from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
import json
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import shutil
from typing import List, Optional
import png
import cv2
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_blender_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility, resolve_path
from blenderproc.python.postprocessing.PostProcessingUtility import dist2depth
from blenderproc.python.writer.WriterUtility import WriterUtility
[docs]def write_bop(output_dir: str, target_objects: Optional[List[MeshObject]] = None, depths: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None,
colors: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None, color_file_format: str = "PNG", dataset: str = "",
append_to_existing_output: bool = True, depth_scale: float = 1.0, jpg_quality: int = 95, save_world2cam: bool = True,
ignore_dist_thres: float = 100., m2mm: bool = True, frames_per_chunk: int = 1000):
"""Write the BOP data
:param output_dir: Path to the output directory.
:param target_objects: Objects for which to save ground truth poses in BOP format. Default: Save all objects or from specified dataset
:param depths: List of depth images in m to save
:param colors: List of color images to save
:param color_file_format: File type to save color images. Available: "PNG", "JPEG"
:param jpg_quality: If color_file_format is "JPEG", save with the given quality.
:param dataset: Only save annotations for objects of the specified bop dataset. Saves all object poses if undefined.
:param append_to_existing_output: If true, the new frames will be appended to the existing ones.
:param depth_scale: Multiply the uint16 output depth image with this factor to get depth in mm. Used to trade-off between depth accuracy
and maximum depth value. Default corresponds to 65.54m maximum depth and 1mm accuracy.
:param save_world2cam: If true, camera to world transformations "cam_R_w2c", "cam_t_w2c" are saved in scene_camera.json
:param ignore_dist_thres: Distance between camera and object after which object is ignored. Mostly due to failed physics.
:param m2mm: Original bop annotations and models are in mm. If true, we convert the gt annotations to mm here. This
is needed if BopLoader option mm2m is used.
:param frames_per_chunk: Number of frames saved in each chunk (called scene in BOP)
if depths is None:
depths = []
if colors is None:
colors = []
# Output paths.
dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, dataset)
chunks_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'train_pbr')
camera_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'camera.json')
# Create the output directory structure.
if not os.path.exists(dataset_dir):
elif not append_to_existing_output:
raise Exception("The output folder already exists: {}.".format(dataset_dir))
# Select target objects or objects from the specified dataset or all objects
if target_objects is not None:
dataset_objects = [t_obj.blender_obj for t_obj in target_objects]
elif dataset:
dataset_objects = []
for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
if "bop_dataset_name" in obj and not obj.hide_render:
if obj["bop_dataset_name"] == dataset:
dataset_objects = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
# Check if there is any object from the specified dataset.
if not dataset_objects:
raise Exception("The scene does not contain any object from the "
"specified dataset: {}. Either remove the dataset parameter "
"or assign custom property 'bop_dataset_name' to selected objects".format(dataset))
# Save the data.
BopWriterUtility._write_camera(camera_path, depth_scale=depth_scale)
BopWriterUtility._write_frames(chunks_dir, dataset_objects=dataset_objects, depths=depths, colors=colors,
color_file_format=color_file_format, frames_per_chunk=frames_per_chunk,
m2mm=m2mm, ignore_dist_thres=ignore_dist_thres, save_world2cam=save_world2cam,
depth_scale=depth_scale, jpg_quality=jpg_quality)
[docs]class BopWriterUtility:
""" Saves the synthesized dataset in the BOP format. The dataset is split
into chunks which are saved as individual "scenes". For more details
about the BOP format, visit the BOP toolkit docs:
[docs] @staticmethod
def _load_json(path, keys_to_int=False):
"""Loads content of a JSON file.
From the BOP toolkit (
:param path: Path to the JSON file.
:param keys_to_int: Convert digit dict keys to integers. Default: False
:return: Content of the loaded JSON file.
# Keys to integers.
def convert_keys_to_int(x):
return {int(k) if k.lstrip('-').isdigit() else k: v for k, v in x.items()}
with open(path, 'r') as f:
if keys_to_int:
content = json.load(f, object_hook=lambda x: convert_keys_to_int(x))
content = json.load(f)
return content
[docs] @staticmethod
def _save_json(path, content):
""" Saves the content to a JSON file in a human-friendly format.
From the BOP toolkit (
:param path: Path to the output JSON file.
:param content: Dictionary/list to save.
with open(path, 'w') as f:
if isinstance(content, dict):
content_sorted = sorted(content.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for elem_id, (k, v) in enumerate(content_sorted):
' \"{}\": {}'.format(k, json.dumps(v, sort_keys=True)))
if elem_id != len(content) - 1:
elif isinstance(content, list):
for elem_id, elem in enumerate(content):
f.write(' {}'.format(json.dumps(elem, sort_keys=True)))
if elem_id != len(content) - 1:
json.dump(content, f, sort_keys=True)
[docs] @staticmethod
def _save_depth(path, im):
"""Saves a depth image (16-bit) to a PNG file.
From the BOP toolkit (
:param path: Path to the output depth image file.
:param im: ndarray with the depth image to save.
if not path.endswith(".png"):
raise ValueError('Only PNG format is currently supported.')
im[im > 65535] = 65535
im_uint16 = np.round(im).astype(np.uint16)
# PyPNG library can save 16-bit PNG and is faster than imageio.imwrite().
w_depth = png.Writer(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], greyscale=True, bitdepth=16)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
w_depth.write(f, np.reshape(im_uint16, (-1, im.shape[1])))
[docs] @staticmethod
def _write_camera(camera_path: str, depth_scale: float = 1.0):
""" Writes camera.json into dataset_dir.
:param camera_path: Path to camera.json
:param depth_scale: Multiply the uint16 output depth image with this factor to get depth in mm.
cam_K = WriterUtility.get_cam_attribute(, 'cam_K')
camera = {'cx': cam_K[0][2],
'cy': cam_K[1][2],
'depth_scale': depth_scale,
'fx': cam_K[0][0],
'fy': cam_K[1][1],
'height': bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y,
'width': bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x}
BopWriterUtility._save_json(camera_path, camera)
[docs] @staticmethod
def _get_frame_gt(dataset_objects: List[bpy.types.Mesh], unit_scaling: float, ignore_dist_thres: float,
destination_frame: List[str] = ["X", "-Y", "-Z"]):
""" Returns GT pose annotations between active camera and objects.
:param dataset_objects: Save annotations for these objects.
:param unit_scaling: 1000. for outputting poses in mm
:param ignore_dist_thres: Distance between camera and object after which object is ignored. Mostly due to failed physics.
:param destination_frame: Transform poses from Blender internal coordinates to OpenCV coordinates
:return: A list of GT camera-object pose annotations for scene_gt.json
H_c2w_opencv = Matrix(WriterUtility.get_cam_attribute(, 'cam2world_matrix',
frame_gt = []
for obj in dataset_objects:
H_m2w = Matrix(WriterUtility.get_common_attribute(obj, 'matrix_world'))
cam_H_m2c = H_c2w_opencv.inverted() @ H_m2w
cam_R_m2c = cam_H_m2c.to_quaternion().to_matrix()
cam_t_m2c = cam_H_m2c.to_translation()
assert "category_id" in obj, "{} object has no custom property 'category_id'".format(obj.get_name())
# ignore examples that fell through the plane
if not np.linalg.norm(list(cam_t_m2c)) > ignore_dist_thres:
cam_t_m2c = list(cam_t_m2c * unit_scaling)
'cam_R_m2c': list(cam_R_m2c[0]) + list(cam_R_m2c[1]) + list(cam_R_m2c[2]),
'cam_t_m2c': cam_t_m2c,
'obj_id': obj["category_id"]
print('ignored obj, ', obj["category_id"], 'because either ')
print('(1) it is further away than parameter "ignore_dist_thres: ",', ignore_dist_thres)
print('(e.g. because it fell through a plane during physics sim)')
print('(2) the object pose has not been given in meters')
return frame_gt
[docs] @staticmethod
def _get_frame_camera(save_world2cam, depth_scale=1.0, unit_scaling=1000., destination_frame=["X", "-Y", "-Z"]):
""" Returns camera parameters for the active camera.
:param save_world2cam: If true, camera to world transformations "cam_R_w2c", "cam_t_w2c" are saved in scene_camera.json
:param depth_scale: Multiply the uint16 output depth image with this factor to get depth in mm.
:param unit_scaling: 1000. for outputting poses in mm
:param destination_frame: Transform poses from Blender internal coordinates to OpenCV coordinates
:return: dict containing info for scene_camera.json
cam_K = WriterUtility.get_cam_attribute(, 'cam_K')
frame_camera_dict = {
'cam_K': cam_K[0] + cam_K[1] + cam_K[2],
'depth_scale': depth_scale
if save_world2cam:
H_c2w_opencv = Matrix(WriterUtility.get_cam_attribute(, 'cam2world_matrix',
H_w2c_opencv = H_c2w_opencv.inverted()
R_w2c_opencv = H_w2c_opencv.to_quaternion().to_matrix()
t_w2c_opencv = H_w2c_opencv.to_translation() * unit_scaling
frame_camera_dict['cam_R_w2c'] = list(R_w2c_opencv[0]) + list(R_w2c_opencv[1]) + list(R_w2c_opencv[2])
frame_camera_dict['cam_t_w2c'] = list(t_w2c_opencv)
return frame_camera_dict
[docs] @staticmethod
def _write_frames(chunks_dir: str, dataset_objects: list, depths: List[np.ndarray] = [],
colors: List[np.ndarray] = [],
color_file_format: str = "PNG", depth_scale: float = 1.0, frames_per_chunk: int = 1000,
m2mm: bool = True,
ignore_dist_thres: float = 100., save_world2cam: bool = True, jpg_quality: int = 95):
"""Write each frame's ground truth into chunk directory in BOP format
:param chunks_dir: Path to the output directory of the current chunk.
:param dataset_objects: Save annotations for these objects.
:param depths: List of depth images in m to save
:param colors: List of color images to save
:param color_file_format: File type to save color images. Available: "PNG", "JPEG"
:param jpg_quality: If color_file_format is "JPEG", save with the given quality.
:param depth_scale: Multiply the uint16 output depth image with this factor to get depth in mm. Used to trade-off between depth accuracy
and maximum depth value. Default corresponds to 65.54m maximum depth and 1mm accuracy.
:param ignore_dist_thres: Distance between camera and object after which object is ignored. Mostly due to failed physics.
:param m2mm: Original bop annotations and models are in mm. If true, we convert the gt annotations to mm here. This
is needed if BopLoader option mm2m is used.
:param frames_per_chunk: Number of frames saved in each chunk (called scene in BOP)
# Format of the depth images.
depth_ext = '.png'
rgb_tpath = os.path.join(chunks_dir, '{chunk_id:06d}', 'rgb', '{im_id:06d}' + '{im_type}')
depth_tpath = os.path.join(chunks_dir, '{chunk_id:06d}', 'depth', '{im_id:06d}' + depth_ext)
chunk_camera_tpath = os.path.join(chunks_dir, '{chunk_id:06d}', 'scene_camera.json')
chunk_gt_tpath = os.path.join(chunks_dir, '{chunk_id:06d}', 'scene_gt.json')
# Paths to the already existing chunk folders (such folders may exist
# when appending to an existing dataset).
chunk_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(chunks_dir, '*')))
chunk_dirs = [d for d in chunk_dirs if os.path.isdir(d)]
# Get ID's of the last already existing chunk and frame.
curr_chunk_id = 0
curr_frame_id = 0
if len(chunk_dirs):
last_chunk_dir = sorted(chunk_dirs)[-1]
last_chunk_gt_fpath = os.path.join(last_chunk_dir, 'scene_gt.json')
chunk_gt = BopWriterUtility._load_json(last_chunk_gt_fpath, keys_to_int=True)
# Last chunk and frame ID's.
last_chunk_id = int(os.path.basename(last_chunk_dir))
last_frame_id = int(sorted(chunk_gt.keys())[-1])
# Current chunk and frame ID's.
curr_chunk_id = last_chunk_id
curr_frame_id = last_frame_id + 1
if curr_frame_id % frames_per_chunk == 0:
curr_chunk_id += 1
curr_frame_id = 0
# Initialize structures for the GT annotations and camera info.
chunk_gt = {}
chunk_camera = {}
if curr_frame_id != 0:
# Load GT and camera info of the chunk we are appending to.
chunk_gt = BopWriterUtility._load_json(
chunk_gt_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id), keys_to_int=True)
chunk_camera = BopWriterUtility._load_json(
chunk_camera_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id), keys_to_int=True)
# Go through all frames.
num_new_frames = bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_start
if len(depths) != len(colors) != num_new_frames:
raise Exception("The amount of images stored in the depths/colors does not correspond to the amount"
"of images specified by frame_start to frame_end.")
for frame_id in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end):
# Activate frame.
# Reset data structures and prepare folders for a new chunk.
if curr_frame_id == 0:
chunk_gt = {}
chunk_camera = {}
rgb_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=0, im_type='PNG')))
depth_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=0)))
# Get GT annotations and camera info for the current frame.
# Output translation gt in m or mm
unit_scaling = 1000. if m2mm else 1.
chunk_gt[curr_frame_id] = BopWriterUtility._get_frame_gt(dataset_objects, unit_scaling, ignore_dist_thres)
chunk_camera[curr_frame_id] = BopWriterUtility._get_frame_camera(save_world2cam, depth_scale, unit_scaling)
if colors:
color_rgb = colors[frame_id]
color_bgr = color_rgb.copy()
color_bgr[..., :3] = color_bgr[..., :3][..., ::-1]
if color_file_format == 'PNG':
rgb_fpath = rgb_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=curr_frame_id, im_type='.png')
cv2.imwrite(rgb_fpath, color_bgr)
elif color_file_format == 'JPEG':
rgb_fpath = rgb_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=curr_frame_id, im_type='.jpg')
cv2.imwrite(rgb_fpath, color_bgr, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), jpg_quality])
rgb_output = Utility.find_registered_output_by_key("colors")
if rgb_output is None:
raise Exception("RGB image has not been rendered.")
color_ext = '.png' if rgb_output['path'].endswith('png') else '.jpg'
# Copy the resulting RGB image.
rgb_fpath = rgb_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=curr_frame_id, im_type=color_ext)
shutil.copyfile(rgb_output['path'] % frame_id, rgb_fpath)
if depths:
depth = depths[frame_id]
# Load the resulting dist image.
dist_output = Utility.find_registered_output_by_key("distance")
if dist_output is None:
raise Exception("Distance image has not been rendered.")
distance = WriterUtility.load_output_file(resolve_path(dist_output['path'] % frame_id), remove=False)
depth = dist2depth(distance)
# Scale the depth to retain a higher precision (the depth is saved
# as a 16-bit PNG image with range 0-65535).
depth_mm = 1000.0 * depth # [m] -> [mm]
depth_mm_scaled = depth_mm / float(depth_scale)
# Save the scaled depth image.
depth_fpath = depth_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id, im_id=curr_frame_id)
BopWriterUtility._save_depth(depth_fpath, depth_mm_scaled)
# Save the chunk info if we are at the end of a chunk or at the last new frame.
if ((curr_frame_id + 1) % frames_per_chunk == 0) or \
(frame_id == num_new_frames - 1):
# Save GT annotations.
BopWriterUtility._save_json(chunk_gt_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id), chunk_gt)
# Save camera info.
BopWriterUtility._save_json(chunk_camera_tpath.format(chunk_id=curr_chunk_id), chunk_camera)
# Update ID's.
curr_chunk_id += 1
curr_frame_id = 0
curr_frame_id += 1