Source code for blenderproc.python.utility.InstallUtility

import argparse
import os
import ssl
import tarfile
from os.path import join
import subprocess
import shutil
import ssl
import signal
import sys
from sys import platform, version_info
from platform import machine
from typing import List, Union

if version_info.major == 3:
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
    from urllib.error import URLError
    from urllib import urlretrieve
    import contextlib

from blenderproc.python.modules.utility.ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility

[docs]class InstallUtility:
[docs] @staticmethod def determine_blender_install_path(is_config: bool, args: List[str], user_args: List[str]) -> Union[str, str]: """ Determines the path of the blender installation :param is_config: Whether a yaml config file was given instead of a python script. :param args: The given command line arguments. :param user_args: The arguments that will be forwarded to the users script. :return: - The path to an already existing blender installation that should be used, otherwise None - The path to where blender should be installed. """ if is_config: config_parser = ConfigParser() config = config_parser.parse(args.file, user_args, False) # Don't parse placeholder args in batch mode. setup_config = config["setup"] custom_blender_path = setup_config["custom_blender_path"] if "custom_blender_path" in setup_config else args.custom_blender_path blender_install_path = setup_config["blender_install_path"] if "blender_install_path" in setup_config else args.blender_install_path else: custom_blender_path = args.custom_blender_path blender_install_path = args.blender_install_path # If no blender install path is given set it to /home_local/<env:USER>/blender/ per default if blender_install_path is None: blender_install_path = os.path.join("/home_local", os.getenv("USERNAME") if platform == "win32" else os.getenv("USER"), "blender") return custom_blender_path, blender_install_path
[docs] @staticmethod def make_sure_blender_is_installed(custom_blender_path: str, blender_install_path: str, reinstall_blender: bool = False) -> Union[str, str]: """ Make sure blender is installed. :param custom_blender_path: The path to an already existing blender installation that should be used, otherwise None. :param blender_install_path: The path to where blender should be installed. :param reinstall_blender: If True, blender will be forced to reinstall. :return: - The path to the blender binary. - The major version of the blender installation. """ # If blender should be downloaded automatically if custom_blender_path is None: # Determine path where blender should be installed if blender_install_path is not None: blender_install_path = os.path.expanduser(blender_install_path) if blender_install_path.startswith("/home_local") and not os.path.exists("/home_local"): user_name = os.getenv("USERNAME") if platform == "win32" else os.getenv("USER") home_path = os.getenv("USERPROFILE") if platform == "win32" else os.getenv("HOME") print("Warning: Changed install path from {}... to {}..., there is no /home_local/ " "on this machine.".format(join("/home_local", user_name), home_path)) # Replace the seperator from '/' to the os-specific one # Since all example config files use '/' as seperator blender_install_path = blender_install_path.replace(os.path.join("/home_local", user_name), home_path, 1) blender_install_path = blender_install_path.replace('/', os.path.sep) else: blender_install_path = "blender" # Determine configured version # right new only support blender-3.2.1 major_version = "3.2" minor_version = "1" blender_version = "blender-{}.{}".format(major_version, minor_version) if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": blender_version += "-linux-x64" blender_path = os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version) elif platform == "darwin": # check if the current mac uses an Intel x86 processor if "x86" in machine(): blender_version += "-macos-x64" else: # or an Apple Silicon blender_version += "-macos-arm64" blender_install_path = os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version) blender_path = os.path.join(blender_install_path, "") elif platform == "win32": blender_version += "-windows-x64" blender_install_path = os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version) blender_path = blender_install_path else: raise Exception("This system is not supported yet: {}".format(platform)) # If forced reinstall is demanded, remove existing files if os.path.exists(blender_path) and reinstall_blender: print("Removing existing blender installation") shutil.rmtree(blender_path) # Download blender if it not already exists if not os.path.exists(blender_path): if version_info.major != 3: try: import lzma except ImportError as e: print("For decompressing \".xz\" files in python 2.x is it necessary to use lzma") raise e # from import lzma -> pip install --user pyliblzma used_url = "" + major_version + "/" + blender_version if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": url = used_url + ".tar.xz" elif platform == "darwin": url = used_url + ".dmg" elif platform == "win32": url = used_url + ".zip" else: raise Exception("This system is not supported yet: {}".format(platform)) try: try: import progressbar class DownloadProgressBar(object): def __init__(self): self.pbar = None def __call__(self, block_num, block_size, total_size): if not self.pbar: self.pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=total_size) self.pbar.start() downloaded = block_num * block_size if downloaded < total_size: self.pbar.update(downloaded) else: self.pbar.finish() print("Downloading blender from " + url) file_tmp = urlretrieve(url, None, DownloadProgressBar())[0] except ImportError: print("Progressbar for downloading, can only be shown, " "when the python package \"progressbar\" is installed") file_tmp = urlretrieve(url, None)[0] except URLError as e: if platform == "win32": # on windows this is a known problem that the ssl certificates don't properly work # deactivate the ssl check if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context file_tmp = urlretrieve(url, None)[0] else: raise e if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": if version_info.major == 3: SetupUtility.extract_file(blender_install_path, file_tmp, "TAR") else: with contextlib.closing(lzma.LZMAFile(file_tmp)) as xz: with as f: f.extractall(blender_install_path) elif platform == "darwin": if not os.path.exists(blender_install_path): os.makedirs(blender_install_path) os.rename(file_tmp, os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version + ".dmg")) # installing the blender app by mounting it and extracting the information subprocess.Popen(["hdiutil attach {}".format(os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version + ".dmg"))], shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen( ["cp -r {} {}".format(os.path.join("/", "Volumes", "Blender", ""), blender_install_path)], shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen(["diskutil unmount {}".format(os.path.join("/", "Volumes", "Blender"))], shell=True) # removing the downloaded image again subprocess.Popen(["rm {}".format(os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version + ".dmg"))], shell=True).wait() # add path to it elif platform == "win32": SetupUtility.extract_file(blender_install_path, file_tmp) # rename the blender folder to better fit our existing scheme for folder in os.listdir(blender_install_path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(blender_install_path, folder)) and folder.startswith("blender-" + major_version): os.rename(os.path.join(blender_install_path, folder), os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version)) else: blender_path = os.path.expanduser(custom_blender_path) # Try to get major version of given blender installation major_version = None for sub_dir in os.listdir(blender_path): # Search for the subdirectory which has the major version as its name if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(blender_path, sub_dir)) and sub_dir.replace(".", "").isdigit(): major_version = sub_dir break if major_version is None: raise Exception("Could not determine major blender version") print("Using blender in " + blender_path) # Run script if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": blender_run_path = os.path.join(blender_path, "blender") elif platform == "darwin": blender_run_path = os.path.join(blender_path, "Contents", "MacOS", "Blender") elif platform == "win32": blender_run_path = os.path.join(blender_install_path, blender_version, "blender") else: raise Exception("This system is not supported yet: {}".format(platform)) return blender_run_path, major_version