Source code for blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility

from collections import defaultdict

import bpy
import bmesh
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector

import numpy as np
import imageio
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Dict, Any

from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
import cv2

[docs]def add_object_only_with_vertices(vertices: List[List[float]], name: str = 'NewVertexObject') -> bpy.types.Object: """ Generates a new object with the given vertices, no edges or faces are generated. :param vertices: [[float, float, float]] list of vertices :param name: str name of the new object :return: the generated obj """ mesh ='mesh') # create new object obj =, mesh) # TODO check if this always works? col ='Collection') # link object in collection # convert vertices to mesh bm = for v in vertices: bm.to_mesh(mesh) return obj
[docs]def add_object_only_with_direction_vectors(vertices: List[List[float]], normals: List[List[float]], radius: float = 1.0, name: str = 'NewDirectionObject') -> bpy.types.Object: """ Generates a new object with the given vertices and normals, there will be an edge between each point and the point plus the normal times the radius. No faces are generated. :param vertices: [[float, float, float]] list of vertices :param normals: [[float, float, float]] list of normals :param radius: Determines the size of the edge generated :param name: str name of the new object :return: the generated obj """ if len(vertices) != len(normals): raise Exception("The lenght of the vertices and normals is not equal!") mesh ='mesh') # create new object obj =, mesh) # TODO check if this always works? col ='Collection') # link object in collection # convert vertices to mesh bm = for v, n in zip(vertices, normals): v1 = new_vert = v + n * radius v2 =[v1, v2]) bm.to_mesh(mesh) return obj
[docs]def add_cube_based_on_bb(bouding_box: List[Vector], name: str = 'NewCube') -> bpy.types.Object: """ Generates a cube based on the given bounding box, the bounding_box can be generated with our get_bounds(obj) fct. :param bounding_box: bound_box [8x[3xfloat]], with 8 vertices for each corner :param name: name of the new cube :return: the generated object """ if len(bouding_box) != 8: raise Exception("The amount of vertices is wrong for this bounding box!") mesh ='mesh') # create new object obj =, mesh) # TODO check if this always works? col ='Collection') # link object in collection # convert vertices to mesh new_vertices = [] bm = for v in bouding_box: new_vertices.append( # create all 6 surfaces, the ordering is depending on the ordering of the vertices in the bounding box[new_vertices[0], new_vertices[1], new_vertices[2], new_vertices[3]])[new_vertices[0], new_vertices[4], new_vertices[5], new_vertices[1]])[new_vertices[1], new_vertices[5], new_vertices[6], new_vertices[2]])[new_vertices[2], new_vertices[3], new_vertices[7], new_vertices[6]])[new_vertices[0], new_vertices[4], new_vertices[7], new_vertices[3]])[new_vertices[4], new_vertices[5], new_vertices[6], new_vertices[7]]) bm.to_mesh(mesh) return obj
[docs]def get_all_blender_mesh_objects() -> List[bpy.types.Object]: """ Returns a list of all mesh objects in the scene :return: a list of all mesh objects """ return [obj for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects if obj.type == 'MESH']
[docs]def get_all_materials() -> List[bpy.types.Material]: """ Returns a list of all materials used and unused :return: a list of all materials """ return list(
[docs]def get_all_textures() -> List[bpy.types.Texture]: """ Returns a list of all textures. :return: All textures. Type: list. """ return list(
[docs]def load_image(file_path: str, num_channels: int = 3) -> np.ndarray: """ Load the image at the given path returns its pixels as a numpy array. The alpha channel is neglected. :param file_path: The path to the image. :param num_channels: Number of channels to return. :return: The numpy array """ file_ending = file_path[file_path.rfind(".") + 1:].lower() if file_ending in ["exr", "png"]: try: return imageio.imread(file_path)[:, :, :num_channels] except ValueError as e: print("It seems the freeimage library which is necessary to read .exr files cannot be found on your computer.") print("Gonna try to download it automatically.") # Since PEP 476 the certificate of https connections is verified per default. # However, in the blender python env no local certificates seem to be found which makes certification impossible. # Therefore, we have to switch certificate verification off for now. import ssl if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): prev_context = ssl._create_default_https_context ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # Download free image library # Undo certificate check changes if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): ssl._create_default_https_context = prev_context try: # Try again return imageio.imread(file_path)[:, :, :num_channels] except ValueError as e: error = "The automatic installation of the freeimage library failed, so you need to install the imageio .exr extension manually. This is quite simple: \n" error += "Use a different python environment (not blenders internal environment), `pip install imageio`.\n" error += 'And then execute the following command in this env: \n' error += '`python -c "import imageio;"`\n' error += "Now everything should work -> run the pipeline again." raise Exception(error) elif file_ending in ["jpg"]: img = cv2.imread(file_path) # reads an image in the BGR format img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return img else: raise NotImplementedError("File with ending " + file_ending + " cannot be loaded.")
[docs]def collect_all_orphan_datablocks() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns all orphan data blocks grouped by their type :return: A dict of sets """ orphans = defaultdict(set) # Go over all datablock types for collection_name in dir( collection = getattr(, collection_name) if isinstance(collection, bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection): # Go over all datablocks of that type for datablock in collection: # Add them to the list if they are orphan if datablock.users == 0: orphans[collection_name].add(datablock) return orphans
[docs]def copy_attributes(attributes: list, old_prop: str, new_prop: str): """ Copies the list of attributes from the old to the new prop if the attribute exists. :param: attributes: Current selected attributes :param: old_prop: Old property :param: new_prop: New property """ # check if the attribute exists and copy it for attr in attributes: if hasattr(new_prop, attr): setattr(new_prop, attr, getattr(old_prop, attr))
[docs]def get_node_attributes(node: bpy.types.Node) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of all properties identifiers if they should not be ignored :param: node: the node which attributes should be returned :return: list of attributes of the given node """ # all attributes that shouldn't be copied ignore_attributes = ("rna_type", "type", "dimensions", "inputs", "outputs", "internal_links", "select", "texture_mapping", "color_mapping", "image_user", "interface") attributes = [] for attr in # check if the attribute should be copied and add it to the list of attributes to copy if not attr.identifier in ignore_attributes and not attr.identifier.split("_")[0] == "bl": attributes.append(attr.identifier) return attributes
[docs]def copy_nodes(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, goal_nodes: bpy.types.Nodes): """ Copies all nodes from the given list into the group with their attributes :param: node: the nodes which should be copied :param: goal_nodes: the nodes where they should be copied too """ if len(goal_nodes) > 0: raise Exception(f"This function only works if goal_nodes was empty before, has {len(goal_nodes)} elements.") # the attributes that should be copied for every link input_attributes = ["default_value", "name"] output_attributes = ["default_value", "name"] for node in nodes: # create a new node in the goal_nodes and find and copy its attributes new_node = node_attributes = get_node_attributes(node) copy_attributes(node_attributes, node, new_node) # copy the attributes for all inputs for inp, new_inp in zip(node.inputs, new_node.inputs): copy_attributes(input_attributes, inp, new_inp) # copy the attributes for all outputs for out, new_out in zip(node.outputs, new_node.outputs): copy_attributes(output_attributes, out, new_out)
[docs]def add_group_nodes(group: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree) -> Tuple[bpy.types.Node, bpy.types.Node]: """ Adds the group input and output node and positions them correctly. :param group: the group which will get an output and input node :return bpy.types.NodeGroupInput, bpy.types.NodeGroupOutput: the input and output to the given group """ # add group input and output group_input ="NodeGroupInput") group_output ="NodeGroupOutput") # if there are any nodes in the group, find the min and maxi x position of all nodes and position the group nodes if len(group.nodes) > 0: min_pos = 9999999 max_pos = -9999999 for node in group.nodes: if node.location[0] < min_pos: min_pos = node.location[0] elif node.location[0] + node.width > max_pos: max_pos = node.location[0] group_input.location = (min_pos - 250, 0) group_output.location = (max_pos + 250, 0) return group_input, group_output
[docs]def copy_nodes_from_mat_to_material(from_material: bpy.types.Material, to_material: bpy.types.Material): """ Copy nodes from one material to another material :param from_material: The material from which the nodes are selected :param to_material: The material to which the nodes will be copied """ # get the list of all selected nodes from the active objects active material nodes = from_material.node_tree.nodes # copy all nodes from from_material to the to_material with all their attributes copy_nodes(nodes, to_material.node_tree.nodes) # copy the links between the nodes to the to_material copy_links(nodes, to_material.node_tree.nodes, to_material.node_tree.links)
[docs]def add_nodes_to_group(nodes: bpy.types.Node, group_name: str) -> bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree: """ Creates the node group, copies all attributes and links and adds the group input and output :param nodes: Nodes, which should be used :param group_name: Name of the group :return bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree: the group which can be used inside of a bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup """ # create new node group group =, type="ShaderNodeTree") # copy all nodes from the list to the created group with all their attributes copy_nodes(nodes, group.nodes) # copy the links between the nodes to the created groups nodes copy_links(nodes, group.nodes, group.links) # add the group input and output node to the created group group_input, group_output = add_group_nodes(group) # check if the selection of nodes goes over a material, if so replace the material output with the output of # the group material_outputs = Utility.get_nodes_with_type(group.nodes, "OutputMaterial") if len(material_outputs) == 1: for input in material_outputs[0].inputs:, for link in input.links:, group_output.inputs[]) # remove the material output, the material output should never be inside of a group group.nodes.remove(material_outputs[0]) return group