import yaml
import re
import os
from enum import Enum
except NameError:
basestring = str
[docs]class PlaceholderTypes(Enum):
ARG = 1
ENV = 2
[docs]class ConfigParser:
def __init__(self, silent=False):
:param silent: If silent is True, then debug information is not printed
self.regex_per_type = {
PlaceholderTypes.ARG: re.compile("\<args\:(\d+)\>"), # Matches <args:i> with i being the argument index
PlaceholderTypes.ENV: re.compile("\<env\:([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\>") # Matches <env:name> with name being the env var name
self.config = None
self.args = None
self.placeholders = None
self.silent = silent
self.current_version = 3
[docs] def parse(self, config_path, args, show_help=False, skip_arg_placeholders=False):
""" Reads the yaml file at the given path and returns it as a cleaned dict.
Removes all comments and replaces arguments and env variables with their corresponding values.
:param config_path: The path to the yaml file.
:param args: A list with the arguments which should be used for replacing <args:i> templates inside the config.
:param show_help: If True, shows a help message which describes the placeholders that are used in the given config file. Exits the program afterwards.
:param skip_arg_placeholders: If true, disregards filling up non environment type arguments.
:return: The dict containing the configuration.
if not show_help:
self.log("Parsing config '" + config_path + "'", is_info=True)
with open(config_path, "r") as f:
# Read in dict
self.config = yaml.safe_load(f)
self.args = args
# Check if the config is up to date
# Collect all placeholders
self.placeholders = self._parse_placeholders_in_block(self.config)
# Print help if required
if show_help:
self.log("Placeholders in the script '" + config_path + "':\n")
# Replace all placeholders with their corresponding value
self.log("Successfully finished parsing ", is_info=True)
return self.config
[docs] def _check_version(self):
""" Checks if the configuration file contain a valid version number and if its up to date. """
exception_text = None
# Check if there is any version number in the config
if "version" in self.config:
version = self.config["version"]
# Check if the version number is valid
if isinstance(version, int):
# Check if the version number is up to date
if version < self.current_version:
exception_text = "The given configuration file might not be up to date. The version of the config is %d while the currently most recent version is %d." % (version, self.current_version)
if version == 2:
exception_text += " Since version 3 the global config was moved to the main.Initializer!"
exception_text = "The given configuration file has an invalid version number. Cannot check if the config is still up to date."
exception_text = "The given configuration file does not contain any version number. Cannot check if the config is still up to date."
if exception_text is not None:
raise Exception(exception_text)
[docs] def _parse_placeholders_in_block(self, element, path=[]):
""" Collects all placeholders in the given block.
:param element: A dict / list / string which describes an element in the config block.
:param path: A list of keys describing the path to the given block in the total config. e.q. ["modules", 0, "name"] means block = config["modules"][0]["name"]
:return: A list of dicts, where each dict describes a placeholder
matches = []
# If the element is a string, test if it contains a placeholder
if isinstance(element, basestring):
# Test for every placeholder if it matches
for key, regex in self.regex_per_type.items():
new_matches = regex.findall(element)
for new_match in new_matches:
"type": key,
"match": new_match,
"path": path
elif isinstance(element, dict):
# Go through all child blocks
for key, value in element.items():
matches.extend(self._parse_placeholders_in_block(value, path + [key]))
elif isinstance(element, list):
# Go through all child blocks
for key, value in enumerate(element):
matches.extend(self._parse_placeholders_in_block(value, path + [key]))
return matches
[docs] def _show_help(self):
""" Print out help message which describes the placeholders that are used in the given config file """
self._print_placeholders(self.placeholders, {PlaceholderTypes.ARG: "Arguments:", PlaceholderTypes.ENV: "Environment variables:"})
[docs] def _print_placeholders(self, placeholders, type_header):
""" Print the give given placeholders grouped by typed and by key.
:param placeholders: A list of dicts, where every dict describes one placeholder.
:param type_header: A dict which maps every type to a string which will be printed in front of the list of placeholders with the type.
placeholders_per_type = {
PlaceholderTypes.ARG: {},
PlaceholderTypes.ENV: {},
# Group all placeholders by type and by key
for placeholder in placeholders:
placeholders_with_type = placeholders_per_type[placeholder["type"]]
# Extract the key depending on the type
if placeholder["type"] == PlaceholderTypes.ARG:
key = int(placeholder["match"]) # Key is the argument number
elif placeholder["type"] == PlaceholderTypes.ENV:
key = placeholder["match"] # Key is the env var name
# Add the placeholder to the list of placeholders with this specific key
if key not in placeholders_with_type:
placeholders_with_type[key] = []
# Go through all types
for type, placeholders_with_type in sorted(placeholders_per_type.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].value):
# If there are placeholders with this type
if len(placeholders_with_type) > 0:
# Log header
# Log list the placeholders of this type
for placeholder in sorted(placeholders_with_type.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
self.log(" " + self._form_argument_usage_string(type, str(placeholder[0]), placeholder[1]))
[docs] def _placeholder_path_to_string(self, path):
""" Forms a string out of a path list.
["key1", "key2"] -> key1/key2
Also inserts module names for better readability.
:param path: A path list. e.q. ["key1", "key2"].
:return: The path string.
# If the path goes through ["modules"][i] with i being the module index, then insert modules name for better readability
if len(path) > 1 and path[0] == "modules" and "module" in self.config["modules"][path[1]]:
path = path[:]
path[1] = "(" + self.config["modules"][path[1]]["module"] + ")"
return "/".join([str(path_segment) for path_segment in path])
[docs] def _fill_placeholders_in_config(self, skip_arg_placeholders):
""" Replaces all placeholders with their corresponding values """
# Collect a list of all placeholders which could not be filled
unfilled_placeholders = []
# Go through all collected placeholders
for placeholder in self.placeholders:
if placeholder["type"] == PlaceholderTypes.ARG and (not skip_arg_placeholders):
arg_index = int(placeholder["match"])
# Check if the argument has been given
if arg_index < len(self.args):
# Replace placeholder by the given argument
self._fill_placeholder_at_path(placeholder["path"], "<args:" + str(arg_index) + ">", self.args[arg_index])
elif placeholder["type"] == PlaceholderTypes.ENV:
env_name = placeholder["match"]
# Check if env var with this name exists
if env_name in os.environ:
# Replace placeholder with the value of this env var
self._fill_placeholder_at_path(placeholder["path"], "<env:" + str(env_name) + ">", os.environ[env_name])
# If there were placeholders that could not be filled, exit program and print error message
if len(unfilled_placeholders) > 0:
self.log("There was an error while parsing the config.\nThe following placeholders could not be filled:\n")
self._print_placeholders(unfilled_placeholders, {PlaceholderTypes.ARG: "Missing arguments:", PlaceholderTypes.ENV: "Missing environment variables:"})
raise Exception("Missing arguments")
[docs] def _fill_placeholder_at_path(self, path, old, new):
""" Replaces the given placeholder with the given value at the given path
:param path: A path list which leads to the config value that contains the placeholder.
:param old: The string to replace
:param new: The string to replace it with
path_string = self._placeholder_path_to_string(path)
# Walk down the config dict along the given path
config = self.config
while len(path) > 1:
config = config[path[0]]
path = path[1:]
# Replace the placeholder
config[path[0]] = config[path[0]].replace(old, new)
self.log("Filling placeholder " + old + " at " + path_string + ": " + config[path[0]], is_info=True)
[docs] def log(self, message, is_info=False):
""" Prints the given message.
:param message: The message string.
:param is_info: True, if this message is only debug information.
# If silent is True, then debug information is not printed.
if not is_info or not self.silent: