from typing import List, Union, Optional
import os
import warnings
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
import numpy as np
import bpy
from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_materials
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj
from blenderproc.python.material import MaterialLoaderUtility
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_primitive
from blenderproc.python.types.URDFUtility import URDFObject
from blenderproc.python.types.LinkUtility import Link
from blenderproc.python.types.InertialUtility import Inertial
from blenderproc.python.filter.Filter import one_by_attr
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import create_with_empty_mesh
from blenderproc.python.types.BoneUtility import set_location_constraint, set_rotation_constraint, \
[docs]def load_urdf(urdf_file: str, weight_distribution: str = 'rigid',
fk_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = [0., -1., 0.],
ik_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = [0., 1., 0.]) -> URDFObject:
""" Loads an urdf object from an URDF file.
:param urdf_file: Path to the URDF file.
:param weight_distribution: One of ['envelope', 'automatic', 'rigid']. For more information please see
:param fk_offset: Offset between fk (forward kinematic) bone chain and link bone chain. This does not have any effect on the
transformations, but can be useful for visualization in blender.
:param ik_offset: Offset between ik (inverse kinematic) bone chain and link bone chain. Effects on the transformation (e.g.
`urdf_object.set_location_ik()`) are being handled internally. Useful for visualization in
:return: URDF object instance.
# install urdfpy
from urdfpy import URDF
# load urdf tree representation
urdf_tree = URDF.load(urdf_file)
# create new empty armature
armature = bpy.context.active_object =
# remove initially created bone
# recursively create bones, starting at the base bone(s)
base_joints = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(, urdf_tree.joints)
for base_joint in base_joints:
create_bone(armature, base_joint, urdf_tree.joints, parent_bone_name=None, create_recursive=True,
fk_offset=fk_offset, ik_offset=ik_offset)
# load links
links = load_links(urdf_tree.links, urdf_tree.joints, armature, urdf_path=urdf_file)
# propagate poses through the links
for base_joint in base_joints:
propagate_pose(links, base_joint, urdf_tree.joints, armature)
# parent links with the bone
for link in links:
# set to forward kinematics per default
for link in links:
urdf_object = URDFObject(armature, links=links, xml_tree=urdf_tree)
# hide all inertial and collision objects per default
return urdf_object
[docs]def get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(link_name: str, joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"]) -> List["urdfpy.Joint"]:
""" Returns a list of joints which have a specific link as parent.
:param link_name: Name of the link.
:param joint_trees: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
:return: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
return [joint_tree for i, joint_tree in enumerate(joint_trees) if joint_tree.parent == link_name]
[docs]def get_joints_which_have_link_as_child(link_name: str, joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"]) -> Optional["urdfpy.Joint"]:
""" Returns the joint which is the parent of a specific link.
:param link_name: Name of the link.
:param joint_trees: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
:return: List of urdfpy.Joint objects, or None if no joint is defined as parent for the respective link.
valid_joint_trees = [joint_tree for i, joint_tree in enumerate(joint_trees) if joint_tree.child == link_name]
if not valid_joint_trees: # happens for the very first link
warnings.warn(f"WARNING: There is no joint defined for the link {link_name}!")
return None
elif len(valid_joint_trees) == 1:
return valid_joint_trees[0]
else: # this should not happen - fault in the urdf file
raise NotImplementedError(f"More than one ({len(valid_joint_trees)}) joints map onto a single link with name "
[docs]def create_bone(armature: bpy.types.Armature, joint_tree: "urdfpy.Joint", all_joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"],
parent_bone_name: Optional[str] = None, create_recursive: bool = True,
parent_origin: Optional[Matrix] = None, fk_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = [0., -1., 0.],
ik_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = [0., 1., 0.]):
""" Creates deform, fk and ik bone for a specific joint. Can loop recursively through the child(ren).
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param joint_tree: The urdf definition for the joint.
:param all_joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param parent_bone_name: Name of the parent bone.
:param create_recursive: Whether to recursively create bones for the child(ren) of the link.
:param parent_origin: Pose of the parent.
:param fk_offset: Offset between fk bone chain and link bone chain. This does not have any effect on the
transformations, but can be useful for visualization in blender.
:param ik_offset: Offset between fk bone chain and link bone chain. Effects on the transformation (e.g.
`urdf_object.set_location_ik()`) are being handled internally. Useful for visualization in
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = armature
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
# create initial bone
edit_bones =
editbone =
origin = joint_tree.origin
if parent_origin is not None:
origin = parent_origin @ origin
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1])
editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name)
editbone.parent = parent_bone
# create fk bone
fk_editbone = + '.fk')
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
fk_editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1]) + Vector(fk_offset)
fk_editbone.tail = fk_editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name + '.fk')
fk_editbone.parent = parent_bone
# create ik bone
ik_editbone = + '.ik')
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
ik_editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1]) + Vector(ik_offset)
ik_editbone.tail = ik_editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name + '.ik')
ik_editbone.parent = parent_bone
bone_name =
fk_bone_name =
ik_bone_name =
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
# derive posebones for constraints
bone = armature.pose.bones[bone_name]
fk_bone = armature.pose.bones[fk_bone_name]
ik_bone = armature.pose.bones[ik_bone_name]
# set rotation mode
bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
fk_bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
ik_bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
# manage constraints
if joint_tree.joint_type == "fixed":
set_location_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
elif joint_tree.joint_type == "revolute":
limits = None
if joint_tree.limit is not None:
limits = np.array([joint_tree.limit.lower, joint_tree.limit.upper])
set_location_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_copy_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, target=armature,,
set_copy_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, target=armature,,
influence=0.) # start in fk mode per default
warnings.warn(f"WARNING: No constraint implemented for joint type '{joint_tree.joint_type}'!")
if create_recursive:
child_joints = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(link_name=joint_tree.child, joint_trees=all_joint_trees)
for child_joint in child_joints:
create_bone(armature, child_joint, all_joint_trees,, create_recursive=True,
parent_origin=origin, fk_offset=fk_offset, ik_offset=ik_offset)
[docs]def load_links(link_trees: List["urdfpy.Link"], joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"], armature: bpy.types.Armature,
urdf_path: str) -> List[Link]:
""" Loads links and their visual, collision and inertial objects from a list of urdfpy.Link objects.
:param link_trees: List of urdf definitions for all links.
:param joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param urdf_path: Path to the URDF file.
:return: List of links.
links = []
for i, link_tree in enumerate(link_trees):
visuals, collisions, inertial = [], [], None
if link_tree.visuals:
visuals = [load_visual_collision_obj(visual_tree, name=f"{}_visual", urdf_path=urdf_path) for visual_tree in
if link_tree.collisions:
collisions = [load_visual_collision_obj(collision_tree, name=f"{}_collision", urdf_path=urdf_path) for
collision_tree in link_tree.collisions]
if link_tree.inertial:
inertial = load_inertial(link_tree.inertial, name=f"{}_inertial")
# determine bone name
corresponding_joint = get_joints_which_have_link_as_child(, joint_trees)
# create link and set attributes
link = Link(bpy_object=create_with_empty_mesh(
link.set_visual_local2link_mats([Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()) for obj in visuals])
link.set_collision_local2link_mats([Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()) for obj in collisions])
link.set_inertial_local2link_mat(Matrix(inertial.get_local2world_mat()) if inertial is not None else None)
# if there exists a joint also set the corresponding bones to the link
if corresponding_joint is not None:
link.set_fk_bone(armature.pose.bones.get( + '.fk'))
link.set_ik_bone(armature.pose.bones.get( + '.ik'))
return links
[docs]def propagate_pose(links: List[Link], joint_tree: "urdfpy.Joint", joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"],
armature: bpy.types.Armature, recursive: bool = True):
""" Loads links and their visual, collision and inertial objects from a list of urdfpy.Link objects.
:param links: List of links.
:param joint_tree: The urdf definition for the joint.
:param joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param recursive: Whether to recursively create bones for the child(ren) of the link.
child_link = one_by_attr(elements=links, attr_name="name", value=joint_tree.child)
parent_link = one_by_attr(elements=links, attr_name="name", value=joint_tree.parent)
# determine full transformation matrix
mat = Matrix(parent_link.get_local2world_mat()) @ Matrix(joint_tree.origin)
for obj in child_link.get_all_objs():
obj.set_local2world_mat(Matrix(child_link.get_local2world_mat()) @ Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()))
# set link2bone mat
if child_link.bone is not None:
child_link.set_link2bone_mat(mat.inverted() @ child_link.bone.matrix)
if recursive:
child_joint_trees = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(child_link.get_name(), joint_trees)
for child_joint_tree in child_joint_trees:
propagate_pose(links, child_joint_tree, joint_trees, armature, recursive=True)
[docs]def load_geometry(geometry_tree: "urdfpy.Geometry", urdf_path: Optional[str] = None) -> MeshObject:
""" Loads a geometric element from an urdf tree.
:param geometry_tree: The urdf representation of the geometric element.
:param urdf_path: Optional path of the urdf file for relative geometry files.
:return: The respective MeshObject.
if geometry_tree.mesh is not None:
if os.path.isfile(geometry_tree.mesh.filename):
obj = load_obj(filepath=geometry_tree.mesh.filename)[0]
elif urdf_path is not None and os.path.isfile(urdf_path):
relative_path = os.path.join('/'.join(urdf_path.split('/')[:-1]), geometry_tree.mesh.filename)
if os.path.isfile(relative_path):
# load in default coordinate system
obj = load_obj(filepath=relative_path, axis_forward='Y', axis_up='Z')[0]
warnings.warn(f"Couldn't load mesh file for {geometry_tree} (filename: {geometry_tree.mesh.filename}; urdf "
f"filename: {urdf_path})")
raise NotImplementedError(f"Couldn't load mesh file for {geometry_tree} (filename: "
elif is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="CUBE")
obj.blender_obj.dimensions = Vector(
elif geometry_tree.cylinder is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="CYLINDER", radius=geometry_tree.cylinder.radius,
elif geometry_tree.sphere is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="SPHERE", radius=geometry_tree.sphere.radius)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown geometry in urdf_tree {geometry_tree}")
obj.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
return obj
[docs]def load_visual_collision_obj(viscol_tree: Union["urdfpy.Visual", "urdfpy.Collision"], name: str,
urdf_path: Optional[str] = None) -> MeshObject:
""" Loads a visual / collision element from an urdf tree.
:param viscol_tree: The urdf representation of the visual / collision element.
:param name: Name of the visual / collision element.
:param urdf_path: Optional path of the urdf file for relative geometry files.
:return: The respective MeshObject.
obj = load_geometry(viscol_tree.geometry, urdf_path=urdf_path)
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "name") and is not None:
name =
# load material - only valid for visuals
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "material") and viscol_tree.material is not None:
# clear all existing materials
# check if material exists
if in [ for m in get_all_materials()]:
mat =[]
mat = Material(mat)
# create a new material
mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(
# create a principled node and set the default color
principled_node = mat.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled")
color = viscol_tree.material.color
if color is None:
color = Vector([1., 1., 1., 1.])
principled_node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = color
# check for textures
if viscol_tree.material.texture is not None:
# image should've been loaded automatically
mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create( + "_texture")
nodes = mat.nodes
links = mat.links
color_image ='ShaderNodeTexImage')
if not os.path.exists(viscol_tree.material.texture.filename):
raise Exception(f"Couldn't load texture image for {viscol_tree} from "
color_image.image =, check_existing=True)
principled = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, "BsdfPrincipled")["Color"], principled.inputs["Base Color"])
# set the pose of the object
origin = Matrix.Identity(4)
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "origin"):
origin = Matrix(viscol_tree.origin)
# set scale of the mesh
scale = get_size_from_geometry(viscol_tree.geometry)
if scale is not None:
obj.set_scale([scale, scale, scale])
obj.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
return obj
[docs]def load_inertial(inertial_tree: "urdfpy.Inertial", name: str) -> Inertial:
""" Loads an inertial element from an urdf tree.
:param inertial_tree: The urdf representation of the inertial element.
:param name: Name if the inertial element.
:return: The respective Inertial object.
# create new primitive
primitive = create_primitive(shape="CUBE")
inertial = Inertial(primitive.blender_obj)
# set inertial-specific attributes
primitive.blender_obj.dimensions = Vector([0.03, 0.03, 0.03]) # just small values to keep cubes small for debugging
primitive.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
return inertial
[docs]def get_size_from_geometry(geometry: "urdfpy.Geometry") -> Optional[float]:
""" Helper to derive the link size from the largest geometric element.
:param geometry: The urdf representation of the geometric element.
:return: A single float representing the link's size.
if is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.size)
elif geometry.cylinder is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.radius, geometry.geometry.length)
elif geometry.mesh is not None:
if hasattr(geometry.geometry, "scale") and geometry.geometry.scale is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.scale)
elif hasattr(geometry.geometry, "size") and geometry.geometry.size is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.size)
return None
elif geometry.sphere is not None:
return geometry.geometry.radius
print(f"Warning: Failed to derive size from geometry model {geometry}. Setting scale to 0.2!")
return None