading on all surfaces, instead of flat shading. :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ file_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_set_name, 'mesh.ply') loaded_objects = load_obj(file_path) if use_smooth_shading: for obj in loaded_objects: obj.set_shading_mode("SMOOTH") return loaded_objects