Source code for blenderproc.python.sampler.Shell

import numpy as np
from typing import Union, List

from mathutils import Vector

[docs]def shell(center: Union[Vector, np.ndarray, List[float]], radius_min: float, radius_max: float, elevation_min: float = -90, elevation_max: float = 90, azimuth_min: float = -180, azimuth_max: float = 180, uniform_volume: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a point from the volume between two spheres (radius_min, radius_max). Optionally the spheres can be constraint by setting elevation and azimuth angles. E.g. if you only want to sample in the upper hemisphere set elevation_min = 0. :param center: Center shared by both spheres. :param radius_min: Radius of the smaller sphere. :param radius_max: Radius of the bigger sphere. :param elevation_min: Minimum angle of elevation in degrees. Range: [-90, 90]. :param elevation_max: Maximum angle of elevation in degrees. Range: [-90, 90]. :param azimuth_min: Minimum angle of azimuth in degrees. Range: [-180, 180]. :param azimuth_max: Maximum angle of azimuth in degrees. Range: [-180, 180]. :param uniform_volume: Instead of sampling the angles and radius uniformly, sample the shell volume uniformly. As a result, there will be more samples at larger radii. :return: A sampled point. """ center = np.array(center) assert -180 <= azimuth_min <= 180, "azimuth_min must be in range [-180, 180]" assert -180 <= azimuth_max <= 180, "azimuth_max must be in range [-180, 180]" assert -90 <= elevation_min <= 90, "elevation_min must be in range [-90, 90]" assert -90 <= elevation_min <= 90, "elevation_max must be in range [-90, 90]" assert azimuth_min < azimuth_max, "azimuth_min must be smaller than azimuth_max" assert elevation_min < elevation_max, "elevation_min must be smaller than elevation_max" if uniform_volume: radius = radius_min + (radius_max - radius_min) * np.cbrt(np.random.rand()) # rejection sampling constr_fulfilled = False while not constr_fulfilled: direction_vector = np.random.randn(3) direction_vector /= np.linalg.norm(direction_vector) # xy = direction_vector[0]*direction_vector[0] + direction_vector[1]*direction_vector[1] elevation = np.arctan2(direction_vector[2], np.sqrt(xy)) azimuth = np.arctan2(direction_vector[1], direction_vector[0]) elev_constraint = np.deg2rad(elevation_min) < elevation < np.deg2rad(elevation_max) azim_constraint = np.deg2rad(azimuth_min) < azimuth < np.deg2rad(azimuth_max) constr_fulfilled = elev_constraint and azim_constraint else: el_sampled = np.deg2rad(elevation_min + (elevation_max - elevation_min) * np.random.rand()) az_sampled = np.deg2rad(azimuth_min + (azimuth_max - azimuth_min) * np.random.rand()) # spherical to cartesian coordinates direction_vector = np.array([np.sin(np.pi / 2 - el_sampled) * np.cos(az_sampled), np.sin(np.pi / 2 - el_sampled) * np.sin(az_sampled), np.cos(np.pi / 2 - el_sampled)]) # Calculate the uniform radius radius = np.random.uniform(radius_min, radius_max) # Get the coordinates of a sampled point inside the shell position = direction_vector * radius + center return position