Source code for blenderproc.python.modules.materials.RockEssentialsTextureSampler

import os
import re
from random import choice

import bpy

from blenderproc.python.modules.loader.LoaderInterface import LoaderInterface
from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.Config import Config
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility

[docs]class RockEssentialsTextureSampler(LoaderInterface): """ Samples a random texture data from the provided list and sets the images to each selected object (ground tiles created by constructor.RockEssentialsGroundConstructor) if they have a RE-specific material assigned (they have it applied by default if ground tile was constructed by aforementioned constructor module). Example 1: For all ground planes matching a name pattern select a random set of textures with custom ambient occlusion, displacements strength and UV map scaling factor values. .. code-block:: yaml { "module": "materials.RockEssentialsTextureSampler", "config": { "selector": { "provider": "getter.Entity", "conditions": { "name": "Gr_Plane.*", "type": "MESH" } }, "textures": [ { "path": "<args:0>/Rock Essentials/Ground Textures/Pebbles/RDTGravel001/", "uv_scaling": 2, "ambient_occlusion": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1], "displacement_strength": 1.5, "images": { "color": "RDTGravel001_COL_VAR1_3K.jpg", "roughness": "RDTGravel001_GLOSS_3K.jpg", "reflection": "RDTGravel001_REFL_3K.jpg", "normal": "RDTGravel001_NRM_3K.jpg", "displacement": "RDTGravel001_DISP16_3K.tif" } }, { "path": "<args:0>/Rock Essentials/Ground Textures/Pebbles/RDTGroundForest002/", "uv_scaling": 4, "ambient_occlusion": [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1], "displacement_strength": 0.5, "images": { "color": "RDTGroundForest002_COL_VAR1_3K.jpg", "roughness": "RDTGroundForest002_GLOSS_3K.jpg", "reflection": "RDTGroundForest002_REFL_3K.jpg", "normal": "RDTGroundForest002_NRM_3K.jpg", "displacement": "RDTGroundForest002_DISP16_3K.tif" } } ] } } **Ground plane config**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type * - selector - Objects (ground planes) with RE-specific material applied. - Provider * - textures - A list of dicts with texture data: images, path to the images, etc. - list **Texture data**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type * - path - Path to a directory containing maps required for recreating texture. - string * - ambient_occlusion - Ambient occlusion [R, G, B, A] color vector for a ground tile material's shader. Default: [1, 1, 1, 1]. - mathutils.Vector * - uv_scaling - Scaling factor of the UV map. Default: 1. - float * - displacement_strength - Strength of a plane's displacement modifier. Default: 1. - float * - images/color - Full name of a color map image. - string * - images/roughness - Full name of a roughness map image. - string * - images/reflection - Full name of a reflection map image. - string * - images/normal - Full name of a normal map image. - string * - images/displacement - Full name of a displacement map image. - string """ def __init__(self, config): LoaderInterface.__init__(self, config) # set a RE-specific material name pattern to look for in the selected objects self.target_material = "re_ground_mat.*"
[docs] def run(self): """ Sets a random texture from the provided list for each selected object if it has a re-material assigned. 1. For all selected ground tiles. 2. Get a random texture from the defined list. 3. Load images. 4. Assign them to a material. """ # get list of textures textures = self.config.get_list("textures") # get objects to set textures to. It is implied that one is selecting the ground planes by the name that was # defined in the config of the constructor.RockEssentialsGroundConstructor config ground_tiles = self.config.get_list("selector") # for each selected ground tile (plane) for ground_tile in ground_tiles: # get a random texture selected_texture = self._get_random_texture(textures) # load the images images, uv_scaling, ambient_occlusion, displacement_strength = self._load_images(selected_texture) # set images self._set_textures(ground_tile, images, uv_scaling, ambient_occlusion, displacement_strength)
[docs] def _get_random_texture(self, textures): """ Chooses a random texture data from the provided list. :param textures: Texture data. Type: list. :return: Selected texture data. Type: Config. """ selected_dict = choice(textures) selected_texture = Config(selected_dict) return selected_texture
[docs] def _load_images(self, selected_texture): """ Loads images that are used as color, roughness, reflection, normal, and displacement maps. :param selected_texture: Selected texture data. Type: Config. :return: loaded_images: Loaded images. Type: dict. :return: uv_scaling: Scaling factor of the UV map. Type: float. :return: ambient_occlusion: Ambient occlusion color vector. Type: mathutils.Vector. :return: displacement_strength: Strength of a plane's displacement modifier. Type: float. """ loaded_images = {} # get path to image folder path = selected_texture.get_string("path") # get uv layer scaling factor uv_scaling = selected_texture.get_float("uv_scaling", 1) # get ambient occlusion vector ambient_occlusion = selected_texture.get_list("ambient_occlusion", [1, 1, 1, 1]) # get displacement modifier strength displacement_strength = selected_texture.get_float("displacement_strength", 1) # get dict of format {may type: full map name} maps = selected_texture.get_raw_dict("images") # check if dict contains all required maps for key, value in maps.items(): # open image + value), directory=path) # if map type is not 'color' - set colorspace to 'Non-Color' if key != "color":[value] = 'Non-Color' # update return dict loaded_images.update({key:}) return loaded_images, uv_scaling, ambient_occlusion, displacement_strength
[docs] def _set_textures(self, ground_tile, images, uv_scaling, ambient_occlusion, displacement_strength): """ Sets available loaded images to a texture of a current processed ground tile. :param ground_tile: Ground tile (plane). Type: bpy.types.Object. :param images: Loaded images of a chosen texture. Type: dict. :param uv_scaling: Scaling factor for the UV layer of the tile. Type: float. """ # get a target material in case ground tile has more than one for material in if re.fullmatch(self.target_material, material[0]): mat_obj =[material[0]] else: raise Exception("No RE material " + self.target_material + " found in selected objects. Check if " "constructor.RockEssentialsGroundConstructor module was run at least once and created " "at least one ground tile!") # get the node tree of the current material nodes = mat_obj.node_tree.nodes # get all Image Texture nodes in the tree image_texture_nodes = Utility.get_nodes_with_type(nodes, 'ShaderNodeTexImage') # for each Image Texture node set a texture (image) if one was loaded for node in image_texture_nodes: if node.label in images.keys(): node.image = images[node.label] # get texture name for a displacement modifier of the current ground tile texture_name = + "_texture" # if displacement map (image) was provided and loaded - set it to the modifier if "displacement" in images.keys():[texture_name].image = images['displacement'] # set ambient occlusion nodes.get("Group").inputs["AO"].default_value = ambient_occlusion # set displacement modifier strength bpy.context.object.modifiers["Displace"].strength = displacement_strength # and scale the texture for point in[:]: point.uv = point.uv * uv_scaling