Source code for blenderproc.python.sampler.UpperRegionSampler

import math
import random
import numpy as np

from typing import List, Union, Optional, Tuple
from mathutils import Vector

from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject

[docs]def upper_region(objects_to_sample_on: Union[MeshObject, List[MeshObject]], face_sample_range: Optional[Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, min_height: float = 0.0, max_height: float = 1.0, use_ray_trace_check: bool = False, upper_dir: Optional[Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, use_upper_dir: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Uniformly samples 3-dimensional value over the bounding box of the specified objects (can be just a plane) in the defined upper direction. If "use_upper_dir" is False, samples along the face normal closest to "upper_dir". The sampling volume results in a parallelepiped. "min_height" and "max_height" define the sampling distance from the face. Example 1: Sample a location on the surface of the given objects with height above this surface in range of [1.5, 1.8]. .. code-block:: python UpperRegionSampler.sample( objects_to_sample_on=objs, min_height=1.5, max_height=1.8 ) :param objects_to_sample_on: Objects, on which to sample on. :param face_sample_range: Restricts the area on the face where objects are sampled. Specifically describes relative lengths of both face vectors between which points are sampled. Default: [0.0, 1.0] :param min_height: Minimum distance to the bounding box that a point is sampled on. :param max_height: Maximum distance to the bounding box that a point is sampled on. :param use_ray_trace_check: Toggles using a ray casting towards the sampled object (if the object is directly below the sampled position is the position accepted). :param upper_dir: The 'up' direction of the sampling box. Default: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]. :param use_upper_dir: Toggles using a ray casting towards the sampled object (if the object is directly below the sampled position is the position accepted). :return: Sampled value. """ if face_sample_range is None: face_sample_range = [0.0, 1.0] if upper_dir is None: upper_dir = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] face_sample_range = np.array(face_sample_range) upper_dir = np.array(upper_dir) upper_dir /= np.linalg.norm(upper_dir) if not isinstance(objects_to_sample_on, list): objects_to_sample_on = [objects_to_sample_on] if max_height < min_height: raise Exception("The minimum height ({}) must be smaller " "than the maximum height ({})!".format(min_height, max_height)) regions = [] def calc_vec_and_normals(face: List[np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the two vectors, which lie in the plane of the face and the normal of the face. :param face: Four corner coordinates of a face. Type: [4x[3xfloat]]. :return: (two vectors in the plane), and the normal. """ vec1 = face[1] - face[0] vec2 = face[3] - face[0] normal = np.cross(vec1, vec2) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) return (vec1, vec2), normal # determine for each object in objects the region, where to sample on for obj in objects_to_sample_on: bb = obj.get_bound_box() faces = [] faces.append([bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3]]) faces.append([bb[0], bb[4], bb[5], bb[1]]) faces.append([bb[1], bb[5], bb[6], bb[2]]) faces.append([bb[6], bb[7], bb[3], bb[2]]) faces.append([bb[3], bb[7], bb[4], bb[0]]) faces.append([bb[7], bb[6], bb[5], bb[4]]) # select the face, which has the smallest angle to the upper direction min_diff_angle = 2 * math.pi selected_face = None for face in faces: # calc the normal of all faces _, normal = calc_vec_and_normals(face) diff_angle = math.acos( if diff_angle < min_diff_angle: min_diff_angle = diff_angle selected_face = face # save the selected face values if selected_face is not None: vectors, normal = calc_vec_and_normals(selected_face) base_point = selected_face[0] regions.append(Region2D(vectors, normal, base_point)) else: raise Exception("Couldn't find a face, for this obj: {}".format(obj.get_name())) if regions and len(regions) == len(objects_to_sample_on): selected_region_id = random.randint(0, len(regions) - 1) selected_region, obj = regions[selected_region_id], objects_to_sample_on[selected_region_id] if use_ray_trace_check: inv_world_matrix = np.linalg.inv(obj.get_local2world_mat()) while True: ret = selected_region.sample_point(face_sample_range) dir = upper_dir if use_upper_dir else selected_region.normal() ret += dir * random.uniform(min_height, max_height) if use_ray_trace_check: # transform the coords into the reference frame of the object c_ret = inv_world_matrix @ np.concatenate((ret, [1]), 0) c_dir = inv_world_matrix @ np.concatenate((dir * -1.0, [0]), 0) # check if the object was hit hit, _, _, _ = obj.ray_cast(c_ret[:3], c_dir[:3]) if hit: # if the object was hit return break else: break return np.array(ret) else: raise Exception("The amount of regions is either zero or does not match the amount of objects!")
[docs]class Region2D(object): """ Helper class for UpperRegionSampler: Defines a 2D region in 3D. """ def __init__(self, vectors: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], normal: np.ndarray, base_point: np.ndarray): self._vectors = vectors # the two vectors which lie in the selected face self._normal = normal # the normal of the selected face self._base_point = base_point # the base point of the selected face
[docs] def sample_point(self, face_sample_range: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a point in the 2D Region :param face_sample_range: relative lengths of both face vectors between which points are sampled :return: """ ret = self._base_point.copy() # walk over both vectors in the plane and determine a distance in both direction for vec in self._vectors: ret += vec * random.uniform(face_sample_range[0], face_sample_range[1]) return ret
[docs] def normal(self): """ :return: the normal of the region """ return self._normal