import json
import re
from random import sample
import mathutils
from blenderproc.python.modules.main.Provider import Provider
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_textures
[docs]class Texture(Provider):
Returns a list of textures in accordance with defined conditions.
Example 1: Return a list of textures that match a name pattern.
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Texture",
"conditions": {
"name": "ct_.*"
Example 2: Returns the first texture to: {match the name pattern, AND to have nodes use enabled },
OR {match anothername pattern, AND have a certain value of a cust. prop}
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Texture",
"index": 0,
"conditions": [
"name": "ct_1.*",
"use_nodes": True
"name": "ct_2.*",
"cp_type": "custom"
Example 3: Returns two random textures with a certain value of a custom property.
.. code-block:: yaml
"provider": "getter.Texture",
"random_samples": 2,
"conditions": {
"cp_type": "custom"
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 100 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Description
- Type
* - conditions
- List of dicts/a dict of entries of format {attribute_name: attribute_value}. Entries in a dict are
conditions connected with AND, if there multiple dicts are defined (i.e. 'conditions' is a list of
dicts, each cell is connected by OR.
- list/dict
* - conditions/attribute_name
- Name of any valid object's attribute, custom property, or custom function. Any given attribute_value of
the type string will be treated as a REGULAR EXPRESSION. Also, any attribute_value for a custom property
can be a string/int/bool/float, while only attribute_value for valid attributes of objects can be a bool
or a list (mathutils.Vector, mathurils.Color and mathutils.Euler are covered by the 'list' type). " In
order to specify, what exactly one wants to look for: For attribute: key of the pair must be a valid
attribute name. For custom property: key of the pair must start with `cp_` prefix. For calling custom
function: key of the pair must start with `cf_` prefix. See table below for supported custom functions.
- string
* - conditions/attribute_value
- Any value to set. .
- string, list/Vector, int, bool or float
* - index
- If set, after the conditions are applied only the entity with the specified index is returned.
- int
* - random_samples
- If set, this Provider returns random_samples objects from the pool of selected ones. Define index or
random_samples property, only one is allowed at a time. Default: 0.
- int
* - check_empty
- If this is True, the returned list can not be empty, if it is empty an error will be thrown. Default: False.
- bool
def __init__(self, config):
Provider.__init__(self, config)
[docs] def run(self):
conditions = self.config.get_raw_dict('conditions')
if isinstance(conditions, list):
textures = []
# each single condition is treated as and condition
for and_condition in conditions:
textures.extend(self.perform_and_condition_check(and_condition, textures))
# only one condition was given, treat it as and condition
textures = self.perform_and_condition_check(conditions, [])
random_samples = self.config.get_int("random_samples", 0)
has_index = self.config.has_param("index")
if has_index and not random_samples:
textures = [textures[self.config.get_int("index")]]
elif random_samples and not has_index:
textures = sample(textures, k=min(random_samples, len(textures)))
elif has_index and random_samples:
raise RuntimeError("Please, define only one of two: `index` or `random_samples`.")
check_if_return_is_empty = self.config.get_bool("check_empty", False)
if check_if_return_is_empty and not textures:
raise Exception(f"There were no materials selected with the following "
f"condition: \n{self._get_conditions_as_string()}")
return textures
[docs] def _get_conditions_as_string(self):
Returns the used conditions as neatly formatted string
:return: str: containing the conditions
conditions = self.config.get_raw_dict('conditions')
text = json.dumps(conditions, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
# Add indent
text = "\n".join(" " * len("Exception: ") + e for e in text.split("\n"))
return text
[docs] @staticmethod
def perform_and_condition_check(and_condition, textures, used_textures_to_check=None):
""" Checks for all textures and if all given conditions are true, collects them in the return list.
:param and_condition: Given conditions. Type: dict.
:param textures: Textures, that are already in the return list. Type: list.
:param used_textures_to_check: Textures to perform the check on. Type: list. Default: all materials
:return: Textures that comply with given conditions. Type: list.
new_textures = []
if used_textures_to_check is None:
used_textures_to_check = get_all_textures()
for texture in used_textures_to_check:
if texture in new_textures or texture in textures:
select_texture = True
for key, value in and_condition.items():
# check if the key is a requested custom property
requested_custom_property = False
#requested_custom_function = False
if key.startswith('cp_'):
requested_custom_property = True
key = key[3:]
if key.startswith('cf_'):
#requested_custom_function = True
#key = key[3:]
raise RuntimeError("Custom functions for texture objects are yet to be implemented!")
if hasattr(texture, key) and not requested_custom_property:
# check if the type of the value of attribute matches desired
if isinstance(getattr(texture, key), type(value)):
new_value = value
# if not, try to enforce some mathutils-specific type
if isinstance(getattr(texture, key), mathutils.Vector):
new_value = mathutils.Vector(value)
elif isinstance(getattr(texture, key), mathutils.Euler):
new_value = mathutils.Euler(value)
elif isinstance(getattr(texture, key), mathutils.Color):
new_value = mathutils.Color(value)
# raise an exception if it is none of them
raise Exception("Types are not matching: %s and %s !"
% (type(getattr(texture, key)), type(value)))
# or check for equality
if not ((isinstance(getattr(texture, key), str) and
re.fullmatch(value, getattr(texture, key)) is not None)
or getattr(texture, key) == new_value):
select_texture = False
# check if a custom property with this name exists
elif key in texture and requested_custom_property:
# check if the type of the value of such custom property matches desired
if isinstance(texture[key], type(value)) or (
isinstance(texture[key], int) and isinstance(value, bool)):
# if it is a string and if the whole string matches the given pattern
if not ((isinstance(texture[key], str) and re.fullmatch(value, texture[key]) is not None) or
texture[key] == value):
select_texture = False
# raise an exception if not
raise Exception("Types are not matching: {} and {} !".format(type(texture[key]), type(value)))
select_texture = False
if select_texture:
return new_textures