

Bases: blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module.Module

Adds lighting to the scene, by adding emission shader nodes to surfaces of specified objects. The speciality here is that the material can still look like before and now also emit light if emission_color is not set. If the material should not be kept this can be set to False and with the key emission_color a new color can be set, if none is given it will assume [1, 1, 1], which is white.


Parameter Description Type
selection Selection of objects, via the getter.Entity. Provider
emission_strength The strength of the emission shader. Default: 10.0. float
emission_color If keep_using_case_color is False it is possible to set the color of the light with an RGB value. All values have to be in the range from [0, 1]. Default: None. mathutils.Vector

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