blenderproc.python.modules.main.InitializerModule module

class blenderproc.python.modules.main.InitializerModule.InitializerModule(config)[source]

Bases: blenderproc.python.modules.main.Module.Module

Does some basic initialization of the blender project.

  • Sets background color
  • Configures computing device
  • Creates camera
  • sets the device type to the fastest option possible -> OPTIX > CUDA > OPEN_CL

If you want deterministic outputs use the environment variable: “BLENDER_PROC_RANDOM_SEED” and set it to the desired seed. (random and numpy random are effected by this)


Parameter Description Type
horizon_color A list of three elements specifying rgb of the world’s horizon/background color. Default: [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]. list
global A dictionary of all global set attributes, which are used if a module does not provide a certain key. Default: {}. dict