import numpy as np
from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Color, Matrix, Quaternion
import bpy
import json
[docs]class ItemWriter:
def __init__(self, get_item_attribute_func):
self.get_item_attribute_func = get_item_attribute_func
[docs] def write_items_to_file(self, path_prefix, items, attributes, local_frame_change=None, world_frame_change=None):
""" Writes the state of the given items to one numpy file per frame.
:param path_prefix: The prefix path to write the files to.
:param items: A list of items.
:param attributes: A list of attributes to write per item.
:param local_frame_change: Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
:param world_frame_change: Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end):
self._write_items_to_file_for_current_frame(path_prefix, items, attributes, frame, local_frame_change, world_frame_change)
[docs] def _write_items_to_file_for_current_frame(self, path_prefix, items, attributes, frame, local_frame_change, world_frame_change):
""" Writes the state of the given items to one numpy file for the given frame.
:param path_prefix: The prefix path to write the files to.
:param items: A list of items.
:param attributes: A list of attributes to write per item.
:param frame: The frame number.
:param local_frame_change: Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
:param world_frame_change: Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: ["X", "Y", "Z"]
value_list = []
# Go over all items
for item in items:
value_list_per_item = {}
# Go through all attributes
for attribute in attributes:
# Get the attribute value
value = self.get_item_attribute_func(item, attribute, local_frame_change, world_frame_change)
# If its a list of numbers, just add to the array, else just add one value
if isinstance(value, (Vector, Euler, Color, Quaternion)):
value = list(value)
elif isinstance(value, (Matrix, np.ndarray)):
value = np.array(value).tolist()
value_list_per_item[attribute] = value
# Write to a numpy file + "%04d" % frame + ".npy", np.string_(json.dumps(value_list)))