Basic SUNCG scene

Renders a SUNCG scene using precomputed camera poses read from file.


Execute in the BlenderProc main directory:

blenderpoc run examples/datasets/suncg_basic/ <path to cam_pose file> <path to house.json> examples/datasets/suncg_basic/output
  • examples/datasets/suncg_basic/ path to the python file with pipeline configuration.
  • <path to cam_pose file>: Should point to a file which describes one camera pose per line (here the output of scn2cam from the SUNCGToolbox can be used).
  • <path to house.json>: Path to the house.json file of the SUNCG scene you want to render.
  • examples/datasets/suncg_basic/output: path to the output directory.


Visualize the generated data:

blenderproc vis hdf5 examples/datasets/suncg_basic/output/0.hdf5


  • Loads a SUNCG scene: bproc.loader.load_suncg.
  • Loads camera positions from a given file.
  • Automatically adds light sources inside each room.
  • Renders semantic segmentation map.
  • Renders rgb, depth and normals.
  • Merges all into an .hdf5 file.

Python file (


label_mapping = bproc.utility.LabelIdMapping.from_csv(bproc.utility.resolve_resource(os.path.join('id_mappings', 'nyu_idset.csv')))
objs = bproc.loader.load_suncg(, label_mapping=label_mapping)

This loader automatically loads a SUNCG scene/house given the corresponding house.json file. Therefore all objects specified in the given house.json file are imported and textured. The SuncgLoader also sets the category_id of each object, such that semantic segmentation maps can be rendered in a following step.


with open(, "r") as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        line = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
        position = bproc.math.change_coordinate_frame_of_point(line[:3], ["X", "-Z", "Y"])
        rotation = bproc.math.change_coordinate_frame_of_point(line[3:6], ["X", "-Z", "Y"])
        matrix_world = bproc.math.build_transformation_mat(position,

Here the cam poses from the given file are loaded.


This automatically sets light sources inside the loaded house. Therefore each window, lamp or lampshade gets an emissive material and also the ceiling is made to slowly emit light to make sure even rooms without lights or windows are not completely dark.