Source code for blenderproc.python.sampler.Disk

from typing import Union, List

import mathutils
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Vector

[docs]def disk(center: Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]], radius: float, rotation: Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]] = None, sample_from: str = "disk", start_angle: float = 0, end_angle: float = 180) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a point on a 1-sphere (circle), or on a 2-ball (disk, i.e. circle + interior space), or on an arc/sector with an inner angle less or equal than 180 degrees. Returns a 3d mathutils.Vector sampled point. Example 1: Sample a point from a 1-sphere. .. code-block:: python Disk.sample( center=[0, 0, 4], radius=7, sample_from="circle" ) Example 2: Sample a point from a sector. .. code-block:: python Disk.sample( center=[0, 0, 4], radius=7, sample_from="sector", start_angle=0, end_angle=90 ) :param center: Center (in 3d space) of a 2d geometrical shape to sample from. :param radius: The radius of the disk. :param rotation: List of three (XYZ) Euler angles that represent the rotation of the 2d geometrical structure used for sampling in 3d space. :param sample_from: Mode of sampling. Defines the geometrical structure used for sampling, i.e. the shape to sample from. :param start_angle: Start angle in degrees that is used to define a sector/arc to sample from. Must be smaller than end_angle. Arc's/sector's inner angle (between start and end) must be less or equal than 180 degrees. Angle increases in the counterclockwise direction from the positive direction of X axis. :param end_angle: End angle in degrees that is used to define a sector/arc to sample from. Must be bigger than start_angle. Arc's/sector's inner angle (between start and end) must be less or equal than 180 degrees. Angle increases in the counterclockwise direction from the positive direction of X axis. :return: A random point sampled point on a circle/disk/arc/sector. """ if rotation is None: rotation = [0, 0, 0] # check if the mode/sampling structure is supported if sample_from not in ["disk", "circle", "sector", "arc"]: raise Exception("Unknown mode of operation: " + sample_from) # if mode is sampling from sector or arc if sample_from in ["arc", "sector"]: # check if start and end angles comply to boundaries if not all([start_angle < end_angle, abs(start_angle - end_angle) <= 180]): raise Exception("Sector's/arch's start and end points are defined wrong! Boundaries to comply with:" "1. start_angle < end_angle; 2. abs(start_angle - end_angle) <= 180.") # transform to 2d vectors start_vec = [np.cos(np.deg2rad(start_angle)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(start_angle))] end_vec = [np.cos(np.deg2rad(end_angle)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(end_angle))] # if sampling from the circle or arc set magnitude to radius, if not - to the scaled radius if sample_from.lower() in ["circle", "arc"]: magnitude = radius elif sample_from.lower() in ["disk", "sector"]: magnitude = radius * np.sqrt(np.random.uniform()) else: raise Exception("Unknown mode of operation: " + sample_from) sampled_point = Disk._sample_point(magnitude) # sample a point until it falls into the defined sector/arc if sample_from in ["arc", "sector"]: while not all([not Disk._is_clockwise(start_vec, sampled_point), Disk._is_clockwise(end_vec, sampled_point)]): sampled_point = Disk._sample_point(magnitude) # get rotation rot_mat = mathutils.Euler(rotation, 'XYZ').to_matrix() # apply rotation and add center location = np.array(rot_mat) @ sampled_point + np.array(center) return location
[docs]class Disk:
[docs] @staticmethod def _sample_point(magnitude: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a 3d point from a two-dimensional normal distribution with the third dim equal to 0. :param magnitude: Scaling factor of a radius. :return: Sampled 3d point. Type: numpy.array. """ direction = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=2) if np.count_nonzero(direction) == 0: direction[0] = 1e-5 norm = np.sqrt( sampled_point = np.append(list(map(lambda x: magnitude * x / norm, direction)), 0) return sampled_point
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_clockwise(rel_point: Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]], sampled_point: Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]]) -> bool: """ Checks if the sampled_point is in the clockwise direction in relation to the rel_point. :param rel_point: Point relative to which the test is performed. :param sampled_point: Point for which test is performed. :return: True if the sampled_point lies in the clockwise direction in relation to the rel_point, False if not. """ return (-rel_point[0] * sampled_point[1] + rel_point[1] * sampled_point[0]) > 0