from blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module import Module
from blenderproc.python.loader.HavenMaterialLoader import load_haven_mat
[docs]class HavenMaterialLoaderModule(Module):
This modules loads all textures obtained from, use the script
(scripts/ to download all the textures to your pc.
All textures here support Physically based rendering (PBR), which makes the textures more realistic.
There is a preload option, in which you only load empty materials, without any loaded textures, these are than
later filled, when an object really uses them. This saves on loading times:
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "loader.HavenMaterialLoader",
"config": {
"folder_path": "<args:0>", # this would be resources/haven/textures
"preload": True
After you have used them maybe with an manipulators.EntityManipulator, you can load the ones you really assign to
an object. By:
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "loader.HavenMaterialLoader",
"config": {
"folder_path": "<args:0>",
"fill_used_empty_materials": True
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - folder_path
- The path to the downloaded haven. Default: resources/haven.
- string
* - used_assets
- A list of all asset names, you want to use. The asset-name must not be typed in completely, only the
beginning the name starts with. By default all assets will be loaded, specified by an empty list.
Default: [].
- list
* - add_custom_properties
- A dictionary of materials and the respective properties. Default: {}.
- dict
* - preload
- If set true, only the material names are loaded and not the complete material. Default: False
- bool
* - fill_used_empty_materials
- If set true, the preloaded materials, which are used are now loaded completely. Default: False
- bool
def __init__(self, config):
Module.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def run(self):
Load the materials
folder_path=self.config.get_string("folder_path", "resources/haven"),
used_assets=self.config.get_list("used_assets", []),
add_cp=self.config.get_raw_dict("add_custom_properties", {}),
preload=self.config.get_bool("preload", False),
fill_used_empty_materials=self.config.get_bool("fill_used_empty_materials", False)