blenderproc.python.writer.WriterUtility module

class blenderproc.python.writer.WriterUtility.WriterUtility[source]

Bases: object

static _get_shapenet_attribute(shapenet_obj, attribute_name, local_frame_change=None, world_frame_change=None)[source]

Returns the value of the requested attribute for the given object.

  • shapenet_obj (Object) – The ShapeNet object.
  • attribute_name (str) – The attribute name.
  • local_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
  • world_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]

The attribute value.

static _get_stereo_path_pair(file_path)[source]

Returns stereoscopic file path pair for a given “normal” image file path.

Parameters:file_path (str) – The file path of a single image.
Return type:Tuple[str, str]
Returns:The pair of file paths corresponding to the stereo images,
static _load_csv(file_path)[source]

Load the csv file at the given path.

Parameters:file_path (str) – The path. Type: string.
Return type:List[Any]
Returns:The content of the file
static _write_to_hdf_file(file, key, data, compression='gzip')[source]

Adds the given data as a new entry to the given hdf5 file.

  • file – The hdf5 file handle. Type: hdf5.File
  • key (str) – The key at which the data should be stored in the hdf5 file.
  • data (Union[ndarray, list, dict]) – The data to store.
static get_cam_attribute(cam_ob, attribute_name, local_frame_change=None, world_frame_change=None)[source]

Returns the value of the requested attribute for the given object.

  • cam_ob (<bpy_struct, Object("Camera") at 0x7f3820897408>) – The camera object.
  • attribute_name (str) – The attribute name.
  • local_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
  • world_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
Return type:



The attribute value.

static get_common_attribute(item, attribute_name, local_frame_change=None, world_frame_change=None)[source]

Returns the value of the requested attribute for the given item.

This method covers all general attributes that blender objects have.

  • item (Object) – The item. Type: blender object.
  • attribute_name (str) – The attribute name. Type: string.
  • local_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
  • world_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
Return type:



The attribute value.

static get_light_attribute(light, attribute_name, local_frame_change=None, world_frame_change=None)[source]

Returns the value of the requested attribute for the given light.

  • light (Light) – The light. Type: blender scene object of type light.
  • attribute_name (str) – The attribute name.
  • local_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the local coordinate frame of matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
  • world_frame_change (Optional[List[str]]) – Can be used to change the world coordinate frame of points and matrices. Default: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”]
Return type:



The attribute value.

static load_output_file(file_path, load_alpha_channel=False, remove=True)[source]

Tries to read in the file with the given path into a numpy array.

  • file_path (str) – The file path. Type: string.
  • load_alpha_channel (bool) – Whether to load the alpha channel as well. Type: bool. Default: False
  • remove (bool) – Whether to delete file after loading.
Return type:

Union[ndarray, List[Any]]


Loaded data from the file as numpy array if possible.

static load_registered_outputs(keys, keys_with_alpha_channel=None)[source]

Loads registered outputs with specified keys

  • keys (Set[str]) – set of output_key types to load
  • keys_with_alpha_channel (Optional[Set[str]]) – A set containing all keys whose alpha channels should be loaded.
Return type:

Dict[str, Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]]


dict of lists of raw loaded outputs. Keys are e.g. ‘distance’, ‘colors’, ‘normals’, ‘segmap’

blenderproc.python.writer.WriterUtility.write_hdf5(output_dir_path, output_data_dict, append_to_existing_output=False, stereo_separate_keys=False)[source]

Saves the information provided inside of the output_data_dict into a .hdf5 container

  • output_dir_path (str) – The folder path in which the .hdf5 containers will be generated
  • output_data_dict (Dict[str, List[Union[ndarray, list, dict]]]) – The container, which keeps the different images, which should be saved to disc. Each key will be saved as its own key in the .hdf5 container.
  • append_to_existing_output (bool) – If this is True, the output_dir_path folder will be scanned for pre-existing .hdf5 containers and the numbering of the newly added containers, will start right where the last run left off.
  • stereo_separate_keys (bool) – If this is True and the rendering was done in stereo mode, than the stereo images won’t be saved in one tensor [2, img_x, img_y, channels], where the img[0] is the left image and img[1] the right. They will be saved in separate keys: for example for colors in colors_0 and colors_1.