Source code for blenderproc.python.material.MaterialLoaderUtility

import os
import random
from typing import Union, List, Optional
from pathlib import Path

import bpy

from blenderproc.python.modules.provider.getter.Material import Material as MaterialGetter
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility

x_texture_node = -1500
y_texture_node = 300

[docs]def collect_all() -> List[Optional[Material]]: """ Returns all existing materials. :return: A list of all materials. """ return convert_to_materials(
[docs]def create(name: str) -> Material: """ Creates a new empty material. :param name: The name of the new material. :return: The new material. """ new_mat = new_mat.use_nodes = True return Material(new_mat)
[docs]def convert_to_materials(blender_materials: List[Optional[bpy.types.Material]]) -> List[Optional[Material]]: """ Converts the given list of blender materials to bproc.Material(s) :param blender_materials: List of materials. :return: The list of materials. """ return [(None if obj is None else Material(obj)) for obj in blender_materials]
[docs]def find_cc_material_by_name(material_name: str, custom_properties: dict) -> bpy.types.Material: """ Finds from all loaded materials the cc material, which has the given material_name and the given custom_properties. :param material_name: Name of the searched material :param custom_properties: Custom properties, which have been assigned before :return: bpy.types.Material: Return the searched material, if not found returns None """ # find used cc materials with this name cond = {"cp_is_cc_texture": True, "cp_asset_name": material_name} for key, value in custom_properties.items(): cond[key] = value new_mats = MaterialGetter.perform_and_condition_check(cond, []) if len(new_mats) == 1: new_mat = new_mats[0] return new_mat elif len(new_mats) > 1: raise Exception("There was more than one material found!") else: # the material was not even loaded return None
[docs]def is_material_used(material: bpy.types.Material): """ Checks if the given material is used on any object. :param material: Material, which should be checked :return: True if the material is used """ # check amount of usage of this material return material.users != 0
[docs]def create_new_cc_material(material_name: str, add_custom_properties: dict) -> bpy.types.Material: """ Creates a new material, which gets the given custom properties and the material name. :param material_name: The name of the material :param add_custom_properties: The custom properties, which should be added to the material :return: bpy.types.Material: Return the newly created material """ # create a new material with the name of the asset new_mat = new_mat["is_cc_texture"] = True new_mat["asset_name"] = material_name new_mat.use_nodes = True for key, value in add_custom_properties.items(): if key.startswith("cp_"): cp_key = key[len("cp_"):] else: raise Exception("All cp have to start with cp_") new_mat[cp_key] = value return new_mat
[docs]def create_image_node(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, image: Union[str, bpy.types.Image], non_color_mode=False, x_location=0, y_location=0): """ Creates a texture image node inside of a material. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param image: Either the path to the image which should be loaded or the bpy.types.Image :param non_color_mode: If this True, the color mode of the image will be "Non-Color" :param x_location: X Location in the node tree :param y_location: Y Location in the node tree :return: bpy.type.Node: Return the newly constructed image node """ image_node ='ShaderNodeTexImage') if isinstance(image, bpy.types.Image): image_node.image = image else: image_node.image =, check_existing=True) if non_color_mode: = 'Non-Color' image_node.location.x = x_location image_node.location.y = y_location return image_node
[docs]def add_base_color(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, base_image_path, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds base color to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param base_image_path: Path to the base image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(base_image_path): base_color = create_image_node(nodes, base_image_path, False, x_texture_node, y_texture_node)["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"]) return base_color return None
[docs]def add_ambient_occlusion(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, ambient_occlusion_image_path, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node, base_color: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds ambient occlusion to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param ambient_occlusion_image_path: Path to the ambient occlusion image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :param base_color: Base color node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(ambient_occlusion_image_path): ao_color = create_image_node(nodes, ambient_occlusion_image_path, True, x_texture_node, y_texture_node * 2) math_node ='ShaderNodeMixRGB') math_node.blend_type = "MULTIPLY" math_node.location.x = x_texture_node * 0.5 math_node.location.y = y_texture_node * 1.5 math_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 0.333["Color"], math_node.inputs[1])["Color"], math_node.inputs[2])["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"]) return ao_color return None
[docs]def add_metal(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, metalness_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds metal to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param metalness_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(metalness_image_path): metallic = create_image_node(nodes, metalness_image_path, True, x_texture_node, 0)["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Metallic"]) return metallic return None
[docs]def add_roughness(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, roughness_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds roughness to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param roughness_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(roughness_image_path): roughness_texture = create_image_node(nodes, roughness_image_path, True, x_texture_node, y_texture_node * -1)["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Roughness"]) return roughness_texture return None
[docs]def add_specular(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, specular_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds specular to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param specular_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(specular_image_path): specular_texture = create_image_node(nodes, specular_image_path, True, x_texture_node, 0)["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular"]) return specular_texture return None
[docs]def add_alpha(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, alpha_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds alpha to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param alpha_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(alpha_image_path): alpha_texture = create_image_node(nodes, alpha_image_path, True, x_texture_node, y_texture_node * -2)["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Alpha"]) return alpha_texture return None
[docs]def add_normal(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, normal_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node, invert_y_channel: bool): """ Adds normal to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param normal_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :param invert_y_channel: If this is True the Y Color Channel is inverted. :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ normal_y_value = y_texture_node * -3 if os.path.exists(normal_image_path): normal_texture = create_image_node(nodes, normal_image_path, True, x_texture_node, normal_y_value) if invert_y_channel: separate_rgba ='ShaderNodeSeparateRGB') separate_rgba.location.x = 4.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node separate_rgba.location.y = normal_y_value["Color"], separate_rgba.inputs["Image"]) invert_node ="ShaderNodeInvert") invert_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 1.0 invert_node.location.x = 3.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node invert_node.location.y = normal_y_value["G"], invert_node.inputs["Color"]) combine_rgba ='ShaderNodeCombineRGB') combine_rgba.location.x = 2.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node combine_rgba.location.y = normal_y_value["R"], combine_rgba.inputs["R"])["Color"], combine_rgba.inputs["G"])["B"], combine_rgba.inputs["B"]) current_output = combine_rgba.outputs["Image"] else: current_output = normal_texture.outputs["Color"] normal_map ="ShaderNodeNormalMap") normal_map.inputs["Strength"].default_value = 1.0 normal_map.location.x = 1.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node normal_map.location.y = normal_y_value, normal_map.inputs["Color"])["Normal"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Normal"]) return normal_texture return None
[docs]def add_bump(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, bump_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds bump to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param bump_image_path: Path to the metal image :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ bump_y_value = y_texture_node * -3 if os.path.exists(bump_image_path): bump_texture = create_image_node(nodes, bump_image_path, True, x_texture_node, bump_y_value) bump_map ="ShaderNodeBumpMap") bump_map.inputs["Strength"].default_value = 1.0 bump_map.location.x = 1.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node bump_map.location.y = bump_y_value["Color"], bump_map.inputs["Heights"])["Normal"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Normal"]) return bump_texture return None
[docs]def add_displacement(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, displacement_image_path: str, output_node: bpy.types.Node): """ Adds bump to the principled bsdf node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param displacement_image_path: Path to the metal image :param output_node: Output node of the current material :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node """ if os.path.exists(displacement_image_path): displacement_texture = create_image_node(nodes, displacement_image_path, True, x_texture_node, y_texture_node * -4) displacement_node ="ShaderNodeDisplacement") displacement_node.inputs["Midlevel"].default_value = 0.5 displacement_node.inputs["Scale"].default_value = 0.15 displacement_node.location.x = x_texture_node * 0.5 displacement_node.location.y = y_texture_node * -4["Color"], displacement_node.inputs["Height"])["Displacement"], output_node.inputs["Displacement"]) return displacement_texture return None
[docs]def connect_uv_maps(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, collection_of_texture_nodes: list): """ Connect all given texture nodes to a newly constructed UV node. :param nodes: Nodes from the current material :param links: Links from the current material :param collection_of_texture_nodes: List of :class: `bpy.type.Node` of type :class: `ShaderNodeTexImage` """ if len(collection_of_texture_nodes) > 0: texture_coords ="ShaderNodeTexCoord") texture_coords.location.x = x_texture_node * 1.4 mapping_node ="ShaderNodeMapping") mapping_node.location.x = x_texture_node * 1.2["UV"], mapping_node.inputs["Vector"]) for texture_node in collection_of_texture_nodes: if texture_node is not None:["Vector"], texture_node.inputs["Vector"])
[docs]def add_alpha_channel_to_textures(blurry_edges): """ Adds transparency to all textures, which contain an .png image as an image input :param blurry_edges: If True, the edges of the alpha channel might be blurry, this causes errors if the alpha channel should only be 0 or 1 Be careful, when you replace the original texture with something else (Segmentation, ...), the necessary texture node gets lost. By copying it into a new material as done in the SegMapRenderer, you can keep the transparency even for those nodes. """ obj_with_mats = [obj for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects if hasattr(, 'materials')] visited_materials = set() # walk over all objects, which have materials for obj in obj_with_mats: for slot in obj.material_slots: material = slot.material if material is None: # this can happen if a material slot was created but no material was assigned continue if in visited_materials: # skip a material if it has been used before continue visited_materials.add( texture_node = None # check each node of the material for node in material.node_tree.nodes: # if it is a texture image node if 'TexImage' in node.bl_idname: if '.png' in # contains an alpha channel texture_node = node # this material contains an alpha png texture if texture_node is not None: nodes = material.node_tree.nodes links = material.node_tree.links node_connected_to_the_output, material_output = \ Utility.get_node_connected_to_the_output_and_unlink_it(material) if node_connected_to_the_output is not None: mix_node ='ShaderNodeMixShader') # avoid blurry edges on the edges important for Normal, SegMapRenderer and others if blurry_edges: # add the alpha channel of the image to the mix shader node as a factor['Alpha'], mix_node.inputs['Fac']) else: # Map all alpha values to 0 or 1 by applying the step function: 1 if x > 0.5 else 0 step_function_node ="ShaderNodeMath") step_function_node.operation = "GREATER_THAN"['Alpha'], step_function_node.inputs['Value'])['Value'], mix_node.inputs['Fac'])[0], mix_node.inputs[2]) transparent_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfTransparent')['BSDF'], mix_node.inputs[1]) # connect to material output['Shader'], material_output.inputs['Surface']) else: raise Exception("Could not find shader node, which is connected to the material output " "for: {}".format(
[docs]def add_alpha_texture_node(used_material, new_material): """ Adds to a predefined new_material a texture node from an existing material (used_material) This is necessary to connect it later on in the add_alpha_channel_to_textures :param used_material: existing material, which might contain a texture node with a .png texture :param new_material: a new material, which will get a copy of this texture node :return: the modified new_material, if no texture node was found, the original new_material """ if used_material is None: # this can happen if a material slot was created but no material was assigned return used_material # find out if there is an .png file used here texture_node = None for node in used_material.node_tree.nodes: # if it is a texture image node if 'TexImage' in node.bl_idname: if '.png' in # contains an alpha channel texture_node = node # this material contains an alpha png texture if texture_node is not None: new_mat_alpha = new_material.copy() # copy the material nodes = new_mat_alpha.node_tree.nodes # copy the texture node into the new material to make sure it is used new_tex_node ='ShaderNodeTexImage') new_tex_node.image = texture_node.image # use the new material return new_mat_alpha return new_material
[docs]def change_to_texture_less_render(use_alpha_channel): """ Changes the materials, which do not contain a emission shader to a white slightly glossy texture :param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used. """ new_mat ="TextureLess") new_mat.use_nodes = True nodes = new_mat.node_tree.nodes principled_bsdf = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, "BsdfPrincipled") # setting the color values for the shader principled_bsdf.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.65 # specular principled_bsdf.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.2 # roughness for used_object in [obj for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects if hasattr(, 'materials')]: # replace all materials with the new texture less material for slot in used_object.material_slots: emission_shader = False # check if the material contains an emission shader: for node in slot.material.node_tree.nodes: # check if one of the shader nodes is a Emission Shader if 'Emission' in node.bl_idname: emission_shader = True break # only replace materials, which do not contain any emission shader if not emission_shader: if use_alpha_channel: slot.material = add_alpha_texture_node(slot.material, new_mat) else: slot.material = new_mat
[docs]def create_procedural_texture(pattern_name: str = None) -> bpy.types.Texture: """ Creates a new procedural texture based on a specified pattern. :param pattern_name: The name of the pattern. Available: ["CLOUDS", "DISTORTED_NOISE", "MAGIC", "MARBLE", "MUSGRAVE", "NOISE", "STUCCI", "VORONOI", "WOOD"] If None is given, a random pattern is used. :return: The created texture """ possible_patterns = ["CLOUDS", "DISTORTED_NOISE", "MAGIC", "MARBLE", "MUSGRAVE", "NOISE", "STUCCI", "VORONOI", "WOOD"] # If no pattern has been given, use a random one, otherwise check whether the given pattern is valid. if pattern_name is None: pattern_name = random.choice(possible_patterns) else: pattern_name = pattern_name.upper() if pattern_name not in possible_patterns: raise Exception( "There is no such pattern: " + str(pattern_name) + ". Allowed patterns are: " + str(possible_patterns)) return"ct_{}".format(pattern_name), pattern_name)
[docs]def create_material_from_texture(texture: Union[Path, str, bpy.types.Image], material_name: str) -> Material: """ Creates a material based on a given texture, the texture can either be a path to a texture file on disc or a already loaded bpy.types.Image. :param texture: either a path to an image, or a loaded bpy.types.Image texture :param material_name: name of the newly created material :return: the newly created material, which uses the texture as Base Color """ texture_path: Optional[Path] = None if isinstance(texture, Path) or isinstance(texture, str): texture_path = Path(texture) elif not isinstance(texture, bpy.types.Image): raise TypeError(f"The given type of texture must be either [str, Path, bpy.types.Image] " f"and not {type(texture)}.") # if a texture path was set, load the image if texture_path: if texture_path.exists(): texture =, check_existing=True) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"The given texture path could not be found: \"{texture_path}\"") if isinstance(texture, bpy.types.Image): new_mat = new_mat.use_nodes = True bp_mat = Material(new_mat) bp_mat.set_principled_shader_value("Base Color", texture) return bp_mat else: raise TypeError("The texture variable should be a bpy.types.Image at this point!")