import bpy
from import CameraInterface
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.Config import Config
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.ItemCollection import ItemCollection
[docs]class CameraLoader(CameraInterface):
Loads camera poses from the configuration and sets them as separate keypoints.
Camera poses can be specified either directly inside the config or in an extra file.
Example 1: Loads camera poses from file <args:0>, followed by the pose file format and setting the fov in radians.
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "camera.CameraLoader",
"config": {
"path": "<args:0>",
"file_format": "location rotation/value",
"intrinsics": {
"fov": 1
Example 2: More examples for parameters in "intrinsics". Here cam_K is a camera matrix. Check
CameraInterface for more info on "intrinsics".
.. code-block:: yaml
"intrinsics": {
"fov_is_half": true,
"interocular_distance": 0.05,
"stereo_convergence_mode": "PARALLEL",
"convergence_distance": 0.00001,
"cam_K": [650.018, 0, 637.962, 0, 650.018, 355.984, 0, 0 ,1],
"resolution_x": 1280,
"resolution_y": 720
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - cam_poses
- Optionally, a list of dicts, where each dict specifies one cam pose. See CameraInterface for which
properties can be set. Default: [].
- list of dicts
* - path
- Optionally, a path to a file which specifies one camera position per line. The lines has to be formatted
as specified in 'file_format'. Default: "".
- string
* - file_format
- A string which specifies how each line of the given file is formatted. The string should contain the
keywords of the corresponding properties separated by a space. See next table for allowed properties.
Default: "".
- string
* - default_cam_param
- A dict which can be used to specify properties across all cam poses. Default: {}.
- dict
* - intrinsics
- A dictionary containing camera intrinsic parameters. Default: {}.
- dict
def __init__(self, config):
CameraInterface.__init__(self, config)
# A dict specifying the length of parameters that require more than one argument. If not specified, 1 is assumed.
self.number_of_arguments_per_parameter = {
"location": 3,
"rotation/value": 3,
"cam2world_matrix": 16
self.cam_pose_collection = ItemCollection(self._add_cam_pose, self.config.get_raw_dict("default_cam_param", {}))
[docs] def run(self):
# Set intrinsics
self._set_cam_intrinsics(, Config(self.config.get_raw_dict("intrinsics", {})))
self.cam_pose_collection.add_items_from_dicts(self.config.get_list("cam_poses", []))
self.cam_pose_collection.add_items_from_file(self.config.get_string("path", ""),
self.config.get_string("file_format", ""),
[docs] def _add_cam_pose(self, config):
""" Adds new cam pose + intrinsics according to the given configuration.
:param config: A configuration object which contains all parameters relevant for the new cam pose.
# Collect camera object
cam_ob =
# Set extrinsics from config