blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility module

blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.add_cube_based_on_bb(bouding_box, name='NewCube')[source]

Generates a cube based on the given bounding box, the bounding_box can be generated with our get_bounds(obj) fct.

  • bounding_box – bound_box [8x[3xfloat]], with 8 vertices for each corner
  • name (str) – name of the new cube
Return type:



the generated object


Adds the group input and output node and positions them correctly.

Parameters:group (ShaderNodeTree) – the group which will get an output and input node
Return bpy.types.NodeGroupInput, bpy.types.NodeGroupOutput:
 the input and output to the given group
Return type:Tuple[Node, Node]
blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.add_nodes_to_group(nodes, group_name)[source]

Creates the node group, copies all attributes and links and adds the group input and output

  • nodes (Node) – Nodes, which should be used
  • group_name (str) – Name of the group
Return bpy.types.ShaderNodeTree:

the group which can be used inside of a bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup

Return type:


blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.add_object_only_with_direction_vectors(vertices, normals, radius=1.0, name='NewDirectionObject')[source]

Generates a new object with the given vertices and normals, there will be an edge between each point and the point plus the normal times the radius. No faces are generated.

  • vertices (List[List[float]]) – [[float, float, float]] list of vertices
  • normals (List[List[float]]) – [[float, float, float]] list of normals
  • radius (float) – Determines the size of the edge generated
  • name (str) – str name of the new object
Return type:



the generated obj

blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.add_object_only_with_vertices(vertices, name='NewVertexObject')[source]

Generates a new object with the given vertices, no edges or faces are generated.

  • vertices (List[List[float]]) – [[float, float, float]] list of vertices
  • name (str) – str name of the new object
Return type:



the generated obj


Returns all orphan data blocks grouped by their type

Return type:Dict[str, Any]
Returns:A dict of sets
blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.copy_attributes(attributes, old_prop, new_prop)[source]

Copies the list of attributes from the old to the new prop if the attribute exists.

Param:attributes: Current selected attributes
Param:old_prop: Old property
Param:new_prop: New property

Copies all links between the nodes to goal_links with the goal_nodes.

  • nodes (Nodes) – Nodes, which are used as base for the copying
  • goal_nodes (Nodes) – Nodes, which are will be newly connected
  • goal_links (NodeLinks) – Links, where all the newly generated links are saved
blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.copy_nodes(nodes, goal_nodes)[source]

Copies all nodes from the given list into the group with their attributes

Param:node: the nodes which should be copied
Param:goal_nodes: the nodes where they should be copied too
blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.copy_nodes_from_mat_to_material(from_material, to_material)[source]

Copy nodes from one material to another material

  • from_material (Material) – The material from which the nodes are selected
  • to_material (Material) – The material to which the nodes will be copied

Returns a list of all mesh objects in the scene :rtype: List[Object] :return: a list of all mesh objects


Returns a list of all materials used and unused :rtype: List[Material] :return: a list of all materials


Returns a list of all textures. :rtype: List[Texture] :return: All textures. Type: list.


Returns a list of all properties identifiers if they should not be ignored

Param:node: the node which attributes should be returned
Return type:List[str]
Returns:list of attributes of the given node
blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility.load_image(file_path, num_channels=3)[source]

Load the image at the given path returns its pixels as a numpy array.

The alpha channel is neglected.

  • file_path (str) – The path to the image.
  • num_channels (int) – Number of channels to return.
Return type:



The numpy array