from typing import Union, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from mathutils import Euler, Vector
import bpy
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
from blenderproc.python.types.EntityUtility import Entity
[docs]class Armature(Entity):
def __init__(self, bpy_object: bpy.types.Object):
[docs] def set_rotation_euler(self, rotation_euler: Union[float, list, Euler, np.ndarray], mode: str = "absolute", frame: int = None):
""" Rotates the armature based on euler angles. Validates values with given constraints.
:param rotation_euler: The amount of rotation (in radians). Either three floats for x, y and z axes, or a single float.
In the latter case, the axis of rotation is derived based on the rotation constraint. If
these are not properly set (i.e., two axes must have equal min/max values) an exception will be thrown.
:param mode: One of ["absolute", "relative"]. For absolute rotations we clip the rotation value based on the constraints.
For relative we don't - this will result in inverse motion after the constraint's limits have been reached.
:param frame: Keyframe where to insert the respective rotations.
assert mode in ["absolute", "relative"]
bone = self.blender_obj.pose.bones.get('Bone') = True
bone.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
# in absolute mode we overwrite the rotation values of the armature
if mode == "absolute":
if isinstance(rotation_euler, float):
axis = self._determine_rotation_axis()
rotation_euler = self._clip_value_from_constraint(value=rotation_euler, constraint_name="Limit Rotation", axis=axis)
current_rotation_euler = bone.rotation_euler
current_rotation_euler[["X", "Y", "Z"].index(axis)] = rotation_euler
bone.rotation_euler = current_rotation_euler
print(f"Set rotation_euler of armature {self.get_name()} to {rotation_euler}")
bone.rotation_euler = Vector([self._clip_value_from_constraint(value=rot_euler, constraint_name="Limit Rotation", axis=axis)
for rot_euler, axis in zip(rotation_euler, ["X", "Y", "Z"])])
print(f"Set rotation_euler of armature {self.get_name()} to {rotation_euler}")
# in relative mode we add the rotation to the current value
elif mode == "relative":
if isinstance(rotation_euler, float):
axis = self._determine_rotation_axis()
bone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis(axis, rotation_euler)
print(f"Relatively rotated armature {self.get_name()} around axis {axis} for {rotation_euler} radians")
for axis, rotation in zip(["X", "Y", "Z"], rotation_euler):
bone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis(axis, rotation)
print(f"Relatively rotated armature {self.get_name()} for {rotation_euler} radians")
Utility.insert_keyframe(bone, "rotation_euler", frame)
if frame is not None and frame > bpy.context.scene.frame_end:
bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
[docs] def _determine_rotation_axis(self):
""" Determines the single rotation axis and checks if the constraints are set well to have only one axis of freedom.
:return: The single rotation axis ('X', 'Y' or 'Z').
c = self.get_constraint(constraint_name="Limit Rotation")
assert c is not None, f"Tried to determine the single rotation axis but no rotation constraints are set!"
axes = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
if c.use_limit_x and c.min_x == c.max_x:
if c.use_limit_y and c.min_y == c.max_y:
if c.use_limit_z and c.min_z == c.max_z:
assert len(axes) == 1, f"Constraints are set wrong for a rotation around a single axis. Only one axis should " \
f"be allowed to move, but found freedom in {len(axes)} axes of armature " \
f"{self.get_name()} (constraint: {c}, uses limits (xyz): " \
f"{c.use_limit_x, c.use_limit_y, c.use_limit_z}, " \
f"values: {c.min_x, c.max_x, c.min_y, c.max_y, c.min_z, c.max_z})."
return axes[0]
[docs] def _clip_value_from_constraint(self, value: float, constraint_name: str, axis: str) -> float:
""" Checks if an axis is constraint, and clips the value to the min/max of this constraint. If the constraint does not exist, nothing is done.
:param value: Value to be clipped.
:param constraint_name: Name of the constraint.
:param axis: Axis to check.
:return: Clipped value if a constraint is set, else the initial value.
c = self.get_constraint(constraint_name=constraint_name)
if c is not None:
min_value = eval(f"c.min_{axis.lower()}")
max_value = eval(f"c.max_{axis.lower()}")
print(f"Clipping {value} to be in range {min_value}, {max_value}")
if value < min_value:
return min_value
elif value > max_value:
return max_value
return value
[docs] def add_constraint_if_not_existing(self, constraint_name: str) -> bpy.types.Constraint:
""" Adds a new constraint if it doesn't exist, and returns the specified constraint.
:param constraint_name: Name of the desired constraint.
if constraint_name not in self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"].constraints.keys():
self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"]' ', '_'))
return self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"].constraints[constraint_name]
[docs] def set_rotation_constraint(self, x_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None, y_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None, z_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None):
""" Sets rotation constraints on the armature's bone.
:param x_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max radiant values along the x-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
:param y_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max radiant values along the y-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
:param z_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max radiant values along the z-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
if x_limits is None and y_limits is None and z_limits is None:
# add new constraint if it doesn't exist
constraint = self.add_constraint_if_not_existing(constraint_name="Limit Rotation")
if x_limits is not None:
constraint.use_limit_x = True
constraint.min_x, constraint.max_x = x_limits
if y_limits is not None:
constraint.use_limit_y = True
constraint.min_y, constraint.max_y = y_limits
if z_limits is not None:
constraint.use_limit_z = True
constraint.min_z, constraint.max_z = z_limits
constraint.owner_space = "LOCAL"
[docs] def set_location_constraint(self, x_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None, y_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None, z_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None):
""" Sets location constraints on the armature's bone.
:param x_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max values along the x-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
:param y_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max values along the y-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
:param z_limits: A list of two float values specifying min/max values along the z-axis or None if no constraint should be applied.
if x_limits is None and y_limits is None and z_limits is None:
# add new constraint if it doesn't exist
constraint = self.add_constraint_if_not_existing(constraint_name="Limit Location")
if x_limits is not None:
constraint.use_min_x = True
constraint.use_max_x = True
constraint.min_x, constraint.max_x = x_limits
if y_limits is not None:
constraint.use_min_y = True
constraint.use_max_y = True
constraint.min_y, constraint.max_y = y_limits
if z_limits is not None:
constraint.use_min_z = True
constraint.use_max_z = True
constraint.min_z, constraint.max_z = z_limits
constraint.owner_space = "LOCAL"
[docs] def get_constraint(self, constraint_name: str) -> Optional[bpy.types.Constraint]:
""" Returns the desired constraint if existing; otherwise None.
:param constraint_name: Name of the constraint.
:return: Constraint if it exists; else None.
if constraint_name in self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"].constraints.keys():
return self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"].constraints[constraint_name]
return None
[docs] def get_location_constraint(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Constraint]:
""" Returns the location constraint if existing; otherwise None.
:return: Location constraint if it exists; else None.
return self.get_constraint(constraint_name="Limit Location")
[docs] def get_rotation_constraint(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Constraint]:
""" Returns the rotation constraint if existing; otherwise None.
:return: Rotation constraint if it exists; else None.
return self.get_constraint(constraint_name="Limit Rotation")
[docs] def remove_constraint(self, constraint_key: str):
""" Removes a specified constraint.
:param constraint_key: Key to be removed.
bone = self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"]
[docs] def remove_constraints(self):
""" Removes all constraints of the armature. """
bone = self.blender_obj.pose.bones["Bone"]
for constraint_key in bone.constraints.keys():
[docs] def hide(self, hide_object: bool = True):
""" Sets the visibility of the object.
:param hide_object: Determines whether the object should be hidden in rendering.
self.blender_obj.hide_render = hide_object