SUNCG scene with custom camera sampling

In contrast to the SUNCG basic example, we do not load precomputed camera poses here, but sample them.


Execute in the BlenderProc main directory:

blenderpoc run examples/datasets/suncg_with_cam_sampling/ <path to house.json> examples/datasets/suncg_with_cam_sampling/output
  • examples/datasets/suncg_with_cam_sampling/ path to the python file with pipeline configuration.
  • <path to house.json>: Path to the house.json file of the SUNCG scene you want to render.
  • examples/datasets/suncg_with_cam_sampling/output: path to the output directory.


Visualize the generated data:

blenderproc vis hdf5 examples/datasets/suncg_with_cam_sampling/output/0.hdf5


  • Loads a SUNCG scene.
  • Sample camera positions inside every room.
  • Automatically adds light sources inside each room.
  • Writes sampled camera poses to file.
  • Renders semantic segmentation map.
  • Renders rgb, depth and normals.
  • Merges all into an .hdf5 file.

Python file (


# Init sampler for sampling locations inside the loaded suncg house
point_sampler = bproc.sampler.SuncgPointInRoomSampler(objs)
# Init bvh tree containing all mesh objects
bvh_tree = bproc.object.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects([o for o in objs if isinstance(o, bproc.types.MeshObject)])
poses = 0
tries = 0
while tries < 10000 and poses < 5:
    # Sample point inside house
    height = np.random.uniform(0.5, 2)
    location, _ = point_sampler.sample(height)
    # Sample rotation (fix around X and Y axis)
    euler_rotation = np.random.uniform([1.2217, 0, 0], [1.2217, 0, 6.283185307])
    cam2world_matrix = bproc.math.build_transformation_mat(location, euler_rotation)

    # Check that obstacles are at least 1 meter away from the camera and make sure the view interesting enough
    if, {"min": 1.0}, bvh_tree) and > 0.4:
        poses += 1
    tries +=

With this we want to sample 5 valid camera poses inside the loaded SUNCG rooms. The x and y coordinate are hereby automatically sampled uniformly across a random room, while we configure the z coordinate to lie between 0.5m and 2m above the ground. Regarding the camera rotation we fix the pitch angle to 70°, the roll angle to and sample the yaw angle uniformly between and 360°.

After sampling a pose the pose is only accepted if it is valid according to the properties we have specified:

  • Per default a camera pose is only accepted, if there is no object between it and the floor
  • As we enabled proximity_checks with a min value of 1.0, we then only accept the pose if every object in front of it is at least 1 meter away
  • At the end we also check if the sampled view is interesting enough. Therefore a score is calculated based on the number of objects that are visible and how much space they occupy. Only if the score is above 0.4 the pose is accepted.