from blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module import Module
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.ItemCollection import ItemCollection
from blenderproc.python.types.LightUtility import Light
[docs]class LightInterface(Module):
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - cross_source_settings
- See the next table for which properties can be set. Default: {}.
- dict
**Properties per lights entry**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - location
- The position of the light source, specified as a list of three values. Default: [0, 0, 0]
- list
* - rotation
- The rotation of the light source, specified as a list of three euler angles. Default: [0, 0, 0]
- list
* - color
- Light color, specified as a list of three values [R, G, B]. Default: [1, 1, 1]. Range: [0, inf]
- list
* - distance
- Falloff distance of the light = point where light is half the original intensity. Default: 0. Range: [0, inf]
- float
* - energy
- Intensity of the emission of a light source. Default: 10.
- float
* - type
- The type of a light source. Default: POINT. Available: [POINT, SUN, SPOT, AREA]
- string
def __init__(self, config):
Module.__init__(self, config)
self.cross_source_settings = self.config.get_raw_dict("cross_source_settings", {})
self.light_source_collection = ItemCollection(self._add_light_source, self.cross_source_settings)
[docs] def _add_light_source(self, config):
""" Adds a new light source according to the given configuration.
:param config: A configuration object which contains all parameters relevant for the new light source.
light = Light()
light.set_type(config.get_string("type", 'POINT'))
light.set_location(config.get_list("location", [0, 0, 0]))
light.set_rotation_euler(config.get_list("rotation", [0, 0, 0]))
light.set_energy(config.get_float("energy", 10.))
light.set_color(config.get_list("color", [1, 1, 1])[:3])
light.set_distance(config.get_float("distance", 0))
if config.get_bool("use_projector", False):
light.setup_as_projector(config.get_string("path", "examples/advanced/stereo_matching_with_projector"