import random
from typing import Callable, List, Optional
import bpy
import numpy as np
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, get_all_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.utility.CollisionUtility import CollisionUtility
[docs]def replace_objects(objects_to_be_replaced: List[MeshObject], objects_to_replace_with: List[MeshObject],
ignore_collision_with: Optional[List[MeshObject]] = None, replace_ratio: float = 1,
copy_properties: bool = True, max_tries: int = 100,
relative_pose_sampler: Callable[[MeshObject], None] = None):
""" Replaces mesh objects with another mesh objects and scales them accordingly, the replaced objects and the objects to replace with in following steps:
1. Randomly select a subset of objects_to_be_replaced.
2. For each of these objects, sample other objects from objects_to_replace_with and try to replace them.
3. In each try, the poses of the objects are aligned and a check for collisions with other objects is done.
4. An object is skipped if max_tries is reached.
:param objects_to_be_replaced: Objects, which should be removed from the scene.
:param objects_to_replace_with: Objects, which will be tried to be added to the scene.
:param ignore_collision_with: Objects, which are not checked for collisions with.
:param replace_ratio: Ratio of objects in the original scene, which will be replaced.
:param copy_properties: Copies the custom properties of the objects_to_be_replaced to the objects_to_replace_with.
:param max_tries: Maximum number of tries to replace one object.
:param relative_pose_sampler: A function that randomly perturbs the pose of the object to replace with (after it has been aligned to the object to replace).
if ignore_collision_with is None:
ignore_collision_with = []
# Hide new objects from renderers until they are added
for obj in objects_to_replace_with:
check_collision_with = []
for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
if obj not in ignore_collision_with:
# amount of replacements depends on the amount of objects and the replace ratio
objects_to_be_replaced = random.sample(objects_to_be_replaced, k=int(len(objects_to_be_replaced) * replace_ratio))
if len(objects_to_be_replaced) == 0:
print("Warning: The amount of objects, which should be replace is zero!")
# Go over all objects we should replace
for current_object_to_be_replaced in objects_to_be_replaced:
# Do at most max_tries to replace the object with a random object from objects_to_replace_with
tries = 0
while tries < max_tries:
current_object_to_replace_with = np.random.choice(objects_to_replace_with)
if ObjectReplacer.replace(current_object_to_be_replaced, current_object_to_replace_with,
check_collision_with, relative_pose_sampler=relative_pose_sampler):
# Duplicate the added object to be able to add it again
duplicate_new_object = current_object_to_replace_with.duplicate()
# Copy properties to the newly duplicated object
if copy_properties:
for key, value in current_object_to_be_replaced.get_all_cps():
duplicate_new_object.set_cp(key, value)
print('Replaced ', current_object_to_be_replaced.get_name(), ' by ', duplicate_new_object.get_name())
# Delete the original object and remove it from the list
tries += 1
if tries == max_tries:
print("Could not replace " + current_object_to_be_replaced.get_name())
[docs]class ObjectReplacer:
""" Replaces mesh objects with another mesh objects and scales them accordingly, the replaced objects and the
objects to replace with, can be selected over Selectors (getter.Entity).
[docs] @staticmethod
def _bb_ratio(bb1: np.ndarray, bb2: np.ndarray) -> list:
""" Rough estimation of the ratios between two bounding boxes sides, not axis aligned
:param bb1: bounding box 1. Type: float multi-dimensional array of 8 * 3.
:param bb2: bounding box 2. Type: float multi-dimensional array of 8 * 3.
returns the ratio between each side of the bounding box. Type: a list of floats.
ratio_a = (bb1[0, 0] - bb1[4, 0]) / (bb2[0, 0] - bb2[4, 0])
ratio_b = (bb1[0, 1] - bb1[3, 1]) / (bb2[0, 1] - bb2[3, 1])
ratio_c = (bb1[0, 2] - bb1[1, 2]) / (bb2[0, 2] - bb2[1, 2])
return [ratio_a, ratio_b, ratio_c]
[docs] @staticmethod
def replace(obj_to_remove: MeshObject, obj_to_add: MeshObject,
check_collision_with: Optional[List[MeshObject]] = None, scale: bool = True,
relative_pose_sampler: Callable[[MeshObject], None] = None):
""" Scale, translate, rotate obj_to_add to match obj_to_remove and check if there is a bounding box collision
returns a boolean.
:param obj_to_remove: An object to remove from the scene.
:param obj_to_add: An object to put in the scene instead of obj_to_remove.
:param check_collision_with: A list of objects, which are not checked for collisions with.
:param scale: Scales obj_to_add to match obj_to_remove dimensions.
:param relative_pose_sampler: A function that randomly perturbs the pose of the object to replace with (after it has been aligned to the object to replace).
if check_collision_with is None:
check_collision_with = []
# New object takes location, rotation and rough scale of original object
if scale:
ObjectReplacer._bb_ratio(obj_to_remove.get_bound_box(True), obj_to_add.get_bound_box(True)))
if relative_pose_sampler is not None:
# Check for collision between the new object and other objects in the scene
return CollisionUtility.check_intersections(obj_to_add, None, [obj for obj in check_collision_with if obj != obj_to_add and obj != obj_to_remove], [])