import mathutils
import numpy as np
from blenderproc.python.modules.main.Provider import Provider
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
[docs]class Attribute(Provider):
Returns a value that is the result of selecting entities using getter.Entity Provider, getting the list of
values of selected entities' attributes/custom properties/custom-processed data, and of the optional operations
on this list.
Example 1: Get a list of locations of objects (which names match the pattern).
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Attribute",
"entities": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": "Icosphere.*"
"get": "location"
# add "transform_by": "sum" to get one value that represents the sum of those locations.
Example 2: Get a list of custom property "id" values of objects (which "physics" cp value is True).
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Attribute",
"entities": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"cp_physics": "True"
"get": "cp_id"
Example 3: Get a list of mean coordinates of objects (which name matches the pattern) bounding boxes.
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Attribute",
"entities": {
"provider": "getter.Entity",
"conditions": {
"name": "Cube.*"
"get": "cf_bounding_box_means"
# add "transform_by": "avg" to get one value that represents the average coordinates of those bounding boxes
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - entities
- List of objects selected by the getter.Entity Provider.
- list
* - get
- Attribute/Custom property/custom function name on which the return value is based. Must be a valid name
of selected entities' attribute/custom property, or a custom function name. Every entity selected must
have this attribute, custom prop, or must be usable in a custom function, otherwise an exception will be
thrown. " In order to specify, what exactly one wants to get (e.g. attribute, custom property, etc.):
For attribute: key of the pair must be a valid attribute name of the all selected entities. For custom
property: key of the pair must start with `cp_` prefix. For calling custom function: key of the pair
must start with `cf_` prefix. See table below for supported custom function names.
- string
* - transform_by
- Name of the operation to perform on the list of attributes/custom property/custom data values. See table
below for supported operation names.
- string.
* - index
- If set, after the conditions are applied only the corresponding value of entity with the specified index
is returned.
- int
**Custom functions**:
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - cf_bounding_box_means
- Custom function name for `get` parameter. Invokes a chain of operations which returns a list of
arithmetic means of coordinates of object aligned bounding boxes' of selected objects in world
coordinates format. (return).
- list
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - sum
- Returns the sum of all values of the input list. (return).
- float
* - avg
- Returns the average value of all values of the input list. (return).
- float
def __init__(self, config):
Provider.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def run(self):
""" Selects objects, gets a list of appropriate values of objects' attributes, custom properties, or some
processed custom data and optionally performs some operation of this list.
:return: List of values (only if `get` was specified or a custom function was called)
or a singular int, float, or mathutils.Vector value (if some operation was applied).
objects = self.config.get_list("entities")
look_for = self.config.get_string("get")
cp_search = False
cf_search = False
if look_for.startswith('cp_'):
look_for = look_for[3:]
cp_search = True
elif look_for.startswith('cf_'):
look_for = look_for[3:]
cf_search = True
raw_result = []
for obj in objects:
if hasattr(obj, look_for) and not cp_search:
raw_result.append(getattr(obj, look_for))
elif look_for in obj and cp_search:
elif look_for == "bounding_box_means" and cf_search:
bb_mean = np.mean(MeshObject(obj).get_bound_box(), axis=0)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown parameter name: " + look_for)
if self.config.has_param("transform_by"):
transform_by = self.config.get_string("transform_by")
if self._check_compatibility(raw_result):
if transform_by == "sum":
ref_result = self._sum(raw_result)
elif transform_by == "avg":
ref_result = self._avg(raw_result)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown transform_by: " + transform_by)
raise RuntimeError("Performing " + str(transform_by) + " on " + str(look_for) + " " +
str(type(raw_result[0])) + " type is not allowed!")
result = ref_result
result = raw_result
if self.config.has_param("index"):
result = result[self.config.get_int("index")]
return result
[docs] def _check_compatibility(self, raw_result):
""" Checks if the list of values contains appropriate data of int, float, or mathutils.Vector type.
:param raw_result: list of selected objects' attribute/custom prop./or custom data values. Type: List
:return: True if list is of int (and or) float, or mathutils.Vector data type. False if not. Type: bool.
return any([all(isinstance(item, mathutils.Vector) for item in raw_result),
all(isinstance(item, (float, int)) for item in raw_result)])
[docs] def _sum(self, raw_result):
""" Sums up the values of the list.
:return: The sum of all values of the input list.
ref_result = raw_result[0].copy()
for item in raw_result[1:]:
ref_result += item
return ref_result
[docs] def _avg(self, raw_result):
""" Sums up the values of the list and divides the sum by the amount of items in the list.
:return: The average value of all values of the input list.
ref_result = self._sum(raw_result)
ref_result = ref_result/float(len(raw_result))
return ref_result