Source code for

import sys
from typing import List
import numpy as np

import bpy

from import CameraInterface
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_blender_mesh_objects
import as CameraUtility
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.Config import Config
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.ItemCollection import ItemCollection
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, convert_to_meshes, create_bvh_tree_multi_objects, \
import as CameraValidation

[docs]class CameraSampler(CameraInterface): """ A general camera sampler. First a camera pose is sampled according to the configuration, then it is checked if the pose is valid. If that's not the case a new camera pose is sampled instead. Supported cam pose validation methods: - Checking if the distance to objects is in a configured range - Checking if the scene coverage/interestingness score is above a configured threshold - Checking if a candidate pose is sufficiently different than the sampled poses so far Example 1: Sampling 10 camera poses. .. code-block:: yaml { "module": "camera.SuncgCameraSampler", "config": { "cam_poses": [ { "number_of_samples": 10, "proximity_checks": { "min": 1.0 }, "min_interest_score": 0.4, "location": { "provider":"sampler.Uniform3d", "max":[0, 0, 2], "min":[0, 0, 0.5] }, "rotation": { "value": { "provider":"sampler.Uniform3d", "max":[1.2217, 0, 6.283185307], "min":[1.2217, 0, 0] } } } ] } } **Configuration**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type * - intrinsics - A dict which contains the intrinsic camera parameters. Check CameraInterface for more info. Default: {}. - dict * - cam_poses - Camera poses configuration list. Each cell contains a separate config data. - list * - default_cam_param - A dict which can be used to specify properties across all cam poses. Check CameraInterface for more info. Default: {}. - dict **Properties per cam pose**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type * - number_of_samples - The number of camera poses that should be sampled. Note depending on some constraints (e.g. interest scores), the sampler might not return all of the camera poses if the number of tries exceeded the configured limit. Default: 1. - int * - max_tries - The maximum number of tries that should be made to sample the requested number of cam poses per interest score. Default: 10000. - int * - sqrt_number_of_rays - The square root of the number of rays which will be used to determine, if there is an obstacle in front of the camera. Default: 10. - int * - proximity_checks - A dictionary containing operators (e.g. avg, min) as keys and as values dictionaries containing thresholds in the form of {"min": 1.0, "max":4.0} or just the numerical threshold in case of max or min. The operators are combined in conjunction (i.e boolean AND). This can also be used to avoid the background in images, with the no_background: True option. Default: {}. - dict * - excluded_objs_in_proximity_check - A list of objects, returned by getter.Entity to remove some objects from the proximity checks defined in 'proximity_checks'. Default: [] - list * - min_interest_score - Arbitrary threshold to discard cam poses with less interesting views. Default: 0.0. - float * - interest_score_range - The maximum of the range of interest scores that would be used to sample the camera poses. Interest score range example: min_interest_score = 0.8, interest_score_range = 1.0, interest_score_step = 0.1 interest score list = [1.0, 0.9, 0.8]. The sampler would reject any pose with score less than 1.0. If max tries is reached, it would switch to 0.9 and so on. min_interest_score = 0.8, interest_score_range = 0.8, interest_score_step = 0.1 (or any value bigger than 0) interest score list = [0.8]. Default: min_interest_score. - float * - interest_score_step - Step size for the list of interest scores that would be tried in the range from min_interest_score to interest_score_range. Must be bigger than 0. " Default: 0.1. - float * - special_objects - Objects that weights differently in calculating whether the scene is interesting or not, uses the coarse_grained_class or if not SUNCG, 3D Front, the category_id. Default: []. - list * - special_objects_weight - Weighting factor for more special objects, used to estimate the interestingness of the scene. Default: 2.0. - float * - check_pose_novelty_rot - Checks that a sampled new pose is novel with respect to the rotation component. Default: False - bool * - check_pose_novelty_translation - Checks that a sampled new pose is novel with respect to the translation component. Default: False. - bool * - min_var_diff_rot - Considers a pose novel if it increases the variance of the rotation component of all poses sampled by this parameter's value in percentage. If set to -1, then it would only check that the variance is increased. Default: sys.float_info.min. - float * - min_var_diff_translation - Same as min_var_diff_rot but for translation. If set to -1, then it would only check that the variance is increased. Default: sys.float_info.min. - float * - check_if_pose_above_object_list - A list of objects, where each camera has to be above, could be the floor or a table. Default: []. - list * - check_if_objects_visible - A list of objects, which always should be visible in the camera view. Default: []. - list """ def __init__(self, config): CameraInterface.__init__(self, config) self.bvh_tree = None self.rotations = [] self.translations = [] self.var_rot, self.var_translation = 0.0, 0.0 self.check_pose_novelty_rot = self.config.get_bool("check_pose_novelty_rot", False) self.check_pose_novelty_translation = self.config.get_bool("check_pose_novelty_translation", False) self.min_var_diff_rot = self.config.get_float("min_var_diff_rot", sys.float_info.min) if self.min_var_diff_rot == -1.0: self.min_var_diff_rot = sys.float_info.min self.min_var_diff_translation = self.config.get_float("min_var_diff_translation", sys.float_info.min) if self.min_var_diff_translation == -1.0: self.min_var_diff_translation = sys.float_info.min self.cam_pose_collection = ItemCollection(self._sample_cam_poses, self.config.get_raw_dict("default_cam_param", {}))
[docs] def run(self): """ Sets camera poses. """ source_specs = self.config.get_list("cam_poses") for i, source_spec in enumerate(source_specs): self.cam_pose_collection.add_item(source_spec)
[docs] def _sample_cam_poses(self, config): """ Samples camera poses according to the given config :param config: The config object """ cam_ob = cam = # Set global parameters self.sqrt_number_of_rays = config.get_int("sqrt_number_of_rays", 10) self.max_tries = config.get_int("max_tries", 10000) self.proximity_checks = config.get_raw_dict("proximity_checks", {}) self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check = config.get_list("excluded_objs_in_proximity_check", []) self.min_interest_score = config.get_float("min_interest_score", 0.0) self.interest_score_range = config.get_float("interest_score_range", self.min_interest_score) self.interest_score_step = config.get_float("interest_score_step", 0.1) self.special_objects = config.get_list("special_objects", []) self.special_objects_weight = config.get_float("special_objects_weight", 2) self._above_objects = convert_to_meshes(config.get_list("check_if_pose_above_object_list", [])) self.check_visible_objects = convert_to_meshes(config.get_list("check_if_objects_visible", [])) # Set camera intrinsics self._set_cam_intrinsics(cam, Config(self.config.get_raw_dict("intrinsics", {}))) if self.proximity_checks: # needs to build an bvh tree mesh_objects = [MeshObject(obj) for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects() if obj not in self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check] self.bvh_tree = create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(mesh_objects) if self.interest_score_step <= 0.0: raise Exception("Must have an interest score step size bigger than 0") # Determine the number of camera poses to sample number_of_poses = config.get_int("number_of_samples", 1) print("Sampling " + str(number_of_poses) + " cam poses") # Start with max interest score self.interest_score = self.interest_score_range # Init all_tries = 0 tries = 0 existing_poses = [] for i in range(number_of_poses): # Do until a valid pose has been found or the max number of tries has been reached while tries < self.max_tries: tries += 1 all_tries += 1 # Sample a new cam pose and check if its valid if self.sample_and_validate_cam_pose(config, existing_poses): break # If max tries has been reached if tries >= self.max_tries: # Decrease interest score and try again, if we have not yet reached minimum continue_trying, self.interest_score = CameraValidation.decrease_interest_score(self.interest_score, self.min_interest_score, self.interest_score_step) if continue_trying: tries = 0 print(str(all_tries) + " tries were necessary")
[docs] def sample_and_validate_cam_pose(self, config: Config, existing_poses: List[np.ndarray]) -> bool: """ Samples a new camera pose, sets the parameters of the given camera object accordingly and validates it. :param config: The config object describing how to sample :param existing_poses: A list of already sampled valid poses. :return: True, if the sampled pose was valid """ # Sample camera extrinsics (we do not set them yet for performance reasons) cam2world_matrix = self._sample_pose(config) if self._is_pose_valid(cam2world_matrix, existing_poses): # Set camera extrinsics as the pose is valid frame = CameraUtility.add_camera_pose(cam2world_matrix) # Optional callback self._on_new_pose_added(cam2world_matrix, frame) # Add to the list of added cam poses existing_poses.append(cam2world_matrix) return True else: return False
[docs] def _on_new_pose_added(self, cam2world_matrix: np.ndarray, frame: int): """ :param cam2world_matrix: The new camera pose. :param frame: The frame containing the new pose. """ pass
[docs] def _sample_pose(self, config) -> np.ndarray: """ :return: The new sampled pose. """ cam2world_matrix = self._cam2world_matrix_from_cam_extrinsics(config) return cam2world_matrix
[docs] def _is_pose_valid(self, cam2world_matrix: np.ndarray, existing_poses: List[np.ndarray]) -> bool: """ Determines if the given pose is valid. - Checks if the distance to objects is in the configured range - Checks if the scene coverage score is above the configured threshold :param cam2world_matrix: The sampled camera extrinsics in form of a camera to world frame transformation matrix. :param existing_poses: The list of already sampled valid poses. :return: True, if the pose is valid """ if not CameraValidation.perform_obstacle_in_view_check(cam2world_matrix, self.proximity_checks, self.bvh_tree, self.sqrt_number_of_rays): return False if self.interest_score > 0 and CameraValidation.scene_coverage_score(cam2world_matrix, self.special_objects, self.special_objects_weight, self.sqrt_number_of_rays) < self.interest_score: return False if len(self.check_visible_objects) > 0: visible_objects = CameraValidation.visible_objects(cam2world_matrix, self.sqrt_number_of_rays) for obj in self.check_visible_objects: if obj not in visible_objects: return False if not CameraValidation.check_novel_pose(cam2world_matrix, existing_poses, self.check_pose_novelty_rot, self.check_pose_novelty_translation, self.min_var_diff_rot, self.min_var_diff_translation): return False if self._above_objects: _, _, _, _, hit_object, _ = scene_ray_cast(cam2world_matrix[:3, 3], [0, 0, -1]) if hit_object not in self._above_objects: return False return True