import warnings
from random import choice
import bpy
import numpy as np
import blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility as BlenderUtility
from blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module import Module
from blenderproc.python.modules.provider.getter.Material import Material
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.Config import Config
from mathutils import Matrix
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
[docs]class EntityManipulator(Module):
Performs manipulation on selected entities of different Blender built-in types, e.g. Mesh objects, Camera
objects, Light objects, etc.
Example 1: For all 'MESH' type objects with a name matching a 'Cube.*' pattern set rotation Euler vector and set
custom property `physics`.
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "manipulators.EntityManipulator",
"config": {
"selector": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": 'Cube.*',
"type": "MESH"
"rotation_euler": [1, 1, 0],
"cp_physics": True
Example 2: Set a shared (sampled once and set for all selected objects) location for all 'MESH' type objects
with a name matching a 'Cube.*' pattern.
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "manipulators.EntityManipulator",
"config": {
"selector": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": 'Cube.*',
"type": "MESH"
"mode": "once_for_all",
"location": {
"provider": "sampler.Uniform3d",
"max":[1, 2, 3],
"min":[0, 1, 2]
Example 3: Set a unique (sampled once for each selected object) location and apply a 'Solidify' object modifier
with custom 'thickness' attribute value to all 'MESH' type objects with a name matching a 'Cube.*'
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "manipulators.EntityManipulator",
"config": {
"selector": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": 'Cube.*',
"type": "MESH"
"mode": "once_for_each", # can be omitted, `once_for_each` is a default value of `mode` parameter
"location": {
"provider": "sampler.Uniform3d",
"max":[1, 2, 3],
"min":[0, 1, 2]
"cf_add_modifier": {
"name": "Solidify",
"thickness": 0.001
Example 4: Add a displacement modifier with a newly generated texture.
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "manipulators.EntityManipulator",
"config": {
"selector": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": 'Cube.*',
"type": "MESH"
"cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture": {
"texture": 'VORONOI'
Example 5: Add a displacement modifier with a newly random generated texture with custom
texture, noise scale, modifier mid_level, modifier render_level and modifier strength. With
prior addition of a uv_map to all object without an uv map and adding of a Subdivision Surface
Modifier if the number of vertices of an object is less than 10000.
.. code-block:: yaml
"module": "manipulators.EntityManipulator",
"config": {
"selector": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": 'apple',
"type": "MESH"
"projection": "cylinder"
"cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture": {
"texture": {
"provider": "sampler.Texture"
"min_vertices_for_subdiv": 10000,
"mid_level": 0.5,
"subdiv_level": {
"provider": "sampler.Value",
"type": "int",
"min": 1,
"max": 3
"strength": {
"provider": "sampler.Value",
"type": "float",
"mode": "normal",
"mean": 0.0,
"std_dev": 0.7
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - selector
- Objects to become subjects of manipulation.
- Provider
* - mode
- Default: "once_for_each". Available: 'once_for_each' (if samplers are called, new sampled value is set
to each selected entity), 'once_for_all' (if samplers are called, value is sampled once and set to all
selected entities).
- string
**Values to set**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - key
- Name of the attribute/custom property to change or a name of a custom function to perform on entities. "
In order to specify, what exactly one wants to modify (e.g. attribute, custom property, etc.): For
attribute: key of the pair must be a valid attribute name of the selected object. For custom property:
key of the pair must start with `cp_` prefix. For calling custom function: key of the pair must start
with `cf_` prefix. See table below for supported custom function names.
- string
* - value
- Value of the attribute/custom prop. to set or input value(s) for a custom function.
- string
**Custom functions**
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - cf_add_modifier
- Adds a modifier to the selected object.
- dict
* - cf_add_modifier/name
- Name of the modifier to add. Available values: 'Solidify'.
- string.
* - cf_add_modifier/thickness
- 'thickness' attribute of the 'Solidify' modifier.
- float
* - cf_set_shading
- Custom function to set the shading of the selected object. Default: 'FLAT'.
Available: ['FLAT', 'SMOOTH', 'AUTO'].
- str
* - cf_shading_auto_smooth_angle_in_deg
- Angle in degrees at which flat shading is activated in `AUTO` mode. Default: 30.
- float
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture
- Adds a displace modifier with texture to an object.
- dict
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture/texture
- The structure is either a given or a random texture. Default: []. Available:['CLOUDS',"
- str
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture/min_vertices_for_subdiv
- Checks if a subdivision is necessary. If the vertices of a object are less than
'min_vertices_for_subdiv' a Subdivision modifier will be add to the object. Default: 10000.
- int
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture/mid_level
- Texture value that gives no displacement. Parameter of displace modifier. Default: 0.5
- float
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture/subdiv_level
- Numbers of Subdivisions to perform when rendering. Parameter of Subdivision modifier. Default: 2
- int
* - cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture/strength
- Amount to displace geometry. Parameter of displace modifier. Default: 0.1
- float
* - cf_add_uv_mapping
- Adds a uv map to an object if uv map is missing.
- dict
* - cf_add_uv_mapping/projection
- Name of the projection as str. Default: []. Available: ["cube", "cylinder", "smart", "sphere"]
- str
* - cf_add_uv_mapping/forced_recalc_of_uv_maps
- If this is set to True, all UV maps are recalculated not just the missing ones
- bool
* - cf_randomize_materials
- Randomizes the materials for the selected objects with certain probability.
- dict
* - cf_randomize_materials/randomization_level
- Expected fraction of the selected objects for which the texture should be randomized. Default: 0.2. Range: [0, 1]
- float
* - cf_randomize_materials/materials_to_replace_with
- Material(s) to participate in randomization. Sampling from the pool of elegible material (that comply
with conditions is performed in the Provider). Make sure you use 'random_samples" config parameter of
the Provider, if multiple materials are returned, the first one will be considered as a substitute
during randomization. Default: random material.
- Provider
* - cf_randomize_materials/obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced
- A dict of materials and corresponding conditions making it possible to only replace materials with
certain properties. These are similar to the conditions mentioned in the getter.Material. Default: {}.
- dict
* - cf_randomize_materials/add_to_objects_without_material
- If set to True, objects which didn't have any material before will also get a random material assigned.
Default: False.
- bool
def __init__(self, config):
Module.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def run(self):
Sets according values of defined attributes/custom properties or applies custom functions to the selected
# separating defined part with the selector from ambiguous part with attribute names and their values to set
set_params = {}
sel_objs = {}
for key in
if key != 'selector' and key != "mode":
# if its not a selector -> to the set parameters dict
set_params[key] =[key]
sel_objs[key] =[key]
# create Config objects
params_conf = Config(set_params)
sel_conf = Config(sel_objs)
# invoke a Getter, get a list of entities to manipulate
entities = sel_conf.get_list("selector")
op_mode = self.config.get_string("mode", "once_for_each")
if not entities:
warnings.warn("Warning: No entities are selected. Check Providers conditions.")
print("Amount of objects to modify: {}.".format(len(entities)))
# get raw value from the set parameters if it is to be sampled once for all selected entities
if op_mode == "once_for_all":
params = self._get_the_set_params(params_conf)
for entity in entities:
# get raw value from the set parameters if it is to be sampled anew for each selected entity
if op_mode == "once_for_each":
params = self._get_the_set_params(params_conf)
for key, value in params.items():
# used so we don't modify original key when having more than one entity
key_copy = key
# check if the key is a requested custom property
requested_cp = False
if key.startswith('cp_'):
requested_cp = True
key_copy = key[3:]
requested_cf = False
if key.startswith('cf_'):
requested_cf = True
key_copy = key[3:]
# as an attribute of this value
if hasattr(entity, key_copy) and not requested_cp:
# Some properties like matrix_world would interpret numpy arrays / lists as column-wise matrices.
# To make sure matrices are always interpreted row-wise, we first convert them to a mathutils matrix.
if isinstance(getattr(entity, key_copy), Matrix):
value = Matrix(value)
setattr(entity, key_copy, value)
# custom functions
elif key_copy == "add_modifier" and requested_cf:
self._add_modifier(entity, value)
elif key_copy == "set_shading" and requested_cf:
self._set_shading(entity, value)
elif key_copy == "add_displace_modifier_with_texture" and requested_cf:
self._add_displace(entity, value)
elif key_copy == "add_uv_mapping" and requested_cf:
self._add_uv_mapping(entity, value)
elif key_copy == "randomize_materials" and requested_cf:
self._randomize_materials(entity, value)
# if key had a cp_ prefix - treat it as a custom property
# values will be overwritten for existing custom property,
# but if the name is new then new custom property will be created
elif requested_cp:
entity[key_copy] = value
[docs] def _get_the_set_params(self, params_conf: Config):
""" Extracts actual values to set from a Config object.
:param params_conf: Object with all user-defined data. Type: Config.
:return: Parameters to set as {name of the parameter: it's value} pairs. Type: dict.
params = {}
for key in
if key == "cf_add_modifier":
modifier_config = Config(params_conf.get_raw_dict(key))
# instruction about unpacking the data: key, corresponding Config method to extract the value,
# it's default value and a postproc function
instructions = {"name": (Config.get_string, None, str.upper),
"thickness": (Config.get_float, None, None)}
# unpack
result = self._unpack_params(modifier_config, instructions)
elif key == "cf_set_shading":
result = {"shading_mode": params_conf.get_string("cf_set_shading"),
"angle_value": params_conf.get_float("cf_shading_auto_smooth_angle_in_deg", 30)}
elif key == "cf_add_displace_modifier_with_texture":
displace_config = Config(params_conf.get_raw_dict(key))
# instruction about unpacking the data: key, corresponding Config method to extract the value,
# it's default value and a postproc function
instructions = {"texture": (Config.get_raw_value, [], None),
"mid_level": (Config.get_float, 0.5, None),
"subdiv_level": (Config.get_int, 2, None),
"strength": (Config.get_float, 0.1, None),
"min_vertices_for_subdiv": (Config.get_int, 10000, None)}
# unpack
result = self._unpack_params(displace_config, instructions)
elif key == "cf_add_uv_mapping":
uv_config = Config(params_conf.get_raw_dict(key))
# instruction about unpacking the data: key, corresponding Config method to extract the value,
# it's default value and a postproc function
instructions = {"projection": (Config.get_string, None, str.lower),
"forced_recalc_of_uv_maps": (Config.get_bool, False, None)}
# unpack
result = self._unpack_params(uv_config, instructions)
elif key == "cf_randomize_materials":
rand_config = Config(params_conf.get_raw_dict(key))
# instruction about unpacking the data: key, corresponding Config method to extract the value,
# it's default value and a postproc function
instructions = {"randomization_level": (Config.get_float, 0.2, None),
"add_to_objects_without_material": (Config.get_bool, False, None),
"materials_to_replace_with": (Config.get_list,
BlenderUtility.get_all_materials(), None),
"obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced": (Config.get_raw_dict, {}, None)}
result = self._unpack_params(rand_config, instructions)
result["material_to_replace_with"] = choice(result["materials_to_replace_with"])
result = params_conf.get_raw_value(key)
params.update({key: result})
return params
[docs] def _add_modifier(self, entity: bpy.types.Object, value: dict):
""" Adds modifier to a selected entity.
:param entity: An entity to modify. Type: bpy.types.Object
:param value: Configuration data. Type: dict.
if value["name"] == "SOLIDIFY": = entity
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Solidify"].thickness = value["thickness"]
raise Exception("Unknown modifier: {}.".format(value["name"]))
[docs] def _set_shading(self, entity: bpy.types.Object, value: dict):
""" Switches shading mode of the selected entity.
:param entity: An entity to modify. Type: bpy.types.Object
:param value: Configuration data. Type: dict.
MeshObject(entity).set_shading_mode(value["shading_mode"], value["angle_value"])
[docs] def _add_displace(self, entity: bpy.types.Object, value: dict):
""" Adds a displace modifier with texture to an object.
:param entity: An object to modify. Type: bpy.types.Object.
:param value: Configuration data. Type: dict.
[docs] def _add_uv_mapping(self, entity: bpy.types.Object, value: dict):
""" Adds a uv map to an object if uv map is missing.
:param entity: An object to modify. Type: bpy.types.Object.
:param value: Configuration data. Type: dict.
MeshObject(entity).add_uv_mapping(value["projection"], overwrite=value["forced_recalc_of_uv_maps"])
[docs] def _randomize_materials(self, entity: bpy.types.Object, value: dict):
""" Replaces each material of an entity with certain probability.
:param entity: An object to modify. Type: bpy.types.Object.
:param value: Configuration data. Type: dict.
if hasattr(entity, 'material_slots'):
if entity.material_slots:
for mat in entity.material_slots:
use_mat = True
if value["obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced"]:
use_mat = len(Material.perform_and_condition_check(value["obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced"], [],
[mat.material])) == 1
if use_mat:
if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= value["randomization_level"]:
mat.material = value["material_to_replace_with"]
elif value["add_to_objects_without_material"]:
# this object didn't have a material before
if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= value["randomization_level"]:["material_to_replace_with"])
[docs] def _unpack_params(self, param_config: Config, instructions: dict):
""" Unpacks the data from a config object following the instructions in the dict.
:param param_config: Structure that contains the unpacked data. Type: Config.
:param instructions: Instruction for unpacking: keys, corresponding Config method to extract the value, \
default value, and a function to perform on the value after extraction. Type: dict.
:return: Unpacked data. Type: dict.
# check what was defined by the user
for defined_key in
if defined_key not in instructions:
warnings.warn("Warning: key '{}' is not expected. Check spelling/docu for this cf.".format(defined_key))
result = {}
# for each key and a corresponding instructions
for key, (config_fct, default_val, result_fct) in instructions.items():
# check if whatever was defined as a desired Config method is callable
if callable(config_fct):
# extract the value of the requested type
val = config_fct(param_config, key, default_val)
# if a function to be applied to this value after extraction is defined - use it
if result_fct:
val = result_fct(val)
result.update({key: val})
return result