import random
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
[docs]class SuncgPointInRoomSampler:
def __init__(self, suncg_objects: List[MeshObject]):
:param suncg_objects: The list of suncg objects to consider.
# Collect all valid room objects
self.rooms = []
for room_obj in suncg_objects:
# Check if object is from type room and has bbox
if room_obj.has_cp("type") and room_obj.get_cp("type") == "Room" and room_obj.has_cp("bbox"):
# Make sure the room has a floor which is required for sampling
floor_obj = self._find_floor(suncg_objects, room_obj)
if floor_obj is not None:
self.rooms.append((room_obj, floor_obj))
[docs] def sample(self, height: float, max_tries: int = 1000) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]:
""" Samples a point inside one of the loaded suncg rooms.
The points are uniformly sampled along x/y over all rooms.
The z-coordinate is set based on the given height value.
:param height: The height above the floor to use for the z-component of the point.
:param max_tries: The maximum number of times sampling above the floor should be tried.
:return: The sampled point and the id of the room it was sampled in.
for _ in range(max_tries):
# Sample room
room_id = random.randrange(len(self.rooms))
room_obj, floor_obj = self.rooms[room_id]
point = np.array([
random.uniform(room_obj.get_cp("bbox")["min"][0], room_obj.get_cp("bbox")["max"][0]),
random.uniform(room_obj.get_cp("bbox")["min"][1], room_obj.get_cp("bbox")["max"][1]),
room_obj.get_cp("bbox")["min"][2] + height
# Check if sampled pose is valid
if floor_obj.position_is_above_object(point):
return point, room_id
raise Exception("Cannot sample any point inside the loaded suncg rooms.")
[docs] def _find_floor(self, suncg_objects: List[MeshObject], room_obj: MeshObject) -> Optional[MeshObject]:
""" Returns the floor object of the given room object.
Goes through all children and returns the first one with type "Floor".
:param suncg_objects:
:param room_obj: The room object.
:return: The found floor object or None if none has been found.
for obj in suncg_objects:
if obj.get_parent() == room_obj and obj.has_cp("type") and obj.get_cp("type") == "Floor":
return obj
return None