import csv
[docs]class LabelIdMapping:
""" Handles category id mapping for semantic segmentation maps. """
def __init__(self):
# maps from an id to its name. E.g. id_label_map[0] = "void"
self._id_label_map = {}
# maps a class/category name to its id. E.g. label_id_map["void"] = 0
self._label_id_map = {}
self._num_ids = 0
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_csv(path, label_col_name="name", id_col_name="id") -> "LabelIdMapping":
""" Builds a label-id mapping based on the given csv file.
:param path: The path to a csv file.
:param label_col_name: The name of the column which should be used as label.
:param id_col_name: The name of the column which should be used as id.
:return: The built label mapping object.
with open(path, 'r') as csv_file:
reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
mapping = LabelIdMapping()
for row in reader:
mapping.add(row[label_col_name], int(row[id_col_name]))
return mapping
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_dict(label_to_id: dict) -> "LabelIdMapping":
""" Builds a label-id mapping based on the given dict.
:param label_to_id: A dict where keys are labels and values are ids.
:return: The built label mapping object.
mapping = LabelIdMapping()
for label, id_value in label_to_id.items():
mapping.add(label, id_value)
return mapping
[docs] def add(self, label: str, id_value: int):
""" Inserts the given label-id pair into the mapping.
:param label: The label of the pair.
:param id_value: The id of the pair
if self.has_id(id_value):
raise Exception("There already exists a label-id mapping for the id " + str(id_value))
if self.has_label(label):
raise Exception("There already exists a label-id mapping for the label " + label)
self._id_label_map[id_value] = label
self._label_id_map[label] = id_value
self._num_ids = max(self._num_ids, id_value + 1)
[docs] def id_from_label(self, label: str) -> int:
""" Returns the id assigned to the given label.
:param label: The label to look for.
:return: The id with the given label.
return self._label_id_map[label]
[docs] def label_from_id(self, id_value: int) -> str:
""" Returns the label assigned to the given id.
:param id_value: The id to look for.
:return: The label with the given id.
return self._id_label_map[id_value]
[docs] def has_label(self, label: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if the mapping contains the given label.
:param label: The label to look for.
:return: True, if the label is already in use.
return label in self._label_id_map
[docs] def has_id(self, id_value: int) -> bool:
""" Checks if the mapping contains the given id.
:param id_value: The id to look for.
:return: True, if the id is already in use.
return id_value in self._id_label_map