
normals and color rendering of example table

The focus of this example is the haven dataset collection.

In order to use this example first download all the haven assets via the haven download script:

blenderproc download haven

This will download all 3D models, all environment HDRs and also all textures they provide.


Execute in the BlenderProc main directory:

blenderproc run examples/datasets/haven/main.py resources/haven/models/ArmChair_01/ArmChair_01_2k.blend resources/haven examples/datasets/haven/output
  • examples/datasets/haven/main.py: path to the python file with pipeline configuration.
  • resources/haven/models/ArmChair_01/ArmChair_01.blend: Path to the blend file, from the haven dataset, browse the model folder, for all possible options
  • resources/haven: The folder where the hdri folder can be found, to load an world environment
  • examples/datasets/haven/output: path to the output directory.


In the output folder you will find a series of .hdf5 containers. These can be visualized with the script:

blenderproc vis hdf5 examples/datasets/haven/output/*.hdf5


  • The BlendLoader loads the given blend file and extracts the object
  • Then the HavenEnvironmentLoader loads a randomly selected HDR image as world environment

Python file (main.py)


# Load the object into the scene
objs = bproc.loader.load_blend(args.blend_path)

The bproc.loader.load_blend() loads the given blend file and extracts the object from it.


# Set a random hdri from the given haven directory as background
haven_hdri_path = bproc.loader.get_random_world_background_hdr_img_path_from_haven(args.haven_path)

This loader will load a random HDR image and will use it as an environment background for the scene.