blenderproc.python.modules.object.ObjectPoseSamplerModule module

class blenderproc.python.modules.object.ObjectPoseSamplerModule.ObjectPoseSamplerModule(config)[source]

Bases: blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module.Module

Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and bounding box collision checks.

Example 1: Sample poses (locations and rotations) for objects with a suctom property sample_pose set to True.

  "module": "object.ObjectPoseSampler",
    "max_iterations": 1000,
    "objects_to_sample": {
      "provider": "getter.Entity",
      "condition": {
        "cp_sample_pose": True
      "provider": "sampler.Uniform3d",
      "max": [5,5,5],
      "min": [-5,-5,-5]
    "rot_sampler": {
      "provider": "sampler.Uniform3d",
      "max": [0,0,0],
      "min": [6.28,6.28,6.28]
Parameter Description Type
objects_to_sample Here call an appropriate Provider (Getter) in order to select objects. Default: all mesh objects. Provider
objects_to_check_collisions Here call an appropriate Provider (Getter) in order to select objects that you want to check collisions with. Default: all mesh objects. Provider
max_iterations Amount of tries before giving up on an object and moving to the next one. Default: 1000. int
pos_sampler Here call an appropriate Provider (Sampler) in order to sample position (XYZ 3d vector) for each object. Provider
rot_sampler Here call an appropriate Provider (Sampler) in order to sample rotation (Euler angles 3d vector) for each object. Provider

Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and bounding box collision checks in the following steps: 1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 2. If no collisions are found keep the point.