blenderproc.python.modules.object.FloorExtractorModule module

class blenderproc.python.modules.object.FloorExtractorModule.FloorExtractorModule(config)[source]

Bases: blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module.Module

Will search for the specified object and splits the surfaces which point upwards at a specified level away

Example 1, in which no height_list_path is set, here the floor is extracted automatically. By finding the group of polygons with the lowest median in Z direction.

  "module": "object.FloorExtractor",
  "config": {
    "selector": {  # this will select the object, which gets splitt up
      "provider": "getter.Entity",
      "conditions": {
        "name": "wall"
    "compare_angle_degrees" : 7.5,  # this is the maximum angle in degree, in which the face can be twisted
    "compare_height": 0.15,  # the compare height is used after finding the floor

Example 2, here the ceiling is extracted and not the floor. This is done by using the up_vector_upwards key, which is set to False here, so the polygons have to face in [0, 0, -1] direction. This will also flip, the search mechanism, now the highest group of polygons are used, not the lowest.

  "module": "object.FloorExtractor",
  "config": {
    "selector": {
      "provider": "getter.Entity",
      "conditions": {
        "name": "wall"  # the wall object here contains the ceiling
    "up_vector_upwards": False,  # the polygons are now facing downwards: [0, 0, -1]
    "compare_angle_degrees" : 7.5,
    "compare_height": 0.15,
    "name_for_split_obj": "Ceiling"  # this is the new name of the object

Example 3, if you are using this to extract the floor of replica scenes, to place objects on top of them.

  "module": "object.FloorExtractor",
  "config": {
    "selector": {
      "provider": "getter.Entity",
      "conditions": {
        "name": "mesh"  # the wall object here contains the ceiling
    "compare_angle_degrees" : 7.5,
    "compare_height": 0.15,
    "name_for_split_obj": "floor"


Parameter Description Type
selector Objects to where all polygons will be extracted. Provider
compare_angle_degrees Maximum difference between the up vector and the current polygon normal in degrees. Default: 7.5. float
compare_height Maximum difference in Z direction between the polygons median point and the specified height of the room. Default: 0.15. float
height_list_path Path to a file with height values. If none is provided, a ceiling and floor is automatically detected. This might fail. The height_list_values can be specified in a list like fashion in the file: [0.0, 2.0]. These values are in the same size the dataset is in, which is usually meters. The content must always be a list, e.g. [0.0]. string
name_for_split_obj Name for the newly created object, which faces fulfill the given parameters. Default: “Floor”. string
up_vector_upwards If this is True the up_vec points upwards -> [0, 0, 1] if not it points downwards: [0, 0, -1] in world coordinates. This vector is used for the compare_angle_degrees option. Default: True. bool
add_properties With add_properties it is possible to set custom properties for the newly separated objects. Use cp_ prefix for keys. dict
should_skip_if_object_is_already_there If this is true no extraction will be done, if an object is there, which has the same name as name_for_split_obj, which would be used for the newly created object. Default: False. bool

Extracts floors in the following steps: 1. Searchs for the specified object. 2. Splits the surfaces which point upwards at a specified level away.